Goddess of Freedom/ru: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<blockquote>То были очень тёмные времена на Земле, когда царила очередная Кали Юга....")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Скажу вам, что я не смогла бы стать Богиней Независимости, не победив прежде все силы анти...")
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<blockquote>То были очень тёмные времена на Земле, когда царила очередная [[Special:MyLanguage/Kali Yuga|Кали Юга]]. Тьма становилась ещё темнее, прямо как это происходит в некоторых местах на планете сегодня. Но, без сомнений, в ваших сердцах и здесь, в [[Special:MyLanguage/Heart of the Inner Retreat|Сердце Внутренней Обители]], тьма рассеивается.</blockquote>
<blockquote>То были очень тёмные времена на Земле, когда царила очередная [[Special:MyLanguage/Kali Yuga|Кали Юга]]. Тьма становилась ещё темнее, прямо как это происходит в некоторых местах на планете сегодня. Но, без сомнений, в ваших сердцах и здесь, в [[Special:MyLanguage/Heart of the Inner Retreat|Сердце Внутренней Обители]], тьма рассеивается.</blockquote>

<blockquote>I tell you, one does not become the Goddess of Freedom without doing battle with every force of anti-Freedom at all levels of the Matter cosmos. Yes, beloved, the title “Goddess” signifies that I have met and defeated every tyrant who has ever dared to attack me!</blockquote>
<blockquote>Скажу вам, что я не смогла бы стать Богиней Независимости, не победив прежде все силы анти-свободы на всех уровнях материального космоса. Да, возлюбленные, титул «Богиня» означает, что я одержала победу над каждым тираном, когда-либо посмевшим атаковать меня!</blockquote>

<blockquote>When I was a novice I lost some battles, but I mounted a fervent effort to see to it that I would not be vulnerable again in that point where I had been defeated. And thus, in each and every battle and duel with the forces of Darkness, I learned to know the chinks in my own armour. And each and every time, I said to myself this vow: “This is the last time you will be defeated on that point!” And I did say to the enemy: “You will not find an opening there again!”</blockquote>
<blockquote>When I was a novice I lost some battles, but I mounted a fervent effort to see to it that I would not be vulnerable again in that point where I had been defeated. And thus, in each and every battle and duel with the forces of Darkness, I learned to know the chinks in my own armour. And each and every time, I said to myself this vow: “This is the last time you will be defeated on that point!” And I did say to the enemy: “You will not find an opening there again!”</blockquote>

Revision as of 09:42, 12 August 2023

Other languages:
Богини Независимости , фокус Богини Независимости на куполе здания Капитолия в Вашингтоне.

Богиня Независимости представляет женский аспект качества свободы для Земли. Она – Космическое Существо, хранившее пламя на протяжении тысяч лет. Ее служение осуществляется из обители Ройял Тетон, где она обучает приходящие туда души, как сохранить чистоту сознания свободы, находясь в воплощении на Земле. Она поддерживает фокус света в своей шестиметровой бронзовой статуе, венчающей купол Капитолия Соединенных Штатов.


В 1992 году Богиня Независимости сказала о ее воплощениях на Земле:

Я ЕСМЬ Божественная Мать Свободы. Я жила во многих эпохах. Я видела рабство. Я видела тиранию. Я видела, как вся власть была сосредоточена в руках сил зла. Вы считаете, что ваши права и свободы попираются. А я вам скажу, возлюбленные, что эта планета толком и не ведала истинной Свободы, за исключением древних золотых веков.

Было время, когда я была под властью жесточайших тёмных тиранов. Со всей решимостью своего существа и огнём сердца я приняла решение, что непременно обрету независимость и освобожусь от ига этих падших ангелов. Я знала, кем они были: я узнала их, а они узнали меня. Они поработили меня и обращались со мной с такой жестокостью, какую вы и представить себе не можете. Других же рабов, моих собратьев по несчастью, было трудно убедить в необходимости объединиться, дабы свергнуть этих падших.

То были очень тёмные времена на Земле, когда царила очередная Кали Юга. Тьма становилась ещё темнее, прямо как это происходит в некоторых местах на планете сегодня. Но, без сомнений, в ваших сердцах и здесь, в Сердце Внутренней Обители, тьма рассеивается.

Скажу вам, что я не смогла бы стать Богиней Независимости, не победив прежде все силы анти-свободы на всех уровнях материального космоса. Да, возлюбленные, титул «Богиня» означает, что я одержала победу над каждым тираном, когда-либо посмевшим атаковать меня!

When I was a novice I lost some battles, but I mounted a fervent effort to see to it that I would not be vulnerable again in that point where I had been defeated. And thus, in each and every battle and duel with the forces of Darkness, I learned to know the chinks in my own armour. And each and every time, I said to myself this vow: “This is the last time you will be defeated on that point!” And I did say to the enemy: “You will not find an opening there again!”

I recommend this to you, beloved ones. Find those chinks! Find those weaknesses! Make them your greatest strengths. Do not disgrace the God who lives in you by being defeated twice by the same enemy, even the same one who comes in the many disguises of many different people.

