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I AM certain no organization on earth can exist without the loyalty and support of its adherents. Our projects are no different in that sense either, but they do differ greatly from human plans in the end results; for Our plans do not and cannot fail to produce perfection whenever called into action by Divine Love. For maximum results, blessed chelas, the Law requires faithfulness, and a full feeling of love and intensity in your application.
I AM certain no organization on earth can exist without the loyalty and support of its adherents. Our projects are no different in that sense either, but they do differ greatly from human plans in the end results; for Our plans do not and cannot fail to produce perfection whenever called into action by Divine Love. For maximum results, blessed chelas, the Law requires faithfulness, and a full feeling of love and intensity in your application.

Draw close to Me now, blessed ones, as I take you into My Heart and confide in you a wholly constructive manner, intending only Freedom and God-Good for all on earth: Many of you already know that We have long desired to activate on earth an esoteric organization to faithfully promote Our principles among men, free from commercialization and yet ably financed so as to  do  the needed with dignity, propriety, and a world-wide outreach. We have also desired to keep such an organization free from human opinion, inharmonies among its leaders (alas, to exclude them from its members, one and all, seems too much to hope for—but We shall)! or a dictatorial attitude on the part of its contributors who ought rather to be wholly dedicated to the ascended masters’ will. In the past many have acted impurely from selfish or hidden motives which once prompted Me to exclaim, “O, for ten-thousand scrub-women who will faithfully give to the Cause! With these I will show you how to change the world with Divine Truth!”
Draw close to Me now, blessed ones, as I take you into My Heart and confide in you a wholly constructive manner, intending only Freedom and God-Good for all on earth: Many of you already know that We have long desired to activate on earth an esoteric organization to faithfully promote Our principles among men, free from commercialization and yet ably financed so as to  do  the needed with dignity, propriety, and a world-wide outreach. We have also desired to keep such an organization free from human opinion, inharmonies among its leaders (alas, to exclude them from its members, one and all, seems too much to hope for—but We shall)! or a dictatorial attitude on the part of its contributors who ought rather to be wholly dedicated to the ascended masters’ will. In the past many have acted impurely from selfish or hidden motives which once prompted Me to exclaim, “O, for ten-thousand scrub-women who will faithfully give to the Cause! With these I will show you how to change the world with Divine Truth!”<ref>On February 26, 1978, the messenger made the following comments about this statement by Saint Germain: “The reason he said that was because in many of the attempts he had made as the Wonderman of Europe, to sponsor groups who would actually bring forth his teaching, there would always enter in the powerful and the wealthy who would try to control the mouthpiece and dictate what the teaching would be and then keep it for the private few as an occult kind of a thing. And Saint Germain says, ‘I’m standing for the people.’ This teaching is for the people and it’s not for the manipulators.” —Ed.</ref>

You see, by ''God's'' Law We can give you our Love, our Power and Illumination; but We cannot precipitate funds to use in spreading Our words the world around. This must come from your octave by Divine Law and those chelas who are both perceptive and faithful will learn the real meaning behind the statement, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
You see, by ''God's'' Law We can give you our Love, our Power and Illumination; but We cannot precipitate funds to use in spreading Our words the world around. This must come from your octave by Divine Law and those chelas who are both perceptive and faithful will learn the real meaning behind the statement, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Revision as of 03:48, 13 January 2022

Saint Germain dressed in armour, wearing a sword
Saint Germain, el Caballero Comendador

Fundada en 1961 por Saint Germain, es una organización de los Maestros Ascendidos y sus chelas que se comprometen a guardar la llama de la Vida en la Tierra, a apoyar las actividades de la Gran Hermandad Blanca en el establecimiento de su Comunidad y Escuela de Misterios y a la diseminación de sus Enseñanzas. Los Guardianes de la Llama reciben lecciones progresivas de ley cósmica dictadas por los Maestros Ascendidos a sus Mensajeros Mark y Elizabeth Prophet.


El Morya habla sobre los propósitos de la fraternidad:

En enero de 1961 di mi autorización para la formación de la Fraternidad de Guardianes de la Llama con un círculo de devotos de The Summit Lighthouse que rindieran homenaje supremo a la llama de la Vida y al Caballero Comendador, Saint Germain. Invité a todos los que prometieran su apoyo a este jerarca de la Era de Acuario para participar en la empresa de envergadura mundial de atraer hacia la llama del Espíritu Santo a los hijos e hijas de Dios que se presentaran a reclamar su herencia como coherederos de la conciencia crística...

A los que quisieran ofrecer su apoyo, hombro con hombro, a los maestros ascendidos y a nuestros mensajeros Mark y Elizabeth Prophet para la promulgación de la auténtica enseñanza que la jerarquía les ha entregado, el Caballero Comendador y yo les hemos extendido una invitación especial para que afirmen su patrocinio y su compromiso, perteneciendo a esta fraternidad exterior de la Gran Hermandad Blanca.

