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Menn þurfa að treysta á jafnvægisviðleitnina sem náttúran hefur komið fyrir í sálarlífi mannsins. Að treysta á eigin næmni fyrir sannleikanum og veruleikanum mun hjálpa einstaklingnum að gera hreint fyrir sínum dyrum dauðlegar blekkingar og losa vitundina við skerandi rugl sem deyfir heila og verund mannsins.  
Menn þurfa að treysta á jafnvægisviðleitnina sem náttúran hefur komið fyrir í sálarlífi mannsins. Að treysta á eigin næmni fyrir sannleikanum og veruleikanum mun hjálpa einstaklingnum að gera hreint fyrir sínum dyrum dauðlegar blekkingar og losa vitundina við skerandi rugl sem deyfir heila og verund mannsins.  

Við lifum á tímum þar sem fjölmiðlum er oft stjórnað, menntun er stundum hlutdræg og oft kyndir undir fordómum. Hver maður leitar hins góða lífs, en sjaldan er hann viss um hvað gott líf er í raun og veru. Ill öfl eru stefnt að því að kollvarpa öllum trúarbrögðum, réttu eða röngu. Þeir myndu vilja drekkja merkingu þess í straumi atburða og í þverstraumi félagslegrar ólgu. Menn eru tilbúnir til að fyrirgera frelsi á meðan þeir setja von sína í hóp dulúðarinnar þar sem sameiginlegar umræður hafa verið taldar æðri samvisku hvers og eins.
We are living in a time when the media are often controlled, education is sometimes biased, and prejudice is frequently incited. Each man seeks the good life, but seldom is he sure of just what good life really is. Evil forces are bent on the overthrow of all religion, right or wrong. They would like to drown its meaning in the tide of events and in the crosscurrents of social unrest. Men are willing to forfeit freedom while they place their hopes in the group mystique whose collective deliberations have been pronounced superior to individual conscience.

Midst the confusion of the age, The Summit Lighthouse rises as a spiritual tower to keep the flame of wonder, joy, and faith forever alive in the hearts of men. Its authority is derived from the order of devotees comprised of the ascended masters and their unascended chelas known as the [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Great White Brotherhood]]. Having mastered time and space and ascended into the white light of the Presence of God, the ascended masters have fostered the exploration of reality and the defining of individual self-mastery since the dawn of civilization.
Midst the confusion of the age, The Summit Lighthouse rises as a spiritual tower to keep the flame of wonder, joy, and faith forever alive in the hearts of men. Its authority is derived from the order of devotees comprised of the ascended masters and their unascended chelas known as the [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Great White Brotherhood]]. Having mastered time and space and ascended into the white light of the Presence of God, the ascended masters have fostered the exploration of reality and the defining of individual self-mastery since the dawn of civilization.
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Our standard is commitment to cosmic purpose and to the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. Those whose loyalties are the same will find much in common with our service. All truth has its origin in universal law. The consciousness of man, as a repository of truth, provides opportunity for endless research. Those who study with us learn how they can overcome deep-seated limitations that, in some cases, from birth onward have prevented their manifestation of the full and rich life they were intended to enjoy.
Our standard is commitment to cosmic purpose and to the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. Those whose loyalties are the same will find much in common with our service. All truth has its origin in universal law. The consciousness of man, as a repository of truth, provides opportunity for endless research. Those who study with us learn how they can overcome deep-seated limitations that, in some cases, from birth onward have prevented their manifestation of the full and rich life they were intended to enjoy.

Maðurinn er eins og blóm. Meðvitund hans og líkamsmusteri veita honum vettvang fyrir stórkostlegt afrek. Honum er ætlað að blómstra og bera ávöxt. Honum er ætlað að sækjast eftir hamingju á meðan hann er skaðlaus. Honum er ætlað að ná árangri, sigrast á erfiðleikum og takmörkunum og rísa langt yfir núverandi viðmiðum sínum til að geta gagnast samferðamönnum sínum og verið fordæmi fyrir aldurinn.
Man is like a flower. His consciousness and body temple provide him with a platform for magnificent achievement. He is intended to blossom and to bear fruit. He is intended to pursue happiness while being harmless. He is intended to achieve, to overcome difficulties and limitations, and to rise to heights far above his present norm that he might benefit his fellowmen and set an example for the age.

