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(Created page with "Vivió como San Buenaventura (1221–1274), teólogo y místico franciscano. A la edad de cuatro años, Buenaventura cayó enfermo de gravedad. Su madre suplicó a San Francis...")
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=== San Buenaventura ===
=== San Buenaventura ===

He lived as Saint Bonaventure (1221–1274), a theologian and Franciscan mystic. At the age of four, Bonaventure fell gravely ill. His mother begged [[Saint Francis]] to intercede for her son’s life. Through his prayers the child was cured and Francis is said to have cried out in prophetic rapture: “O buona ventura!” (O good fortune!), from which Bonaventure is believed to have received his name. In gratitude for her son’s healing, Bonaventure’s mother consecrated his life to God.  
Vivió como San Buenaventura (1221–1274), teólogo y místico franciscano. A la edad de cuatro años, Buenaventura cayó enfermo de gravedad. Su madre suplicó a San Francisco para que intercediera por la vida de su hijo. Gracias a sus oraciones el niño se curó y se dice que Francisco gritó con un embelesamiento profético, «¡Oh buena ventura!», de donde se cree que Buenaventura recibió su nombre. Agradecida por la curación de Buenaventura, su madre consagró a Dios la vida de su hijo.  

He became a cardinal of the Roman Church and papal adviser, renowned for his abilities as both scholar and preacher. He was declared a doctor of the Church in 1587, and he is called the Seraphic Doctor. Together with Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican, Bonaventure played an important role in defending the mendicant orders in the thirteenth century.
He became a cardinal of the Roman Church and papal adviser, renowned for his abilities as both scholar and preacher. He was declared a doctor of the Church in 1587, and he is called the Seraphic Doctor. Together with Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican, Bonaventure played an important role in defending the mendicant orders in the thirteenth century.