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Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre arbitre]] et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.  
Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre arbitre]] et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.  

The soul remains a fallen potential that must be imbued with the reality of Spirit, purified through prayer and supplication, and returned to the glory from which it descended and to the unity of the Whole. This rejoining of soul to Spirit is the [[alchemical marriage]] that determines the destiny of the self and makes it one with immortal Truth. When this ritual is fulfilled, the highest Self is enthroned as the Lord of Life and the potential of God, realized in man, is found to be the All-in-all.  
L’âme demeure un potentiel déchu qui doit s’imprégner de la réalité de l’Esprit, purifier par la prière et la supplication et retourner à la gloire d’où elle est issue ainsi qu’à l’unité du Tout. Cette union retrouvée de l’âme et de l’Esprit est le [[Special:MyLanguage/alchemical marriage|mariage alchimique]] qui détermine la destinée du Moi et l’unit à la Vérité immortelle. Quand ce rituel est accompli, le Moi supérieur est sacré Seigneur de la Vie, et le potentiel de Dieu, réalisé en l’homme, devient le Tout-en-tous.  

The master [[Morya]] describes the origin of the soul:
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== The origin of the soul ==

<blockquote>Let us ... see what portion of the Infinite One has been realized in the immediate forcefield of that which you call your self. The seed of this self, of course, had to come forth from the Great God Self, for there is no other source from whence it could come. Cycling through the spheres of the great Monad of Life, the seed of self-awareness gathers skeins of light—thread by thread, wound and woven, woven and wound about the point of awareness, building an energy field. And the seed becomes a soul born out of ''S''pirit’s ''o''wn ''u''nion with ''l''ife. And the soul is a miniature sun revolving about the central sun of Universal Being....</blockquote>
Le Maître [[Special:MyLanguage/Morya|Morya]] décrit l’origine de la l’âme:

<blockquote>The sphere of God-being is a whirling atom that is called the Alpha-to-Omega. Out of the whirling of the polarity of the I AM THAT I AM, the seed of the soul is born. And as it moves through the cycles of the [[Monad]], it forms a new polarity with the center. And the electron of selfhood, a new selfhood, is born....</blockquote>
Voyons… quelle portion de l’Être Infini a été réalisée dans le champ le plus proche que vous appelez le moi. Le germe de ce moi émane, bien entendu, du grand Moi divin, la seule source dont il pourrait provenir. Avançant par cycle à travers les sphères de la grande Monade de la Vie, le germe de la conscience de soi recueille les écheveaux de lumière – fil par fil, enroulé et tissé, tissé et enroulé autour du point de conscience, créant un champ énergétique. Et le germe devient une âme née de l’union même de l’Esprit avec la vie. Et l’âme est un petit soleil gravitant autour du soleil central de l’Être Universel…

<blockquote>As God multiplied himself over and over again in the [[I AM Presence]] (the individualized spark of being), the seeds that became souls—the souls that were thrust from the planes of Spirit—became living souls in the planes of Matter ... the emergent souls gathered skeins of Matter to form the vehicles of selfhood in time and space—the mind, the memory, the emotions tethered to the physical form. Thus veiled in flesh and blood, the soul was equipped to navigate in time and space.<ref>{{CAP}}, chapter 3.</ref></blockquote>
La sphère de l’Être de Dieu est un atome tourbillonnant appelé l’Alpha à Oméga. C’est de ce tourbillon de la polarité du JE SUIS CELUI QUE JE SUIS qu’émane le germe de l’âme. En évoluant à travers les cycles de la Monade, ce germe forme une nouvelle polarité avec le centre. C’est ainsi que naît l’électron de l’individualité, une nouvelle individualité...

The dwelling place of the soul is the [[seat-of-the-soul chakra]]. This chakra is located midpoint between the [[base-of-the-spine chakra]] and the [[solar-plexus chakra]], which is located at the navel. The soul is called by God to mount the spiral staircase from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the secret chamber of the heart, where she meets her beloved Holy Christ Self.  
Tandis que Dieu se multipliait sans cesse dans la [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Presence|Présence JE SUIS ]] (l’étincelle de l’être individualisée), les germes – les âmes projetées des plans de l’Esprit – sont devenus les âmes vivantes dans les plans de la Matière. De même que le germe a recueilli des écheveaux de Matière pour former les véhicules de l’individualité dans le temps et l’espace – le mental, la mémoire, les émotions reliés à la forme physique. Ainsi voilée dans une enveloppe de chair et de sang, l’âme était désormais équipée pour naviguer dans le temps et l’espace.<ref>{{CAP-fr}}, chapitre 3.</ref>

