Translations:Seven holy Kumaras/16/pt: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:49, 19 May 2020

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Message definition (Seven holy Kumaras)
There is a hush in the entire Matter cosmos as the decisions of individuals are making the difference as to whether or not the entire tide of darkness will be turned around in planet Earth. For this cause have we come.... Therefore, together in the living flame, we multiply all that you are by the power of the love of [[Lady Master Venus]].<ref>Sanat Kumara with the Seven Holy Kumaras, “Let the Wall of Fire Descend!” {{POWref|35|49|, November 4, 1992}}</ref>

Há um silêncio em todo o cosmo da Matéria pois as decisões que os indivíduos tomarão sobre reverter, ou não, a maré de trevas na Terra fará a diferença. Por essa causa viemos. Assim, juntos na chama vivente, multiplicaremos tudo o que sois pelo poder do amor da Mestra Ascensa Vênus”.[1]

  1. Sanat Kumara com os Sete Santos Kumaras, Let the Wall of Fire Descend (Que Desça a Muralha de Fogo!), Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 35, n° 49, 4 de novembro de 1992.