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[Sânscrito, ''Avatāra'' “descida”, de ''avatarati'' “ele desce”, de ''ava-'' “longe” + ''tarati'' “ele atravessa”] Encarnação do [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Verbo]]; descida ou travessia do [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Cristo Universal]] do plano do Espírito para o plano da Matéria.  
[Sânscrito, ''Avatāra'' “descida”, de ''avatarati'' “ele desce”, de ''ava-'' “longe” + ''tarati'' “ele atravessa”] Encarnação do [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Verbo]]; descida ou travessia do [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Cristo Universal]] do plano do Espírito para o plano da Matéria.  
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''The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion'' defines ''avatar'' as
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<blockquote>an incarnation of divine consciousness on earth. An ''avatara'' is born not as the result of karma (as are ordinary human beings) but from an act of free will, and such a one is conscious of his divine mission throughout his life. He appears [in time of trouble] in order to establish new pathways for religious realization and to adapt them to the age in which he is born.</blockquote>
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== The avatar of an age ==

O avatar de uma era é o Cristo, encarnação do Filho de Deus ([[Special:MyLanguage/Vishnu|Vishnu]]), Segunda Pessoa da [[Special:MyLanguage/Trinity|Trindade]]. O avatar, com seu complemento divino, [[Special:MyLanguage/Shakti|Shakti]], ou [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|chama gêmea]], “retrata” e “reproduz” na consciência e nos [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|quatro corpos inferiores]] o padrão arquetípico do [[Special:MyLanguage/Father-Mother God|Deus Pai-Mãe]] para a evolução de almas em um ciclo de dois mil anos.  
O avatar de uma era é o Cristo, encarnação do Filho de Deus ([[Special:MyLanguage/Vishnu|Vishnu]]), Segunda Pessoa da [[Special:MyLanguage/Trinity|Trindade]]. O avatar, com seu complemento divino, [[Special:MyLanguage/Shakti|Shakti]], ou [[Special:MyLanguage/twin flame|chama gêmea]], “retrata” e “reproduz” na consciência e nos [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|quatro corpos inferiores]] o padrão arquetípico do [[Special:MyLanguage/Father-Mother God|Deus Pai-Mãe]] para a evolução de almas em um ciclo de dois mil anos.  
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Os seres Crísticos demonstram, em determinada época, a Lei do Logos, desacelerada por intermédio do(s) Manu(s) e do(s) Avatar(es) até que se manifeste na carne por meio da sua própria Palavra e Obra - para serem finalmente vitoriosos, em sua realização em todas as almas de Luz, enviadas para conquistar o tempo e o espaco nessa era.
Os seres Crísticos demonstram, em determinada época, a Lei do Logos, desacelerada por intermédio do(s) Manu(s) e do(s) Avatar(es) até que se manifeste na carne por meio da sua própria Palavra e Obra - para serem finalmente vitoriosos, em sua realização em todas as almas de Luz, enviadas para conquistar o tempo e o espaco nessa era.

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== The coming of the avatar ==
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[[Hermes Trismegistus]] has said:
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Earth has not been without the avatara. But this is an hour of great transition and great requirement where those who have been the recipients time and again, such as you, of the presence and the peace, the harmony and the enlightenment of such as we, must now receive the torch to be and to become all that you have witnessed of the [[Adam Kadmon]] for many hundreds of thousands of years upon earth. Thus no new avatara may descend except there be the magnet upon earth of the inner alchemy of the Spirit in those who are the ancient souls who have returned again and again.
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It is time for the turning of the great alchemy of Life. It is time for the reflecting pools of many souls to reflect the fullness of the Spirit. It is time for the singing of the song of Hermes Trismegistus by all of the powers within, all of the initiatic symbols, all of the reinforcement of the will. By thy will, sing the hymn of the Sun and be the Son! By understanding, and not perverseness or ignorance, affirm the law of regenerative being and know that unless there be regeneration in the here and now, there cannot be regeneration in the hereafter.<ref>Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, “The Emerald Tablet of the Heart,” {{POWref|24|73|, August 1981}}</ref>
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== The avatar of the Aquarian age ==
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[[Saint Germain]] has said:
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<blockquote>And therefore I AM Saint Germain, Messenger of [[Sanat Kumara]] unto the [[Aquarian age]].  Therefore I AM Saint Germain, avatara of this age, initiating all people of Light in the way of transmutation, in the way of the sacred fires of the Holy Spirit that are indeed for the judgment and the all-consuming fire that shall truly cause the greatest changes in the history of this planet that have been known since her inception in the Mind of God!<ref>Saint Germain, “The Deliverance of the People by Wisdom’s Flame and the Sword,” {{POWref|24|59|, March 1981}}</ref></blockquote>
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{{POWref|38|6|, February 5, 1995, endnote}}