The ascended masters have referred to the soul as the child who lives inside of us. Psychologists have dubbed the soul “the [[inner child]].” The soul by any other name is still the soul. And we are her parents and teachers, even as we are her students.
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== The seat-of-the-soul chakra ==

== See also ==
La demeure de l’âme est le [[Special:MyLanguage/seat-of-the-soul chakra|chakra du siège de l’âme]]. Ce chakra est situé à mi-chemin entre le [[Special:MyLanguage/base-of-the-spine chakra|chakra de la base de la colonne]]  et du [[Special:MyLanguage/solar-plexus chakra|chakra du plexus solaire]]  situé au nombril. L’âme est appelée par Dieu à monter l’escalier en spirale du siège de l’âme jusqu’à la chambre secrète du cœur, où elle rencontre son bien-aimé Moi christique sacré.

[[Inner child]]
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The seat-of-the-soul chakra is the place of the soul’s self-knowledge in the [[Real Self]] and the not-self. Here is self-conscious awareness of the integral soul-personality having partial integration in God and partial integration with the not-self. Both conditions are the result of choices the soul has made over many lifetimes.

[[Reincarnation in Buddhism]]
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Those who have studied the martial arts know that the seat-of-the-soul chakra is the body’s point of equilibrium; it is the center of ''[[chi]]'', inner energy or life-force essential to the maintenance of life. It is taught that from this center of gravity, or life center, ''chi'' is distributed to the rest of the body. This is true insofar as the physical energy is concerned, for in soul-awareness the psyche does freely focus and circulate this energy. However, the heart is the ultimate center and distribution point of the sacred fire that descends from the I AM Presence (the Father) over the [[crystal cord]] and ascends from the base-of-the-spine chakra of the Mother.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
From within the seat-of-the-soul chakra, the center of equilibrium, the soul knows with an inner intuitive knowing what the outer mind cannot or will not come to grips with, what the emotions block for fear of the encounter with the karmic realities at hand. The soul knows what is coming upon the earth. The soul knows the past, present and future. The soul knows all things independently of our mental indoctrination and our emotional programming in this life. Unfortunately, the conscious mind’s contact with the soul which it has at birth decreases with the development of the mental and emotional bodies; however, consistent daily application of the [[violet flame]] transmutes the barriers between the conscious and subconscious, the outer awareness of the mind and the inner awareness of the soul.
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== The goal of the soul ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The goal of the soul in this embodiment is to rise from its seat in the seventh ray chakra to the level of the solar plexus; here she must deal with her momentums of desire and learn the control of the emotions and the emotional body while dealing with past karmic records. With [[Mother Mary]] as her example she must put the moon and her astrology beneath her feet. The path of [[initiation]] under one or more of the Ascended Masters wherein she invokes the violet flame to transmute past records and calls to [[Archangel Michael]] as her protector is the highest, the safest, and the most expedient road ([[yoga]]) leading to reunion with God.
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Having passed the required tests at the station of the solar plexus, the soul may proceed to her schooling in the heart chakra. Here the lessons to be learned are mercy and compassion; here transmutation of hardness of heart and of what the [[Buddha]] calls the unmerciful heart must be accomplished with signs and good works following in service to life. When she is ready the soul may receive the testing of the Inner Buddha and the Inner Christ in the Eighth Ray chakra, the antechamber of the twelve-petaled heart chakra, where the threefold flame burns on the altar and the Inner Buddha is Guru and the Inner Christ is High Priest.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Only when the soul has passed her initiations again and again in the stations of the chakras from the base of the spine to the heart may she proceed to true self-mastery in the throat, third eye, and crown. The chakras below the heart are surrounded by the “[[electronic belt]],” the repository of our karma of all previous lifetimes. And the soul is centered in the records of that karma, to a large degree a product of it, having been a party to the making of it.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
And so the [[age of Aquarius]] opens the long-awaited age of opportunity for the soul to attain liberation from her karma and the consequent wheel of rebirth. The means of her liberation is the sacred fire, specifically the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit, which is the violet flame.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
The violet flame is the key to the transmutation of imbalance in the soul, the chakras, and the four lower bodies. By its penetrating action the soul may contact the subconscious repository of the records and karma of past lives as well as the core antithesis of the Real Self lodged in the unconscious. The transmutation of these records and negative karma is essential to the soul’s liberation; it is accomplished through the agency of the violet flame when it is invoked from God through [[dynamic decree]]s according to the [[science of the spoken Word]].
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Finally, when transmutation is complete the violet flame restores the balance of yang and yin forces, the polarity of Alpha (the masculine, or plus, factor of the Deity) and Omega (the feminine, or minus, factor of the Deity) throughout one’s entire consciousness, being, and world. This achievement is the prelude to the [[ascension]] and the goal toward which [[Saint Germain]]’s [[Keepers of the Flame]] are striving daily.
<span id="The_inner_child"></span>
== L’enfant intérieur ==
{{main-fr|Inner child|Enfant intérieur}}
Les maîtres ascensionnés parlent de l’âme comme l’enfant qui vit à l’intérieur de nous. Les psychologues ont surnommé l’âme « l’[[Special:MyLanguage/inner child|enfant intérieur]]». L’âme, peu importe le nom qu’on lui donne, est toujours notre âme. Et nous sommes ses parents et ses enseignants tout comme nous sommes ses étudiants.
<span id="See_also"></span>
== Voir aussi ==
[[Special:MyLanguage/inner child|Enfant intérieur]]
[[Special:MyLanguage/Reincarnation in Buddhism|Réincarnation dans le bouddhisme]]

