King David: Difference between revisions

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The seed of Abraham descended unto David, the seed of David descended unto the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been established by the orthodox writers of Matthew through the descent and lineage of Joseph, even while Joseph is disclaimed as being the real father of Jesus. It is a contradiction, but nevertheless considered a necessity by Matthew, who had the physical orientation in his attitude toward the gospel. But the real descent of the light of David, the seed of David, incarnated as Jesus Christ is that it is the very same living soul who first incarnated as the temporal king wearing the temporal crown of Israel, yet bearing his sins, who reincarnated to be the king in the spiritual sense who declares, “My kingdom is not of this world.”<ref>John 18:36.</ref>
The seed of Abraham descended unto David, the seed of David descended unto the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been established by the orthodox writers of Matthew through the descent and lineage of Joseph, even while Joseph is disclaimed as being the real father of Jesus. It is a contradiction, but nevertheless considered a necessity by Matthew, who had the physical orientation in his attitude toward the gospel. But the real descent of the light of David, the seed of David, incarnated as Jesus Christ is that it is the very same living soul who first incarnated as the temporal king wearing the temporal crown of Israel, yet bearing his sins, who reincarnated to be the king in the spiritual sense who declares, “My kingdom is not of this world.”<ref>John 18:36.</ref>
== David and Bathsheba ==
As you begin to study your past incarnations, you will see that you had great heights of attainment whereby you were able to draw the energies from a previous cycle in [[Mater]] up for the fulfillment in Spirit. These are your peak embodiments, the places where your life has left a record of achievement. But then there have been those dips down in the plane of Mater, and if we had full mastery when we made the descent deeper into matter, we would be able to prove that we can be the master, as Above, so below.
However, it is often the case that when it is time for the descent into the uses of the lower [[chakra]]s, manifestating as devotion and serving the needs of others, so often when we get into an embodiment that requires the mastery of those lower chakras, we flow with the mass consciousness. Generally speaking, these are the embodiments of infamy, ill fortune, misuses of the sacred fire. You might say that the embodiment of David was the mark of Jesus’ descent for the mastery of Mater prior to the thrust of the victory of the ascension in Spirit.
Jesus made quite a success of his embodiment as David. He had very high attunement in the plane of Mater. But at that level, it is noted by historians and theologians that he had great sin in his many wives and in his relationship with Bathsheba.
Although it was lawful for the king to have any wife, it was unlawful in the sight of God that he separated the [[twin flame]]s of Uriah the Hittite and Bathsheba. David fell in love with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and she conceived a child by him. David called Uriah home from battle so that it would not look as though she had conceived a child by David. But Uriah was so devoted to his king and to the victory of the battle that he would not even go near Bathsheba when he returned home. As a result of this, David sent him to the forefront of the battle where he knew he would be killed, and he took Bathsheba as his wife.
The L<small>ORD</small> sent the prophet Nathan to tell David that because he had slain Uriah and married his wife, he would be punished. The L<small>ORD</small> told David through Nathan that the sword would never be far from his house and that God would give his wives to his neighbor. He said that God forgave David and would not take his life, but the price of his sin would be the life of the child born to Bathsheba, Absalom. Although David fasted and entreated God to spare the child, the child became sick and died. Their next son, Solomon, became the king who followed in the footsteps of his father.
David had taken another’s life so the life of his child would be taken. And yet we know that God loved David. David had to learn this lesson, and had he not paid the price, he would have had to pay it in a future life. That is the old dispensation of the New Testament, but it is still with us today.
These things weighed heavily upon his soul, but the very reason they weighed heavily upon him was because he was a son of God and he desired perfection and he called upon forgiveness for those transgressions. In a life of great mastery, great devotion and the writing of the Psalms, this perhaps was the only mark of compromise.

== Reincarnation as Jesus ==
== Reincarnation as Jesus ==
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Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit: The Anointings by the Holy Spirit,” June 30, 1994.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Lesson Three from the Holy Spirit: The Anointings by the Holy Spirit,” June 30, 1994.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, November 1, 1973.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 13, 1978.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 8, 1981.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 8, 1981.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 11, 1991.
