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The universal chain of individualized God-free beings fulfilling the attributes and aspects of God’s infinite Selfhood. Included in the cosmic hierarchical scheme are [[Solar Logoi]], [[Elohim]], Sons and Daughters of God, ascended and unascended masters with their circles of [[chelas]], [[cosmic beings]], the [[twelve solar hierarchies]], [[archangels]] and [[angels]] of the sacred fire, children of the light and nature spirits, called [[elementals]], and [[twin flame]]s of the Alpha-Omega polarity sponsoring planetary and galactic systems.  
The universal chain of individualized God-free beings fulfilling the attributes and aspects of God’s infinite Selfhood. Included in the cosmic hierarchical scheme are [[Solar Logoi]], [[Elohim]], Sons and Daughters of God, ascended and unascended masters with their circles of [[chelas]], [[cosmic beings]], the [[twelve solar hierarchies]], [[archangel]]s and [[angel]]s of the sacred fire, children of the light and nature spirits, called [[elementals]], and [[twin flame]]s of the Alpha-Omega polarity sponsoring planetary and galactic systems.  

This universal order of the Father’s own Self-expression is the means whereby God in the [[Great Central Sun]] steps down the Presence and Power of his Universal Being/Consciousness in order that succeeding evolutions in time and space, from the least unto the greatest, might come to know the wonder of his Love. The level of one’s spiritual/physical attainment—measured by one’s balanced self-awareness “hid with Christ in God” and demonstrating his Law, by his Love, in the Spirit-Matter cosmos—is the criterion establishing one’s placement on this ladder of life called hierarchy.  
This universal order of the Father’s own Self-expression is the means whereby God in the [[Great Central Sun]] steps down the Presence and Power of his Universal Being/Consciousness in order that succeeding evolutions in time and space, from the least unto the greatest, might come to know the wonder of his Love. The level of one’s spiritual/physical attainment—measured by one’s balanced self-awareness “hid with Christ in God” and demonstrating his Law, by his Love, in the Spirit-Matter cosmos—is the criterion establishing one’s placement on this ladder of life called hierarchy.  
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== Hierarchy in the Book of Revelation ==
== Hierarchy in the Book of Revelation ==

Many beings of the heavenly hierarchy are named in the Book of Revelation. Apart from the false hierarchy of [[Antichrist]], including the reprobate angels, some of the members of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] accounted for by [[Jesus]] are [[Alpha]] and [[Omega]], the Seven Spirits, the angels of the seven churches, the [[Four and Twenty Elders]], the [[four beasts]], the saints robed in white, the [[Two Witnesses]], the [[Lord of the World|God of the Earth]], the [[Woman clothed with the Sun]] and her [[Manchild]], [[Archangel Michael]] and his angels, the Lamb and his wife, the one hundred and forty-four thousand who have the Father’s name written in their foreheads, the angel of the [[Everlasting Gospel]], the seven angels (i.e., the Archangels of the seven rays) which stood before God, the [[angel clothed with a cloud and a rainbow upon his head]], the seven thunders, the Faithful and True and his armies, and him that sat upon the great white throne.  
Many beings of the heavenly hierarchy are named in the Book of Revelation. Apart from the false hierarchy of [[Antichrist]], including the reprobate angels, some of the members of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] accounted for by [[Jesus]] are [[Alpha]] and [[Omega]], the Seven Spirits, the angels of the seven churches, the [[four and twenty elders]], the [[four beasts]], the saints robed in white, the [[Two Witnesses]], the [[Lord of the World|God of the Earth]], the [[Woman clothed with the Sun]] and her [[Manchild]], [[Archangel Michael]] and his angels, the Lamb and his wife, the one hundred and forty-four thousand who have the Father’s name written in their foreheads, the angel of the [[Everlasting Gospel]], the seven angels (i.e., the Archangels of the seven rays) which stood before God, the [[angel clothed with a cloud and a rainbow upon his head]], the seven thunders, the Faithful and True and his armies, and him that sat upon the great white throne.  

== For more information ==
== For more information ==