Adept/pt: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<blockquote> Tomai, então, o estudo simples e humilde dos ensinamentos de meu Filho, os ensinamentos de Buda e os ensinamentos dos Mestres Orientais. Entrai nessa caminhada,...")
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[[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Maria]] explica:
[[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Maria]] explica:

<blockquote>Take up, then, the simple and humble study of the teachings of my Son, the teachings of the Buddha and the teachings of the Eastern Masters. Enter in to that walk, beloved, and join the adepts of East and West. One and all, you have the opportunity for adeptship. You must only decide that that is your goal.</blockquote>
<blockquote> Tomai, então, o estudo simples e humilde dos ensinamentos de meu Filho, os ensinamentos de Buda e os ensinamentos dos Mestres Orientais. Entrai nessa caminhada, amados, e juntai-vos aos adeptos do Oriente e do Ocidente. Em primeiro lugar, todos vós tendes a oportunidade de vos tornardes adeptos. Só deveis decidir-vos que esse é o vosso objetivo. </blockquote>

<blockquote>To be an adept means to have a certain mastery for the holding of Light, for the crystallization of the God-flame within you and for the entering in to the Mind of God. It means, beloved, that you are moved neither to the right nor to the left, neither up nor down by circumstances, by whatever negative is hurled at you. Adeptship is to be unmoved, to be in the center of the T’ai Chi, to know oneself supremely as God but never as a human god—for God has displaced the human. This is your goal of union....</blockquote>
<blockquote>To be an adept means to have a certain mastery for the holding of Light, for the crystallization of the God-flame within you and for the entering in to the Mind of God. It means, beloved, that you are moved neither to the right nor to the left, neither up nor down by circumstances, by whatever negative is hurled at you. Adeptship is to be unmoved, to be in the center of the T’ai Chi, to know oneself supremely as God but never as a human god—for God has displaced the human. This is your goal of union....</blockquote>