Los que han respondido son los que entendieron, desde el fondo de su alma, la necesidad de reconsagrar esa llama con invocaciones y decretos cotidianos elevados en el nombre de la Presencia YO SOY y del Cristo de todos los hombres -los que estaban ansiosos de proseguir la alquimia del Espíritu y de trabajar directamente con Saint Germain para precipitar los cimientos de la edad de oro.

Los que han permanecido constantes a su promesa también han comprendido la necesidad de patrocinar las enseñanzas prestando apoyo financiero regular a nuestra organización, The Summit Lighthouse (El Faro en la Cima). Al paso de los años han afirmado su lealtad y su unidad, su disposición a sacrificar, si es necesario, causas y preocupaciones menores en pro de una causa mayor de la Hermandad en la Tierra, la causa a la cual sus almas estaban ya dedicadas en el Cielo....

Por la ley de la alquimia, cuando prestáis apoyo regular -corazón, cabeza y mano- a nuestra causa por mediación de la Fraternidad de Guardianes de la Llama, tenemos autorización para entregaros instrucción sobre la ley cósmica, que ya ha echado los cimientos para la ascensión no de uno sino de varios Guardianes de la Llama. Ellos han recibido y aplicado las lecciones mensuales escritas por la jerarquía, que presentan paso a paso el conocimiento certero de la ley que conduce a cada Guardián de la Llama por el sendero de la iniciación hasta la puerta de la Presencia YO SOY, que declara: “¡He aquí, YO SOY la puerta abierta que ningún hombre puede cerrar!”

Los Guardianes de la Llama son responsables ante la junta espiritual de la fraternidad, encabezada por el Maha Chohán, el Guardián de la Llama, y el Caballero Comendador, Saint Germain. La junta de directores está compuesta por los Siete Chohanes, que dirigen los diversos aspectos del despliegue de la ley tanto a través de la instrucción impresa como a través del entrenamiento individual que se imparte a los Guardianes de la Llama en los retiros etéreos de la Gran Hermandad Blanca. Un comité para la Guía del Niño, formado especialmente para la preparación de los padres de almas que están por nacer, está encabezado por los Instructores del Mundo, Jesús y Kuthumi, junto con la Madre María.

Todos los que sostienen el honor de los Guardianes de la Llama y viven de acuerdo con los principios y preceptos de la ley reconocen una aceleración de la disciplina interior tanto como de la exterior, que les llega desde la fuente viva de la alegría y la gratitud que los jerarcas tienen para con todos los que en la Tierra están dispuestos a prestar un apoyo más allá de lo ordinario a la causa que es suprema para la salvación (autoelevación)[1] de la humanidad....

Los que fielmente sirven a la causa de la Hermandad con su apoyo a la Fraternidad de los Guardianes de la Llama han sido ampliamente recompensados con muchas bendiciones. Aun sin saberlo en su conciencia exterior a veces, todos y cada uno han tenido la oportunidad de asistir a clases a puertas cerradas en los retiros de los maestros, así como a nuestras conferencias trimestrales, y de saldar una cantidad extraordinaria de karma por su aplicación a la llama violeta, multiplicada por los patrocinadores de la Fraternidad (los miembros de la junta espiritual), que establecen una relación íntima y directa con cada chela deseoso de iniciar el compromiso que se requiere.[2]


The establishment of the fraternity was announced in a letter by El Morya on January 31, 1961:

I hope soon to take the first step in the broad creation of a Diamond Heart which will later be refined so as to choose the individuals who shall by reason of their constancy and devotion make up the "center" or cells of the Heart of this Heart!...

I AM therefore authorizing the formation of a specially dedicated group within The Summit Lighthouse to be made up of actual members in good standing. This is to be called the “KEEPERS OF THE FLAME” because its purpose is to KEEP constantly in mind and heart all that the FATHER, the mighty I AM Presence, has already given into mind, heart and hand, for His glory and the speedy externalization of His Kingdom upon Earth, and in the Hearts of men who are already His embryonic creation!

To this end actual “CLASS LESSONS” are to be offered to the members of the Keepers of the Flame group, just as soon as they are printed and ready. Regardless of one's station, all those interested in both basic and advanced instruction ought to enroll in this dedicated group of Servers for many reasons. A word to the wise is sufficient.

On March 7, 1961, Saint Germain wrote this letter regarding the fraternity:


March 7, 1961

Beloved Friends of Freedom:

The requirements of the hour are constancy, harmony, and loyalty! For centuries men have tasted of the treasures of heaven, and for an equal time they have debated, delayed, and strained at the proper use of those same treasures. The heaven that might have manifested long ago upon earth has been delayed solely by man, and through no fault of the Father, whose kingdom is still in the process of coming! Now, today the cosmic wheel has turned almost to the point of no return and it is imperative for all mankind that the necessary unity and other divine qualities be forthcoming with expediency.