Ef þú ert í hópi þeirra sem hafa opinn huga og eru fúsir til að læra nýjan og vísindalegan sannleika, lykla sem munu opna alla möguleika þína og losa þig við tilfinningu fyrir erfiði og gremju, ef þú ert að leita að skilvirkari leið til að hjálpa fjölskyldu þinni og vinum og á sama tíma uppgötva þitt innra sjálf, ef þú trúir því að það sé tilgangur með lífinu - að neistinn hafi ekki verið ætlaður til að slokkna - þá bjóðum við þér að nýta þér staðreyndir og niðurstöður sem þú hefur kannski aldrei ímyndað gæti verið satt eða mögulegt.  
If you are among those who keep an open mind and who are eager to learn new and scientific truths, keys that will unlock your full potential and free you from a sense of drudgery and frustration, if you are looking for a more effective means to help your family and friends and at the same time discover your inner Self, if you believe there is a purpose to life—that the spark was not intended to go out—then we invite you to take advantage of facts and findings that you may have never imagined could be true or possible.  

Frá árinu 1958 hefur The Summit Lighthouse gefið út vikuleg bréf hinna upprisnu meistara til nemenda sinna um allan heim. Þessir stafir eru kallaðir ''[[Special:MyLanguage/Pearls of Wisdom|Pearls of Wisdom]]'' og eru náinn snerting, hjarta til hjarta, milli sérfræðingur og chela. Þau innihalda fræðslu um kosmísk lögmál, athugasemdir um núverandi aðstæður á jörðinni og hvaðeina sem stigveldi hins mikla hvíta bræðralags telur nauðsynlegt fyrir einstaklingsvígslu þeirra sem eru hluti af þessari miklu hreyfingu ljósbera á jörðinni.  
Since 1958, The Summit Lighthouse has published the weekly letters of the ascended masters to their students throughout the world. Called ''[[Special:MyLanguage/Pearls of Wisdom|Pearls of Wisdom]]'', these letters are the intimate contact, heart to heart, between the Guru and the chela. They contain instruction on cosmic law, commentary on current conditions on earth, and whatever the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood deems necessary to the individual initiation of those who form a part of this great movement of lightbearers on earth.  

[[Special:MyLanguage/Keepers of the Flame Fraternity|Keepers of the Flame Fraternity]] er verðugur hópur karla og kvenna sem helgaður er sjálfumbótum og upplyftingu mannkyns. Móttaka mánaðarlegra kennslustunda sem veita einkunnakennslu í kosmískum lögum og tækifæri til að sækja sérkennslu eru meðal margra kosta aðildar.
The [[Special:MyLanguage/Keepers of the Flame Fraternity|Keepers of the Flame Fraternity]] is a worthy body of men and women dedicated to self-improvement and the upliftment of humanity. Receipt of monthly lessons that provide graded instruction in cosmic law and the opportunity of attending special classes are among the many advantages of membership.

Við fögnum þér að skrifa eða hringja í okkur til að fá frekari upplýsingar um starfsemi nemenda uppstigninga meistaranna á þínu svæði. Og við hlökkum til að hitta þig á þjónustu okkar og athvarfum.
We welcome you to write or call us for further information about the activities of students of the ascended masters in your area. And we look forward to meeting you at our services and retreats.

<span id="See_also"></span>
== See also ==
== Sjá einnig ==

[[Special:MyLanguage/History of The Summit Lighthouse|Saga Summit Lighthouse]]
[[Special:MyLanguage/History of The Summit Lighthouse|History of The Summit Lighthouse]]

[[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Sigursæla alheimskirkjan]]
[[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Church Universal and Triumphant]]

<span id="Sources"></span>
== Sources ==
== Heimildir ==

1981 ''Viskuperlur''.
1981 ''Pearls of Wisdom''.

