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{{Science of the spoken Word/ru}}
{{Science of the spoken Word/ru}}

''n.'' a foreordaining will, an edict or fiat, an authoritative decision, declaration, a law, ordinance or religious rule; a command or commandment.  
Предопределяющая воля, указ, властное решение, повеление, заявление, закон, распоряжение или религиозное правило; приказ, приказание, наказ; поручение; заповедь.  

''v.'' to decide, to declare, to determine or order; to ordain, to command or enjoin; to invoke the presence of God, his light/energy/consciousness, his power and protection, purity and perfection.  
Гл. Велеть. Решать; заявлять; объявлять решение, волю; определять или давать распоряжение; постановлять, приказывать, указывать, повелевать; распоряжаться властью; а также призывать присутствие Бога, Его свет-энергию-сознание, Его мощь и защиту, чистоту и совершенство.  

== Definition ==
<span id="Definition"></span>
== Определение ==

It is written in the Book of Job, “Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.<ref>Job 22:28.</ref> The decree is the most powerful of all applications to the Godhead. It is the “Command ye me” of Isaiah 45:11, the original command to Light, which, as the “Lux fiat,” is the birthright of the [[sons and daughters of God]]. It is the authoritative [[Word]] of God spoken in man by the name of the [[I AM Presence]] and the living [[Christ]] to bring about constructive change on earth through the will of God and his consciousness come, on earth as it is in heaven—in manifestation here below as Above.  
В «Книге Иова» записано: «Велишь нечто<ref>в русск. Библии: «Положишь намерение»</ref>, и оно состоится у тебя; и над путями твоими будет сиять свет»<ref>Иов. 22:28.</ref> Веление является самым властным из всех обращений к Божественному Началу. Оно есть «Указывайте мне» Исаии (45:11), подлинный приказ Свету, который, как «Да будет Свет», является правом первородства [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|сынов и дочерей Бога]]. Это есть авторитетное [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Слово]] Божье, изреченное в человеке именем [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Presence|Я ЕСМЬ Присутствия]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ|Христа]] живого, чтобы произвести конструктивные изменения на Земле посредством воли Бога и Его сознания, наступившего и на земле, как на небе, в своем проявлении здесь, внизу, как Вверху.  

The '''dynamic decree''' offered as praise and petition to the L<small>ORD</small> God in the science of the [[spoken Word]] is the “effectual fervent prayer of the righteous”<ref>James 5:16.</ref> that availeth much. The dynamic decree is the means whereby the supplicant identifies with the Word of God, even the original fiat of the Creator “Let there be light: and there was light.<ref>Gen. 1:3.</ref>  
'''Динамическое веление''', принесенное как хвала и прошение Г<small>ОСПОДУ</small> Богу по науке [[Special:MyLanguage/Spoken Word|изреченного Слова]], является действенной пылкой молитвой праведного, которая многое может.<ref>Иак. 5:16.</ref> Динамическое веление является средством, которым молящийся отождествляется со Словом Бога, подобным тому первоначальному указу Творца: «Да будет свет. И стал свет».<ref>Быт. 1:3.</ref>  

Through the dynamic decree spoken with joy and love, faith and hope in God’s covenants fulfilled, the supplicant receives the engrafting of the Word<ref>James 1:21.</ref> and experiences the [[transmutation]] by the sacred fire of the [[Holy Spirit]], the “trial by fire”<ref>I Cor. 3:13–15; I Pet. 1:7.</ref> whereby all sin, disease, and death are consumed, yet the righteous soul is preserved.  
Через динамическое веление, изреченное с радостью и любовью, верой и надеждой на исполнение заветов Бога, проситель получает «прививание» Слова<ref>Иак. 5:16</ref> и проходит [[Special:MyLanguage/transmutation|трансмутацию]] священным огнем [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Святого Духа]], как «испытание огнем»,<ref>1 Кор. 3:13-15; 1 Пет. 1:7. </ref> которым все грехи, болезни и смерть поглощаются, а праведная душа спасается.  

The decree is the alchemist’s tool and technique for personal and planetary transmutation and self-transcendence.  
Веление - это средство и Метод алхимика для личной и планетарной трансмутации и самопревосхождения.  

