Zarathustra/ru: Difference between revisions

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[[File:0000228 zarathustra-with-sword-2382AX 600.jpeg|thumb|Заратустра]]
[[File:0000228 zarathustra-with-sword-2382AX 600.jpeg|thumb|Заратустра]]

This office in hierarchy is presently held by one who was embodied as the founder of Zoroastrianism in ancient Persia. He is the highest initiate of the sacred fire on the planet and the governing authority of the energies of [[fohat]]. He is over the priests of the sacred fire and the priesthood of [[Melchizedek]].  
Эту должность в иерархии занимает ныне тот, кто воплощался как основатель зороастризма в древней Персии. Заратустра является самым высоким посвященным священного огня на планете и лицом, облеченным властью управлять энергиями [[fohat|фохата]]. Он руководит жрецами священного огня и священством [[Melchizedek|Мелхиседека]].  

All members of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] serve in the Order of Melchizedek even as they serve the sacred fire, but only those who have reached a certain level of initiation may be called Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. Other members serve the purposes of the Order but do not bear the title of priest. Zarathustra has many disciples serving under him, and when the most advanced of these reaches a certain attainment, he will qualify for the office, and the teacher will go on to cosmic service.
All members of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] serve in the Order of Melchizedek even as they serve the sacred fire, but only those who have reached a certain level of initiation may be called Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. Other members serve the purposes of the Order but do not bear the title of priest. Zarathustra has many disciples serving under him, and when the most advanced of these reaches a certain attainment, he will qualify for the office, and the teacher will go on to cosmic service.