[[Soul Retrieval]]
[[Soul Retrieval]]

== For more information ==
<span id="For_more_information"></span>
== Pour plus d'information ==

{{CHM}}, pp. 7–11.
{{CHM}}, pp. 7–11.


== Sources ==
== Sources ==
Line 34: Line 91:
{{CHM}}, pp. 7, 8.
{{CHM}}, pp. 7, 8.

{{POWref|35|58|, November 29, 1992}}
{{POWref-fr|35|58|, 29 novembre 1992}}
{{POWref-fr|38|29|, 2 juillet 1995}}

{{POWref|38|29|, July 2, 1995}}
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Message of the Inner Buddha: On the Road to the Inner Buddha,” {{POWref|32|28|, July 9, 1989}}

<references />
<references />

Latest revision as of 04:47, 18 July 2024

Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le libre arbitre et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.

L’âme demeure un potentiel déchu qui doit s’imprégner de la réalité de l’Esprit, purifier par la prière et la supplication et retourner à la gloire d’où elle est issue ainsi qu’à l’unité du Tout. Cette union retrouvée de l’âme et de l’Esprit est le mariage alchimique qui détermine la destinée du Moi et l’unit à la Vérité immortelle. Quand ce rituel est accompli, le Moi supérieur est sacré Seigneur de la Vie, et le potentiel de Dieu, réalisé en l’homme, devient le Tout-en-tous.

The origin of the soul

Le Maître Morya décrit l’origine de la l’âme:

Voyons… quelle portion de l’Être Infini a été réalisée dans le champ le plus proche que vous appelez le moi. Le germe de ce moi émane, bien entendu, du grand Moi divin, la seule source dont il pourrait provenir. Avançant par cycle à travers les sphères de la grande Monade de la Vie, le germe de la conscience de soi recueille les écheveaux de lumière – fil par fil, enroulé et tissé, tissé et enroulé autour du point de conscience, créant un champ énergétique. Et le germe devient une âme née de l’union même de l’Esprit avec la vie. Et l’âme est un petit soleil gravitant autour du soleil central de l’Être Universel…

La sphère de l’Être de Dieu est un atome tourbillonnant appelé l’Alpha à Oméga. C’est de ce tourbillon de la polarité du JE SUIS CELUI QUE JE SUIS qu’émane le germe de l’âme. En évoluant à travers les cycles de la Monade, ce germe forme une nouvelle polarité avec le centre. C’est ainsi que naît l’électron de l’individualité, une nouvelle individualité...

Tandis que Dieu se multipliait sans cesse dans la Présence JE SUIS (l’étincelle de l’être individualisée), les germes – les âmes projetées des plans de l’Esprit – sont devenus les âmes vivantes dans les plans de la Matière. De même que le germe a recueilli des écheveaux de Matière pour former les véhicules de l’individualité dans le temps et l’espace – le mental, la mémoire, les émotions reliés à la forme physique. Ainsi voilée dans une enveloppe de chair et de sang, l’âme était désormais équipée pour naviguer dans le temps et l’espace.[1]

The seat-of-the-soul chakra

La demeure de l’âme est le chakra du siège de l’âme. Ce chakra est situé à mi-chemin entre le chakra de la base de la colonne et du chakra du plexus solaire situé au nombril. L’âme est appelée par Dieu à monter l’escalier en spirale du siège de l’âme jusqu’à la chambre secrète du cœur, où elle rencontre son bien-aimé Moi christique sacré.

The seat-of-the-soul chakra is the place of the soul’s self-knowledge in the Real Self and the not-self. Here is self-conscious awareness of the integral soul-personality having partial integration in God and partial integration with the not-self. Both conditions are the result of choices the soul has made over many lifetimes.

