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- ...heric retreat|retreats]] while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the w ...c beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are p ...5 KB (899 words) - 18:21, 1 May 2020
- ...heric retreat|retreats]] while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the w ...c beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are p ...6 KB (949 words) - 18:21, 1 May 2020
- ...heric retreat|retreats]] while their bodies slept at night, although their karma might not warrant it; and to be taught the instruction of the I AM in the w ...c beings came forth to assist Saint Germain, his petitions to the Lords of Karma for mercy on behalf of the mankind of earth were granted, and thus we are p ...6 KB (938 words) - 23:07, 14 November 2024
- [Sanskrit ''karman'', nominative ''karma'', “act,” “deed,” “work”] Energy/consciousness in action; the l The law of karma necessitates the soul’s [[reincarnation]] until all karmic cycles are bal ...18 KB (3,059 words) - 07:06, 4 October 2023
- ...of the Logos. The creative forcefield of the Mind of God is the source of karma. ...19 KB (2,955 words) - 06:42, 24 December 2023
- [Sanskrit ''karman'', nominative ''karma'', “act,” “deed,” “work”] Energy/consciousness in action; the l The law of karma necessitates the soul’s [[reincarnation]] until all karmic cycles are bal ...19 KB (3,227 words) - 07:05, 4 October 2023
- ...mortally preserved and charged with the resurrection flame that shall be a token of Love unto all people and a focus of the resurrection of the Divine Mind, ..., after a period [of time], when the cycles have turned and the [[Lords of Karma]] review the action of the group mandala, there is a deliberation by the [[ ...6 KB (1,081 words) - 23:40, 10 December 2024
- (Sánscrito ''karman'', nominativo ''karma'', «acto», «acción», «obra».) Karma es energía/conciencia en acción; la ley de causa y efecto y compensación La ley del karma requiere que el alma [[Special:MyLanguage/Reincarnation|reencarne]] hasta q ...20 KB (3,585 words) - 07:09, 4 October 2023
- [Sanskrítarorð ''karman'', nafnorð ''karma'', „athöfn,“ „verknaður,“ „vinna“] Orka/vitund í verki; lög ...a-verkun-endurverkun-samverkun. Skapandi kraftsvið huga Guðs er uppspretta karma. ...21 KB (3,620 words) - 09:30, 18 January 2025
- [Sanskryt ''karman'', mianownik ''karma'', „akt”, „czyn”, „praca”] Energia/świadomość w działaniu; Karma to Boża energia w działaniu. Pochodząca z Umysłu Boga energia – akcja ...19 KB (3,131 words) - 07:10, 4 October 2023
- ...र्क प्रेस, १९८६), पृष्ठ ९६. (Mahabharata 13.6.6, in Christopher Chapple, ''Karma and Creativity'' (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986), p. 96. ...48 KB (486 words) - 11:26, 15 February 2025
- (Sânscrito ''karman'', nominativo ''Karma'', “ato”, “feito”, “trabalho”) O carma é energia/consciência ...épico hindu Mahabharata,<ref>Mahabharata 13.6.6, em Christopher Chapple, ''Karma and Creativity'' (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986), p. 96. ...19 KB (3,315 words) - 05:20, 5 October 2023
- <blockquote>So great a weight of mankind’s karma do they bear that the gnomes themselves take on man’s ways, becoming grum ...tern for each rock, precious stone, and element of mineral life. By a like token, there are also many ethereal angelic beings (of the devic evolution) respo ...24 KB (4,080 words) - 20:42, 8 August 2023
- <blockquote>So great a weight of mankind’s karma do they bear that the gnomes themselves take on man’s ways, becoming grum ...tern for each rock, precious stone, and element of mineral life. By a like token, there are also many ethereal angelic beings (of the devic evolution) respo ...24 KB (4,080 words) - 20:42, 8 August 2023
- <blockquote>So great a weight of mankind’s karma do they bear that the gnomes themselves take on man’s ways, becoming grum ...tern for each rock, precious stone, and element of mineral life. By a like token, there are also many ethereal angelic beings (of the devic evolution) respo ...25 KB (4,248 words) - 20:41, 8 August 2023
- ...od then told Abraham to make a sacrifice. He did so, and God told him of a karma that would come upon his seed: ...eunited. Once again the twelve brothers became united as one mandala. As a token of his love for Joseph, Jacob took Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephrai ...34 KB (6,089 words) - 00:31, 10 January 2024
- ...od then told Abraham to make a sacrifice. He did so, and God told him of a karma that would come upon his seed: ...eunited. Once again the twelve brothers became united as one mandala. As a token of his love for Joseph, Jacob took Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephrai ...36 KB (6,329 words) - 00:31, 10 January 2024
- ...have also embodied among the Arabs and the Jews to take advantage of that karma that has existed between them.<ref>Lord Shiva, March 12, 1978, {{POWref|21| The equation of karma in the Middle East is complex and ancient. Some of the individuals now ther ...52 KB (8,794 words) - 00:03, 23 January 2024
- ...have also embodied among the Arabs and the Jews to take advantage of that karma that has existed between them.<ref>Lord Shiva, March 12, 1978, {{POWref|21| The equation of karma in the Middle East is complex and ancient. Some of the individuals now ther ...53 KB (9,054 words) - 00:03, 23 January 2024
- ...tates government has held that Tibet is a part of China and has given only token support to the Tibetan people. == The karma of Tibet == ...45 KB (7,277 words) - 04:13, 16 November 2023