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<blockquote>The morbidity surrounding the people’s consciousness of death and dying is also the demon that must be cast out. For the embalming and the burying of the body is the prolongation of the death entity itself. For the body is composed of light; and the light in the nucleus of every atom and molecule and cell must be demagnetized from the “earth, earthy” and the dust must be allowed to return to dust, even as the light that preserved its matrix is allowed to spiral to the Great Central Sun as it is released from its encasement in form by the fire element. To this end, the fiery salamanders perform their priestly duties of returning the noble work of Elohim, the body of male and female, to the Great Central Sun for repolarization.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The morbidity surrounding the people’s consciousness of death and dying is also the demon that must be cast out. For the embalming and the burying of the body is the prolongation of the death entity itself. For the body is composed of light; and the light in the nucleus of every atom and molecule and cell must be demagnetized from the “earth, earthy” and the dust must be allowed to return to dust, even as the light that preserved its matrix is allowed to spiral to the Great Central Sun as it is released from its encasement in form by the fire element. To this end, the fiery salamanders perform their priestly duties of returning the noble work of Elohim, the body of male and female, to the Great Central Sun for repolarization.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Let cremation be the liberation of my people from morbidity and attachment to the form. For nevermore will that form be reborn. But the soul, the soul—it shall be clothed upon with white raiment, with the righteousness of the saints. It is the idolatry of the self that perpetuates the cult of the tombstone and enriches the morticians and fills the coffers and the coffins of the mausoleum operators who capitalize on the false belief of the masses that immortality is to be found in the ground.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Let cremation be the liberation of my people from morbidity and attachment to the form. For nevermore will that form be reborn. But the soul, the soul—it shall be clothed upon with white raiment, with the righteousness of the saints. It is the [[idolatry]] of the self that perpetuates the cult of the tombstone and enriches the morticians and fills the coffers and the coffins of the mausoleum operators who capitalize on the false belief of the masses that immortality is to be found in the ground.</blockquote>

<blockquote>“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof.” Let the sea, the earth be exorcised of death, the death entity, and the bodies in whom there is no life! For the breath of life hath gone out of them, never to return. And those empty houses are invaded by the foul spirits of death who, as vultures, feed upon the light yet imprisoned in the form. This is God’s light and God’s energy. Let the elementals of fire, air, water, and earth recycle this energy back Home to God and see how the planetary body, blessed Virgo herself, will radiate more light and more light and more light.</blockquote>
<blockquote>“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof.” Let the sea, the earth be exorcised of death, the death entity, and the bodies in whom there is no life! For the breath of life hath gone out of them, never to return. And those empty houses are invaded by the foul spirits of death who, as vultures, feed upon the light yet imprisoned in the form. This is God’s light and God’s energy. Let the elementals of fire, air, water, and earth recycle this energy back Home to God and see how the planetary body, blessed Virgo herself, will radiate more light and more light and more light.</blockquote>