Latest revision as of 17:06, 31 August 2024

Other languages:

Uppstigni meistarinn El Morya frá Darjeeling, Indlandi stofnaði Summit Lighthouse (Ljósvitann á tindinum) í Washington, D.C., árið 1958 í þeim tilgangi að birta kenningar uppstignu meistaranna sem voru miðlaðar í gegnum boðberana Mark L. Prophet og Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Summit Lighthouse eru einstök óháð andleg og háspekileg samtök sem urðu vettvangur fyrir uppstignu meistarana og nema þeirra um allan heim. Með alþjóðlegar höfuðstöðvar í Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana og námshópa og fræðslumiðstöðvar í stórborgum um allan heim. Hinir uppstignu meistarar og nemar þeirra dreifa hinni forna visku til hverrar þjóðar.


Frá upphafi hefur Summit Lighthouse beitt sér fyrir þroskun ótakmarkaða meðfæddra andlegra hæfileika mannsins sem með framsækinni birtingu þeirra glæðir hugsjónir og skilning hans á kosmískum lögmálum. Summit Lighthouse leitast við að bæta mannlífið og leysa öll mannleg vandamál með dagskrá sinni um að aðstoða einstaklinga og þjóðir við að birta eigin innra gildi og getu.

Trúarsetningar og þröngsýnar trúarskoðanir eiga það til að takmarka framfarir sálarinnar. Aftur á móti benda kenningar uppstignu meistaranna á sannleikann hvar sem hann er að finna. Í nálgun sinni á trúarleitinni leggja þeir áherslu á þátt skynseminnar og reglufestunnar sem og helgunarinnar. Rit stór-meistaranna sem Summit Lighthouse gefur út benda á þá staðreynd að ekkert gerist af tilviljun heldur gerist allt samkvæmt náttúrulegum og andlegum lögmálum sem oft geta birst eins og fyrir hendingu. Alheiminum var komið á laggirnar með lögmáli óendanleikans og óendanlegri visku. Jafnvel endanleg einkenni alheimsins sýna að vísindaleg nákvæmni búa á bak við birtingarmyndir hans.

Kenningar hinna uppstignu meistara standa öllum til boða sama hvaða menntun eða trúarlegan bakgrunn þeir hafa. Þær eru ætlaðar víðsýnum fólki, því sem gera sér grein fyrir að háskóla- eða framhaldsskólapróf markar engan veginn endalok náms í skóla lífsins. Lífið er viðvarandi í eðli sínu, hefur göfugan ásetning og mikilvægan andlegan tilgang. Lífið er öllum mikill skóli og enginn skyldi voga sér að loka huganum fyrir leyndarmálum þess. Sjónhverfingar heimsins eru skjáir sem hylja raunveruleikann og leyna stórkostlegri hönnun hans, jafnvel fyrir þeim lærðustu. Maðurinn myndi ekki voga sér, ef honum væri frjálst að vita sannleikann, að leyfa sér að skýla sér á bak við kennisetningar sem firra sig allri endurskoðun á meðan hann stendur aðgerðalaus þegar siðmenningin riðar til falls.


Siðmenntaður maður þarf ekki að rífa niður kerfi fortíðarinnar með ofbeldisfullri byltingu því hann er fær um að meta félagsleg vandamál og þróa lausnir án þess að eyðileggja þær undirstöður sem þarf til að styðja við breytingar á öllum sviðum lífsins. Með trú á eðlislæga getu mannsins til að beita sjálfum sér að vilja skapara síns, getum við leitað betri skilnings á okkur sjálfum og á tilgangs tilvistar okkar (raison d'être) hér á jörðu.

Menn þurfa að treysta á jafnvægisviðleitnina sem náttúran hefur komið fyrir í sálarlífi mannsins. Að treysta á eigin næmni fyrir sannleikanum og veruleikanum mun hjálpa einstaklingnum að gera hreint fyrir sínum dyrum dauðlegar blekkingar og losa vitundina við skerandi rugl sem deyfir heila og verund mannsins.

