Theosophia/pt: Difference between revisions
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<blockquote> | <blockquote>Nos dois mil anos compreendidos entre a época de Maria de Betânia e de Mary Baker Eddy, encarnei diversas vezes. No decorrer desses séculos, passei por iniciações com os santos na Igreja e | ||
também no Oriente e, enquanto me preparava para a missão, estudei | |||
sob a direção de grandes Luminares.</blockquote> | |||
<blockquote>Therefore, beloved, I studied under those who gave me the teachings of the control of nature and natural forces. And I was gifted, by the grace of God, whereby through this teaching and writing of Christian Science many were healed. But it was truly by the grace of God and my oneness with Christ Jesus.<ref>Theosophia, “Signs of the Soul’s Longing for Christ,” {{POWref|33|25|, July 1, 1990}}</ref></blockquote> | <blockquote>Therefore, beloved, I studied under those who gave me the teachings of the control of nature and natural forces. And I was gifted, by the grace of God, whereby through this teaching and writing of Christian Science many were healed. But it was truly by the grace of God and my oneness with Christ Jesus.<ref>Theosophia, “Signs of the Soul’s Longing for Christ,” {{POWref|33|25|, July 1, 1990}}</ref></blockquote> |
Revision as of 04:42, 20 May 2020

A mestra que conhecemos hoje como Deusa da Sabedoria serviu no Templo da Iluminação, na Atlântida. Mais tarde, no tempo de Jesus, encarnou como Maria de Betânia, irmã de Marta e de Lázaro. Em sua encarnação final, como Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), Jesus Cristo, o Mestre Ascenso Hilarion (o apóstolo Paulo) e a Mãe Maria incumbiram-na de revelar alguns aspectos da ciência do conceito imaculado, publicados no livro Ciência e Saúde com a Chave das Escrituras, e em outros textos e palestras publicados com o título Prose Works.
Depois de sua ascensão, Mary Baker Eddy assumiu na hierarquia o cargo de Teosofia, Deusa da Sabedoria, que anteriormente fora ocupado, durante muito tempo, por um ser com grande mestria na focalização do aspecto feminino do raio da sabedoria. Esse ser cósmico prosseguiu no seu serviço quando Mary Baker Eddy assumiu esse posto, e o nome e o título a ele associados.
Sua vida como Mary Baker Eddy
No final do século dezenove, Mary Baker Eddy fundou o movimento da Ciência Cristã. Ela tinha um contato muito intenso com o Sagrado Coração de Jesus por ter estado muito próxima dele na encarnação que teve na Galileia. A senhora Eddy compreendeu e ensinou que as curas de Jesus ilustravam a lei espiritual, que ele era o Filho do homem, que o Cristo era o princípio eterno que ele representava e que Jesus estabeleceu o exemplo que devemos seguir.
Mary Baker Eddy foi um instrumento de cura do Senhor, mas as suas tentativas de definir a religião do Cristo ficaram aquém do poderoso manto de cura que carregava. A cura que fluía por seu intermédio excedia em muito a matriz limitada dos ensinamentos que divulgou. Após a transição, em 1910, ela foi para os templos etéricos nas oitavas de luz, de onde ascendeu, trinta anos depois.
Na sua vida pessoal, Mary Baker Eddy demonstrou ter grande perseverança, tanto para superar uma saúde frágil como para enfrentar processos judiciários, ataques da imprensa e a oposição das religiões estabelecidas. Nos primeiros anos, foi alvo de uma série de processos que suscitaram a controvérsia pública e levantaram questionamentos sobre a sua doutrina, a organização e os seguidores. Alguns processos eram promovidos vingativamente por antigos associados que haviam deixado o Movimento ou por determinação da própria Senhora Eddy, para defender os ensinamentos que divulgava. Embora fosse difamada pela imprensa, ela obteve ganho de causa na maioria dos casos.
Teosofia fala sobre a sua preparação para a missão que cumpriu na encarnação final:
Nos dois mil anos compreendidos entre a época de Maria de Betânia e de Mary Baker Eddy, encarnei diversas vezes. No decorrer desses séculos, passei por iniciações com os santos na Igreja e
também no Oriente e, enquanto me preparava para a missão, estudei
sob a direção de grandes Luminares.
Therefore, beloved, I studied under those who gave me the teachings of the control of nature and natural forces. And I was gifted, by the grace of God, whereby through this teaching and writing of Christian Science many were healed. But it was truly by the grace of God and my oneness with Christ Jesus.[1]
The science of the immaculate concept
Theosophia teaches the practical application of the wisdom of the Christ in daily life. She also teaches about healing and wholeness and the science of the immaculate concept:
I have lived again and again to set forth the truth of the ages. It is ever the light of the Divine Theosophia to give unto the children of God the awareness of the unreality of death. This is the foundation of all of the teaching of the Mother. For you see, if you can understand that death is not real, then all that leads to death must also be unreal.
Understand, then, that to see through the mists and the maya and to understand that only God is Real is the way to heal and to hold the immaculate concept for yourself. But the fallen ones who come with their degradation and condemnation, they would always have you believe the fundamental lie that death is real because the sin that produced it is real.
You must be scientific with your sword of Truth; for the Mother is always scientific, and so her children learn the ways of science. Unfortunately, they have taken the material science and excluded the spiritual science. This is why the Mother must appear again and again and speak the word of Truth and point the way and point to him who taught, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life.” In that blessed mantra is the understanding that Christ as light is the way—the way out of all human strife and error and that which is apart from the Real. And the truth of being is that God does heal. God does bring together the harmony of consciousness and of Matter. God is the great Spirit of healing in this age.[2]
Theosophia is also very concerned about the correct education of children:
I come to you also with the mantle of the Divine Mother, for I embody wisdom, and I am called Theosophia. Yet, I have occupied this office for not quite a century, so recently embodied have I been....
I surely would sponsor every school that you would open. You can start with one child, two or three, your own, the neighbors’, those who come from homes where parents simply will not place their children in the hands of those who will manipulate their minds toward the left-handed path slowly, imperceptibly, until one fine day they are locked in the grips of forces that neither parents nor teachers can defy.
Thus, be grateful that you have the call and so great a call and so great a science—developed and continued by the messengers, performed by yourselves—whereby you can bring forth from heaven a response far beyond that warranted or merited by your own present level of attainment. This dispensation comes because you call in the name of your mighty I AM Presence and your Holy Christ Self.[3]
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Theosophia.”
- ↑ Theosophia, “Signs of the Soul’s Longing for Christ,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 25, July 1, 1990.
- ↑ Theosophia, “A Page in the Mother’s Book of Healing,” Part I, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, no. 8, February 20, 1977.
- ↑ Theosophia, “Educate the Children!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 36, July 21, 1991.