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(Created page with "'''Gnana jóga''' er ein af fjórum megin jógakerfum. Gnana jóga er leið sameiningarinnar við Guð með þekkingu.")
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Jnana yoga is best suited to the contemplative or monastic person; it entails union with God through the dissolution of ignorance. Knowledge, of course, begins with self-knowledge. The jnana yogi seeks knowledge not only through study but through direct experience of God. Jnana yoga is also the path of discrimination between the real and the unreal. It falls in the second quadrant of the Cosmic Clock, the mental quadrant.
Jnana yoga is best suited to the contemplative or monastic person; it entails union with God through the dissolution of ignorance. Knowledge, of course, begins with self-knowledge. The jnana yogi seeks knowledge not only through study but through direct experience of God. Jnana yoga is also the path of discrimination between the real and the unreal. It falls in the second quadrant of the Cosmic Clock, the mental quadrant.

== Teaching of Shankara ==
<span id="Teaching_of_Shankara"></span>
== Kenning Shankara ==

Shankara, the great ninth-century Hindu saint and scholar, writes in the voice of the guru advising the disciple:  
Shankara, the great ninth-century Hindu saint and scholar, writes in the voice of the guru advising the disciple:  
