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Created page with "Ныне Заратустра является Вознесенным Владыкой, чье сознание содержит в своей огненной ауричес..."
(Created page with "Примерно в 225 г. н. э. зороастризм возродился в Персии и оставался государственной религией впло...")
(Created page with "Ныне Заратустра является Вознесенным Владыкой, чье сознание содержит в своей огненной ауричес...")
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== His service as an ascended master ==
== His service as an ascended master ==

Today Zarathustra is an ascended master whose consciousness bears as an auric emanation of fire that is an all-consuming love, a piercing light that goes to the core of whatever is unreal. We call him a Buddha because he has the attainment of the expansion of the threefold flame and of the Christ mind at the level of initiation that we call the buddhic level.
Ныне Заратустра является Вознесенным Владыкой, чье сознание содержит в своей огненной аурической эманации, являющейся всепоглощающей любовью, пронизывающий свет, проникающий в сердцевину всего, что нереально. Мы называем его Буддой, так как его достижения в развитии трехлепесткового пламени и Христо-разума соответствуют буддхическому уровню.

Being in the presence of Zarathustra is like being in the presence of the physical sun itself. The mastery he has of spiritual fire and physical fire is, if not the highest, among the highest of any adept ascended from this planet. If you want to keep the flame of Zarathustra, visualize him keeping the flame, the divine spark, in your own heart. He is the greatest ‘fire-tender’ of them all, if you will. And when you call to him, remember that when you are engaged in the battle of Light and Darkness and you give your call for the binding of the forces of Antichrist, there is no greater devourer of the dark forces than Zarathustra himself. He is an ascended master with buddhic attainment whose auric emanation is one of an all-consuming love.
Being in the presence of Zarathustra is like being in the presence of the physical sun itself. The mastery he has of spiritual fire and physical fire is, if not the highest, among the highest of any adept ascended from this planet. If you want to keep the flame of Zarathustra, visualize him keeping the flame, the divine spark, in your own heart. He is the greatest ‘fire-tender’ of them all, if you will. And when you call to him, remember that when you are engaged in the battle of Light and Darkness and you give your call for the binding of the forces of Antichrist, there is no greater devourer of the dark forces than Zarathustra himself. He is an ascended master with buddhic attainment whose auric emanation is one of an all-consuming love.