We are living in a time when the media are often controlled, education is sometimes biased, and prejudice is frequently incited. Each man seeks the good life, but seldom is he sure of just what good life really is. Evil forces are bent on the overthrow of all religion, right or wrong. They would like to drown its meaning in the tide of events and in the crosscurrents of social unrest. Men are willing to forfeit freedom while they place their hopes in the group mystique whose collective deliberations have been pronounced superior to individual conscience.

Midst the confusion of the age, The Summit Lighthouse rises as a spiritual tower to keep the flame of wonder, joy, and faith forever alive in the hearts of men. Its authority is derived from the order of devotees comprised of the ascended masters and their unascended chelas known as the Great White Brotherhood. Having mastered time and space and ascended into the white light of the Presence of God, the ascended masters have fostered the exploration of reality and the defining of individual self-mastery since the dawn of civilization.

This spiritual order has been behind every constructive endeavor that has ever been brought forth upon the planet. Its members have founded churches, fraternities, governments, hospitals, schools, and every type of philanthropic organization. Working in the main behind the scenes, they have mercifully overlooked mankind’s violence, selfishness, and greed, always striving to replace chaos with noble purpose and actively seeking to elevate the consciousness of mankind by reestablishing man’s faith in his immortal destiny as a son of God. These selfless servants have sought no personal credit for their doings. They have aligned themselves with the Presence of Life in all men as it was revealed by Jesus and others who have been sent to bring the light of truth to a darkened world.

Since its founding in 1958, The Summit Lighthouse has remained “a pillar of fire by night, a cloud by day” to all who seek the truth of the inner Self and the knowledge of cosmic law and its personal and planetary application. In the midst of the multifaceted activities of the ascended masters and the expansion of the organization under the capable direction of the messengers, The Summit Lighthouse has remained, in the words of Longfellow,

Steadfast, serene, immovable, the same
Year after year, through all the silent night
Burns on for evermore that quenchless flame,
Shines on that inextinguishable light!

Opportunities to study the teachings

The organizational requirements of an expanding movement have been met by the ascended masters in the founding of Church Universal and Triumphant, Summit University, Montessori International, and the opening of community teaching centers throughout the world. But The Summit Lighthouse endures—the tower of power upon the rock, symbol of the light of the I AM THAT I AM and the summit of each one’s being, the very present help in time of trouble. To thousands of devotees of truth, The Summit Lighthouse has been a beacon through the night, guiding the soul to the port of reality.

Our standard is commitment to cosmic purpose and to the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. Those whose loyalties are the same will find much in common with our service. All truth has its origin in universal law. The consciousness of man, as a repository of truth, provides opportunity for endless research. Those who study with us learn how they can overcome deep-seated limitations that, in some cases, from birth onward have prevented their manifestation of the full and rich life they were intended to enjoy.

Man is like a flower. His consciousness and body temple provide him with a platform for magnificent achievement. He is intended to blossom and to bear fruit. He is intended to pursue happiness while being harmless. He is intended to achieve, to overcome difficulties and limitations, and to rise to heights far above his present norm that he might benefit his fellowmen and set an example for the age.

If you are among those who keep an open mind and who are eager to learn new and scientific truths, keys that will unlock your full potential and free you from a sense of drudgery and frustration, if you are looking for a more effective means to help your family and friends and at the same time discover your inner Self, if you believe there is a purpose to life—that the spark was not intended to go out—then we invite you to take advantage of facts and findings that you may have never imagined could be true or possible.

Since 1958, The Summit Lighthouse has published the weekly letters of the ascended masters to their students throughout the world. Called Pearls of Wisdom, these letters are the intimate contact, heart to heart, between the Guru and the chela. They contain instruction on cosmic law, commentary on current conditions on earth, and whatever the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood deems necessary to the individual initiation of those who form a part of this great movement of lightbearers on earth.

The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity is a worthy body of men and women dedicated to self-improvement and the upliftment of humanity. Receipt of monthly lessons that provide graded instruction in cosmic law and the opportunity of attending special classes are among the many advantages of membership.

We welcome you to write or call us for further information about the activities of students of the ascended masters in your area. And we look forward to meeting you at our services and retreats.

See also

History of The Summit Lighthouse

Church Universal and Triumphant


1981 Pearls of Wisdom.