Those who have studied the martial arts know that the seat-of-the-soul chakra is the body’s point of equilibrium; it is the center of chi, inner energy or life-force essential to the maintenance of life. It is taught that from this center of gravity, or life center, chi is distributed to the rest of the body. This is true insofar as the physical energy is concerned, for in soul-awareness the psyche does freely focus and circulate this energy. However, the heart is the ultimate center and distribution point of the sacred fire that descends from the I AM Presence (the Father) over the crystal cord and ascends from the base-of-the-spine chakra of the Mother.

From within the seat-of-the-soul chakra, the center of equilibrium, the soul knows with an inner intuitive knowing what the outer mind cannot or will not come to grips with, what the emotions block for fear of the encounter with the karmic realities at hand. The soul knows what is coming upon the earth. The soul knows the past, present and future. The soul knows all things independently of our mental indoctrination and our emotional programming in this life. Unfortunately, the conscious mind’s contact with the soul which it has at birth decreases with the development of the mental and emotional bodies; however, consistent daily application of the violet flame transmutes the barriers between the conscious and subconscious, the outer awareness of the mind and the inner awareness of the soul.

The goal of the soul

The goal of the soul in this embodiment is to rise from its seat in the seventh ray chakra to the level of the solar plexus; here she must deal with her momentums of desire and learn the control of the emotions and the emotional body while dealing with past karmic records. With Mother Mary as her example she must put the moon and her astrology beneath her feet. The path of initiation under one or more of the Ascended Masters wherein she invokes the violet flame to transmute past records and calls to Archangel Michael as her protector is the highest, the safest, and the most expedient road (yoga) leading to reunion with God.

Having passed the required tests at the station of the solar plexus, the soul may proceed to her schooling in the heart chakra. Here the lessons to be learned are mercy and compassion; here transmutation of hardness of heart and of what the Buddha calls the unmerciful heart must be accomplished with signs and good works following in service to life. When she is ready the soul may receive the testing of the Inner Buddha and the Inner Christ in the Eighth Ray chakra, the antechamber of the twelve-petaled heart chakra, where the threefold flame burns on the altar and the Inner Buddha is Guru and the Inner Christ is High Priest.

Only when the soul has passed her initiations again and again in the stations of the chakras from the base of the spine to the heart may she proceed to true self-mastery in the throat, third eye, and crown. The chakras below the heart are surrounded by the “electronic belt,” the repository of our karma of all previous lifetimes. And the soul is centered in the records of that karma, to a large degree a product of it, having been a party to the making of it.

And so the age of Aquarius opens the long-awaited age of opportunity for the soul to attain liberation from her karma and the consequent wheel of rebirth. The means of her liberation is the sacred fire, specifically the seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit, which is the violet flame.

The violet flame is the key to the transmutation of imbalance in the soul, the chakras, and the four lower bodies. By its penetrating action the soul may contact the subconscious repository of the records and karma of past lives as well as the core antithesis of the Real Self lodged in the unconscious. The transmutation of these records and negative karma is essential to the soul’s liberation; it is accomplished through the agency of the violet flame when it is invoked from God through dynamic decrees according to the science of the spoken Word.

Finally, when transmutation is complete the violet flame restores the balance of yang and yin forces, the polarity of Alpha (the masculine, or plus, factor of the Deity) and Omega (the feminine, or minus, factor of the Deity) throughout one’s entire consciousness, being, and world. This achievement is the prelude to the ascension and the goal toward which Saint Germain’s Keepers of the Flame are striving daily.

L’enfant intérieur

Article principal: Enfant intérieur

Les maîtres ascensionnés parlent de l’âme comme l’enfant qui vit à l’intérieur de nous. Les psychologues ont surnommé l’âme « l’enfant intérieur». L’âme, peu importe le nom qu’on lui donne, est toujours notre âme. Et nous sommes ses parents et ses enseignants tout comme nous sommes ses étudiants.

Voir aussi

Enfant intérieur

Réincarnation dans le bouddhisme

Soul Retrieval

Pour plus d'information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 7–11.

Elizabeth Clare prophet, The Story of Your Soul: Recovering the Pearl of Identity.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 7, 8.

Perles de sagesse, vol. 35, num. 58, 29 novembre 1992.

Perles de sagesse, vol. 38, num. 29, 2 juillet 1995.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Message of the Inner Buddha: On the Road to the Inner Buddha,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 28, July 9, 1989.

  1. El Morya, Le disciple et le sentier, chapitre 3.