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El retiro de Eriel es un refugio de luz separado de las vibraciones mundanas, un retiro en el verdadero sentido de la palabra. Allí aprendemos las bellezas del apartamiento, de la soledad o unidad total en Dios. Aquellos que gusten de dar caminatas en las montañas y meditar en Dios apreciarán el Espíritu que inunda este retiro y deberían pedir que los lleven allí mientras duerme su cuerpo, porque sólo en este ambiente de total separación del mundo uno puede aprender la compleja ciencia de los Rayos de Luz y Sonido.
El retiro de Eriel es un refugio de luz separado de las vibraciones mundanas, un retiro en el verdadero sentido de la palabra. Allí aprendemos las bellezas del apartamiento, de la soledad o unidad total en Dios. Aquellos que gusten de dar caminatas en las montañas y meditar en Dios apreciarán el Espíritu que inunda este retiro y deberían pedir que los lleven allí mientras duerme su cuerpo, porque sólo en este ambiente de total separación del mundo uno puede aprender la compleja ciencia de los Rayos de Luz y Sonido.

El foco de la llama en este retiro es morado con una funda rosa. La radiación del retiro es de amor divino. A su hogar de luz Eriel atrae a los niños que han fallecido. Los niños pequeños hasta la edad de doce años, e incluso los adolescentes, son llevados allí para que se adapten a la nueva octava en la que con frecuencia se encuentran repentinamente a causa de accidentes, enfermedades y otras causas. Eriel los ayuda en su retiro a desarrollar alguna faceta de su [[Special:MyLanguage/Divine plan|plan divino]] como preparación para la reencarnación.
El foco de la llama en este retiro es morado con una funda rosa. La radiación del retiro es de amor divino. A su hogar de luz Eriel atrae a los niños que han fallecido. Los niños pequeños hasta la edad de doce años, e incluso los adolescentes, son llevados allí para que se adapten a la nueva octava en la que con frecuencia se encuentran repentinamente a causa de accidentes, enfermedades y otras causas. Eriel los ayuda en su retiro a desarrollar alguna faceta de su [[Special:MyLanguage/Divine plan|plan divino]] como preparación para su próxima vida.

Eriel’s retreat is a fairyland, a storybook village of cobblestones and windmills and mothers and fathers and houses. Here, children can experience the continuity of a childhood that was abruptly severed. The great love of Eriel of the Light is for the healing of these children, that they might continue through the logical sequence of evolution that they would have known. And when they have finished and resolved the psychological burdens of an untimely passing, they may be prepared for embodiment again.
Eriel’s retreat is a fairyland, a storybook village of cobblestones and windmills and mothers and fathers and houses. Here, children can experience the continuity of a childhood that was abruptly severed. The great love of Eriel of the Light is for the healing of these children, that they might continue through the logical sequence of evolution that they would have known. And when they have finished and resolved the psychological burdens of an untimely passing, they may be prepared for embodiment again.

Revision as of 16:25, 3 March 2020

Other languages:
Sierra de San Francisco, una cordillera en Arizona

El maestro ascendido Eriel tiene su retiro etérico sobre el estado de Arizona. El retiro etérico no está lejos de la ciudad etérica sobre los desiertos de Arizona y allí hay una avanzada física del retiro, en las montañas.

The Secret Valley

In the book Unveiled Mysteries, Godfré Ray King tells of meeting a gentleman who had received an invitation to visit this retreat, along with a diagram and directions to be followed. This gentleman described his experience to Godfré:

I saw this would lead me into the high mountains southeast of Tucson, Arizona. I made preparation to go at once, saying to my friends I was going to do a little prospecting. I took a horse and pack animal, finding very little discomfort and no difficulty in following the directions given. If I could have gone as the crow flies, I would easily have covered the distance in two days.

Just before sundown of the third day, I came to a blind canyon and would have passed it unnoticed, if it had not been for the diagram. I had just made camp, when it became dark. I rolled up in my blankets and soon dropped off to sleep, dreaming most vividly, of waking in the morning and seeing a young man, standing near by looking at me.

When I did awaken, to my astonishment, there stood the young man in real life, looking at me intently. He greeted me with a beautiful smile, saying:

“My friend, you are expected to follow me.” I noticed, he had my things in readiness and turning without further discussion, led the way toward the head of the canyon. After about an hour, we came to a stop because of a cliff that seemed to close the way before us.

He turned, placed his hands upon the rock, and pressed against it. A section of the wall, perhaps ten by twelve feet, moved in to a depth of about one foot and then slid to one side. We entered a tunnel that centuries ago must have been the bed of an underground water-course. My companion closed the entrance behind us and, as we turned to go forward, a soft radiance spread everywhere, so we could see quite clearly. I was astonished at all I saw but I remembered the admonition I had received in my instruction, “to be silent.”

We continued in the tunnel for more than an hour, and finally came to a massive metal door. This opened slowly at my companion’s touch. He stood aside, and waited for me to pass through. I stepped out into the bright sunlight, almost breathless with delight at the beauty of the scene before me. Ahead of us, lay a valley of surpassing loveliness, about a hundred acres in extent.

“My Friend,” said the young man, “you have returned home after a long absence, all of which you shall soon understand.” He then led the way to a beautiful building, near the foot of a sheer cliff at the upper end of the valley. As we came nearer, I could see many kinds of fruit and vegetables growing in abundance, among them oranges, dates, English walnuts, and pecans. A beautiful waterfall poured over the cliff, making a limpid pool at its base. The building was a massive one, and looked as though it had stood there for centuries....

We entered the ancient building. The interior was finished in pink marble and white onyx. I was shown to a beautiful room where the morning sun flooded everything with its glorious radiance.[1]

Functions of the retreat

En este retiro se imparten clases sobre los Rayos de Luz y Sonido. Estas clases están abiertas sólo a los estudiantes cualificados, iniciados de los maestros ascendidos a quienes los Señores del Karma consideran dignos de recibir esta instrucción.

El retiro de Eriel es un refugio de luz separado de las vibraciones mundanas, un retiro en el verdadero sentido de la palabra. Allí aprendemos las bellezas del apartamiento, de la soledad o unidad total en Dios. Aquellos que gusten de dar caminatas en las montañas y meditar en Dios apreciarán el Espíritu que inunda este retiro y deberían pedir que los lleven allí mientras duerme su cuerpo, porque sólo en este ambiente de total separación del mundo uno puede aprender la compleja ciencia de los Rayos de Luz y Sonido.

El foco de la llama en este retiro es morado con una funda rosa. La radiación del retiro es de amor divino. A su hogar de luz Eriel atrae a los niños que han fallecido. Los niños pequeños hasta la edad de doce años, e incluso los adolescentes, son llevados allí para que se adapten a la nueva octava en la que con frecuencia se encuentran repentinamente a causa de accidentes, enfermedades y otras causas. Eriel los ayuda en su retiro a desarrollar alguna faceta de su plan divino como preparación para su próxima vida.

Eriel’s retreat is a fairyland, a storybook village of cobblestones and windmills and mothers and fathers and houses. Here, children can experience the continuity of a childhood that was abruptly severed. The great love of Eriel of the Light is for the healing of these children, that they might continue through the logical sequence of evolution that they would have known. And when they have finished and resolved the psychological burdens of an untimely passing, they may be prepared for embodiment again.

La música «To a Wild Rose», de Woodland Sketches, de Edward MacDowell, refleja la llama del retiro de Eriel.


Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Los Maestros y sus Retiros, Volumen 2, “Retiro de Eriel en Arizona”.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 29 de junio de 1983.

  1. Godfré Ray King, Unveiled Mysteries, ch. 7.