== Parts of a decree ==
== Parts of a decree ==

The decree may be short or long and is usually marked by a formal preamble and a closing or acceptance. [[Saint Germain]] explains the purposes of these parts:  
The decree can be short or long and is usually marked by some formal introduction and conclusion. [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Germain|Сен-Жермен]] объясняет назначение этих частей:  

<blockquote>Decrees are generally composed of three parts, and they should be thought of as letters to God:</blockquote>
Decrees are generally composed of three parts, and they should be thought of as letters to God:

<blockquote>(1) The salutation of the decree is invocative. It is addressed to the individualized [[I AM Presence|God Presence]] of every son and daughter of God and to those servants of God who comprise the spiritual hierarchy. This salutation (the '''preamble''' to the decree), when reverently given, is a call that compels the answer from the ascended ones. We could no more refuse to answer this summons in our octave than could your firemen refuse to answer a call for help in yours. The purpose of the salutation, then, is to engage immediately the energies of the ascended masters in answering the body of your letter to God which you so lovingly vocalize individually or in unison.</blockquote>
(1) The salutation of the decree is invocative. It is addressed to the individualized [[I AM Presence|God Presence]] of every son and daughter of God and to those servants of God who comprise the spiritual hierarchy. This salutation (the '''preamble''' to the decree), when reverently given, is a call that compels the answer from the ascended ones. We could no more refuse to answer this summons in our octave than could your firemen refuse to answer a call for help in yours. The purpose of the salutation, then, is to engage immediately the energies of the ascended masters in answering the body of your letter to God which you so lovingly vocalize individually or in unison.

<blockquote>(2) The '''body''' of your letter is composed of statements phrasing your desires, the qualifications you would invoke for self or others, and the supplications that would be involved even in ordinary prayer. Having released the power of the spoken Word through your outer consciousness, your subconscious mind, and your superconscious or Higher Self, you can rest assured that the supreme consciousness of the Ascended Masters whom you have invoked is also concerned with the manifestation of that which you have called forth.</blockquote>
(2) The '''body''' of your letter is composed of statements phrasing your desires, the qualifications you would invoke for self or others, and the supplications that would be involved even in ordinary prayer. Having released the power of the spoken Word through your outer consciousness, your subconscious mind, and your superconscious or Higher Self, you can rest assured that the supreme consciousness of the Ascended Masters whom you have invoked is also concerned with the manifestation of that which you have called forth.

<blockquote>(3) Now you come to the close of your decree, the acceptance, the '''sealing''' of the letter in the heart of God, released with a sense of commitment into the realm of the Spirit whence manifestation must return to the world of material form according to the unerring laws of [[alchemy]] (the all-chemistry of God) and precipitation.</blockquote>
(3) Now you come to the close of your decree, the acceptance, the '''sealing''' of the letter in the heart of God, released with a sense of commitment into the realm of the Spirit whence manifestation must return to the world of material form according to the unerring laws of [[alchemy]] (the all-chemistry of God) and precipitation.

<blockquote>Those who understand the power of the square in mathematics will realize that when groups of individuals are engaged in invoking the energies of God, they are not merely adding power by the number of people in the group on a one-plus-one basis, but they are entering into a very old covenant of the square which squares the release of power to accomplish the spoken Word by the number of individuals who are decreeing and by the number of times that each decree is given.<ref>{{SSW}}, chapter 5.</ref></blockquote>
Those who understand the power of the square in mathematics will realize that when groups of individuals are engaged in invoking the energies of God, they are not merely adding power by the number of people in the group on a one-plus-one basis, but they are entering into a very old covenant of the square which squares the release of power to accomplish the spoken Word by the number of individuals who are decreeing and by the number of times that each decree is given.<ref>{{SSW}}, chapter 5.</ref>

== See also ==
<span id="See_also"></span>
== См. также ==

[[Spoken Word]]
[[Special:MyLanguage/Spoken Word|Изреченное Слово]]

== For more information ==
<span id="For_more_information"></span>
== Дополнительная информация ==



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Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, ''The Science of the Spoken Word: Why and How to Decree Effectively'' (audio album).  
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, ''The Science of the Spoken Word: Why and How to Decree Effectively'' (audio album).  

== Sources ==
<span id="Sources"></span>
== Источники ==

{{SSW}}, chapter 5.
{{SSW-ru}}, глава 5.

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