Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus/ru: Difference between revisions

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4 июля 1977 года Санат Кумара сказал:  
4 июля 1977 года Санат Кумара сказал:  

<blockquote>The Cosmic Council and the Lords of Karma have granted and decreed that I might be allowed to tarry on earth, in earth, for certain cycles of manifestation for the absolute return of freedom into the hearts of the lightbearers of earth....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Космический Совет и Владыки Кармы издали указ, выразив свое согласие на мое пребывание на Земле в течение определенных циклов проявления ради полного возвращения свободы в сердца светоносцев Земли...</blockquote>

<blockquote>I place my body as a living altar in the midst of the people Israel,<ref>The term ''Israel'' applies to the collective body of the bearers of the Christic seed and Christ consciousness who have descended from Sanat Kumara and not exclusively to the Jewish people. The ascended masters teach that those who are of the I AM THAT I AM have embodied in all races, kindreds and nations. The term ''Israelite'' means, esoterically, “he who Is Real in the mighty I AM Presence.” In Hebrew, ''Israel'' means “he will rule as God” or “prevailing with God.”</ref> and in that body temple is the original blueprint, the [soul] design for every son and daughter of God and the children of God who have come forth. For it is the desire of the Cosmic Virgin that none of her children should be lost, none of her sons and daughters.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I place my body as a living altar in the midst of the people Israel,<ref>The term ''Israel'' applies to the collective body of the bearers of the Christic seed and Christ consciousness who have descended from Sanat Kumara and not exclusively to the Jewish people. The ascended masters teach that those who are of the I AM THAT I AM have embodied in all races, kindreds and nations. The term ''Israelite'' means, esoterically, “he who Is Real in the mighty I AM Presence.” In Hebrew, ''Israel'' means “he will rule as God” or “prevailing with God.”</ref> and in that body temple is the original blueprint, the [soul] design for every son and daughter of God and the children of God who have come forth. For it is the desire of the Cosmic Virgin that none of her children should be lost, none of her sons and daughters.</blockquote>