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Created page with "== Karmallinen taakka elementaalien yllä =="
(Created page with "Muistakaa, rakkaat sydämet, että kun elämän suuri Jumal-Läsnäolo on poistanut kaiken pelon sisimmästänne, erityisesti alitajunnasta, vasta sitten kobran, leijonan ja kaikkien tuhoavien petojen alempien värähtelyjen energia antaa myöten Kristuksessa saavuttamanne todellisen saavutuksen mahtavalle voimalle. Näin muistutamme niitä, jotka alkavat ymmärtää, että heidän oma itsehallintansa on avain kaikkien maapallolla kehittyvien voittoon: "Se, joka pitää...")
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== The karmic burden on the elementals ==
<span id="The_karmic_burden_on_the_elementals"></span>
== Karmallinen taakka elementaalien yllä ==

Earth could be very different if the elementals were not bowed down with pollution and the weight of mankind’s [[karma]]. In Genesis, God tells Adam, “Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.”<ref>Gen. 3:17.</ref> “The ground” is symbolic of elemental life. In other words, because of mankind’s fall from grace (represented in the figures of [[Adam and Eve]]) the elementals were “cursed”—that is, mankind’s negative karma was introduced into their world—and the elementals were assigned the task of maintaining balance where karmic imbalance now appeared.  
Earth could be very different if the elementals were not bowed down with pollution and the weight of mankind’s [[karma]]. In Genesis, God tells Adam, “Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.”<ref>Gen. 3:17.</ref> “The ground” is symbolic of elemental life. In other words, because of mankind’s fall from grace (represented in the figures of [[Adam and Eve]]) the elementals were “cursed”—that is, mankind’s negative karma was introduced into their world—and the elementals were assigned the task of maintaining balance where karmic imbalance now appeared.  