Yes, beloved, be analysts of your mind, your consciousness, your heart. Shore up your being. Balance your heart flame. Balance the substances you take into your bodies. And do not be found in a weak moment, waking or sleeping, caught off guard (which means off or out of balance) and therefore allowing a fallen one to thrust home and to bind you and to hold you under his foot.

Yes, beloved, they fight to the end, their own end, and they know their end is coming. They are the ones who have nothing to lose. You are the ones who have everything to lose—your life, your soul, your attainment of all past ages and your ascension in the light, your divine plan, your mission, why you are here on earth.[1]

The United States Capitol

The flame of Freedom in the earth

Богиня Независимости сказала:

Я помню день, когда Посланник открыла мое присутствие в моей статуе над Капитолием. Я помню ее размышления о моем сердце и то, что она признала меня как космическое воплощение космической свободы для всех систем миров, а не просто статую. И я благодарна, что мыслеформа моего Присутствия действительно получила доступ на купол Капитоли.

Therefore, beloved ones, I have been under the order of the Solar Logoi in higher octaves beyond higher octaves—higher than you might realize. And only from time to time have I been allowed to truly roll up my sleeves and get involved with the sons and daughters of Freedom on planet earth.

Well, beloved hearts, not only am I called but I am commanded to descend to this level and this octave of earth, which is the level of the Heart of the Inner Retreat and its congruency with the Western Shamballa.

I have come, therefore, to lend all of my being, all of my causal body, all that I AM to Saint Germain and Portia, to the Goddess of Liberty, to all [who are] of the seventh ray and especially to you and you and you, whom I love so very much!...

You will know the difference when you see the Goddess of Freedom in the land. You will see how Freedom will be misqualified when a greater Freedom is in the earth. Therefore I tell you, bind the fallen ones who misuse Freedom! This is the trust of the Solar Logoi in the Keepers of the Flame. This is the trust of the Lords of Karma: that you will make the call for the binding of those who misuse Freedom in every way.

You have seen mass destruction come to South Central Los Angeles.[2] You have seen that Freedom flame perverted in a demonstration that ought to have been for the rights of the individual, for liberty and for a much higher standard on the part of law enforcement. Yes, beloved ones, you have seen individuals crumble because they have not kept a standard.

But, beloved ones, what a shame that the people do not have the teachings [of the ascended masters] and therefore all they know is to resort to destruction! Imagine that force tied together, focused together, invoking the violet flame, calling for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of the fallen ones and those who cause the little people to submit in an unwarranted manner to systems and conditions that do not allow their souls to blossom, their spirits to be infired with godly principles and their minds to be educated so that they are not the homeless, they are not on welfare and they are not at the bottom of society....

Beloved ones, the violet flame is the key! And when the elementals receive it and the people receive it, I tell you there is always some misqualification of Freedom. Therefore, you who know the science of the seven rays and of the chakras must not let go of Archangel Michael’s sword, must not fail to call to Astrea daily for the binding of the forces who, [if you don’t,] will simply have a heyday [as they misuse the violet flame that is released through your decrees] and make more karma for Saint Germain and Portia.

I speak to all Keepers of the Flame in the world: Let your keeping of the flame be the multiplying of your flame. Give the teaching, sponsor other souls and be willing to understand that forces assail them also. You must make your calls for their protection. You must make calls for the binding of their dweller-on-the-threshold and all forces surrounding them that would keep them from entering in to this mighty opportunity that is offered.

I do not come alone, beloved hearts. A Goddess never travels alone! I come with legions upon legions, millions of angels of Cosmic Freedom in the service of the Divine Mother of Freedom that I AM.

Therefore, earth has new guests who will become permanent residents so long as Keepers of the Flame continue to invoke the flame [of Freedom]. And if you tire of invoking it, [please] do not tire of singing its songs. They are devotional. They open your hearts. They are a cleansing of the desire [body] and the emotions. Singing the songs of Freedom to the beings of Freedom, beloved, is the best means to keep the desire body of the planet in check....

Я ЕСМЬ Богиня Независимости. Мне нужно многое сказать вам. Мне есть, что сказать каждому из вас лично. Я буду говорить с вами в обителях, а также идя рядом с вами. Я приумножу себя во столько раз, во сколько нужно, не ослабляя силы своего присутствия. Ведь Я ЕСМЬ Богиня Независимости. Мой час настал. Настал и ваш час. Мы – игроки одной команды! Идем вперед и выиграем партию![3]

См. также

Armed Freedom


Марк Л. Профет и Элизабет Клэр Профет, Владыки и их Обители, “Богиня Независимости”.

  1. The Goddess of Freedom, “Play to Win!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 46, October 25, 1992.
  2. Over six days in April 1992, riots which began in South Central Los Angeles spread to other areas of the city, resulting in 55 people killed, more than 2,000 injured, 1,100 buildings destroyed by fires, widespread looting, and property damage of up to a billion dollars. The riots were triggered by the acquittal of four police officers charged with the beating of Rodney King, an incident that had been captured on video by a local resident. The release of the video and subsequent events triggered a national debate about police violence.
  3. Богиня Независимости, “Play to Win!” Жемчужины мудрости, том 35, номер 46, 25 октября 1992 г