In this hour of great testing and decision, I say no peril is so great as to further impede or stop the progress of Ascended Master sponsored activities, as long as there are men and women of faith and good will who will lovingly band together with almost fierce loyalty under the Father’s aegis and our right hand of fellowship to do the cosmic purposed actions that fan the fires of Freedom and keep aloft the torch of God-Liberty.

Recently the Darjeeling Council through the beloved Ascended Master El Morya, my friend and yours, made known the formation of a Spiritual Fraternity composed of dedicated men and women who are willing to put their shoulders, minds and hearts to the wheel of sponsorship in the coordination of the manifold activities under Our direction. This voluntary group of the Faithful is destined, if they will accept it, to be a part of the selective focus from which shall be drawn Beloved Morya’s Diamond Heart (dedicated to the Will of God). Now I AM honored with the first tangible gleams from the hearts of those blessed ones who have accepted with dignity and joy the real privilege of becoming KEEPERS OF THE FLAME!

Beloved Ones, millions have possessed; few have retained their possessions. This is true of the spirit as well as the flesh. To love God is good, but to love Him with dependable constancy is far better! Yet, the slip between the cup and the lip lies in sheer vacillation, for even the downward way seems paved with so-called good intentions. To change this for the better and then the best is Our intention right here where we will continue to supply the Wisdom and God-Direction, if you will make the necessary applications faithfully. Herein lies the saving grace for the earth as well as for man: in conscious unity, faith, constancy and determination, as much your own as my own!

I AM certain no organization on earth can exist without the loyalty and support of its adherents. Our projects are no different in that sense either, but they do differ greatly from human plans in the end results; for Our plans do not and cannot fail to produce perfection whenever called into action by Divine Love. For maximum results, blessed chelas, the Law requires faithfulness, and a full feeling of love and intensity in your application.

Draw close to Me now, blessed ones, as I take you into My Heart and confide in you a wholly constructive manner, intending only Freedom and God-Good for all on earth: Many of you already know that We have long desired to activate on earth an esoteric organization to faithfully promote Our principles among men, free from commercialization and yet ably financed so as to do the needed with dignity, propriety, and a world-wide outreach. We have also desired to keep such an organization free from human opinion, inharmonies among its leaders (alas, to exclude them from its members, one and all, seems too much to hope for—but We shall)! or a dictatorial attitude on the part of its contributors who ought rather to be wholly dedicated to the ascended masters’ will. In the past many have acted impurely from selfish or hidden motives which once prompted Me to exclaim, “O, for ten-thousand scrub-women who will faithfully give to the Cause! With these I will show you how to change the world with Divine Truth!”[3]

You see, by God's Law We can give you our Love, our Power and Illumination; but We cannot precipitate funds to use in spreading Our words the world around. This must come from your octave by Divine Law and those chelas who are both perceptive and faithful will learn the real meaning behind the statement, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

The Keepers of the Flame is intended for multipurpose, constructive action, among these to cut the blessed Summit Lighthouse activity free from dependence on the whims of mankind by banding together those faithful adherents who will keep a steady, dependable flow of the needed finances available to our staff in utter defiance of communism, greed, selfishness, and the hordes of evil. These relentlessly seek to undermine the causes of Freedom and make men forget God at least in deed if not in Word as well, mainly through misplacing attention on human problems instead of directing it to their own Great God Source.

Balanced action is the Law’s requirement, and while in a most practical sense outer supply is essential, inner fortification is equally vital in expanding our Light; hence, the Keepers will give daily attention to decrees and visualizations to assist in expanding Freedom among men. Many thrilling projects are in preparation; these We will reveal in due time. We shall likewise flood your worlds with the Sacred Flame of Love from our hearts, giving you the additional blessing of graded ascended master instruction to help all who are willing to TRY to make progress, looking beyond past mistakes to the glory of God that will uplift all men into the fullness of light’s Perfection.

As you “mark time” as a Keeper of the Flame, you will find yourself the recipient of a “measured beat” from God’s heart and ours, for we number among our band “out there” those who serve with “joy to the world,” the causes of Freedom for all the earth!

Faithfully, I AM your Freedom in action,
Knight Commander
The Keepers of the Flame

Véase también

The Summit Lighthouse

Saint Germain

Keepers of the Flame Dues


Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain Sobre Alquimia: Fórmulas para la autotransformation.

  1. La palabra salvation, salvación, está formada por las palabras self y elevation, autoelevación. (T.)
  2. El Morya, El discipulo y el sendero: Claves para la Maestría del Alma en la Era de Acuario, capítulo 14.
  3. On February 26, 1978, the messenger made the following comments about this statement by Saint Germain: “The reason he said that was because in many of the attempts he had made as the Wonderman of Europe, to sponsor groups who would actually bring forth his teaching, there would always enter in the powerful and the wealthy who would try to control the mouthpiece and dictate what the teaching would be and then keep it for the private few as an occult kind of a thing. And Saint Germain says, ‘I’m standing for the people.’ This teaching is for the people and it’s not for the manipulators.” —Ed.