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El '''bautismo''' es el primer sacramento que nos llega por la acción del primer rayo. El bautismo es el origen de la misión sagrada, es la consagración del alma a la voluntad de Dios. Es el momento cuando el alma está infundida con el mantra que fue dicho por [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]], cuando descendió a su forma en Belén: “He aquí que vengo a hacer tu voluntad, oh Dios”. <ref>Heb. 10:7, 9.</ref>
El '''bautismo''' es el primer sacramento que nos llega por la acción del primer rayo. El bautismo es el origen de la misión sagrada, es la consagración del alma a la voluntad de Dios. Es el momento cuando el alma está infundida con el mantra que fue dicho por [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]], cuando descendió a su forma en Belén: “He aquí que vengo a hacer tu voluntad, oh Dios”. <ref>Heb. 10:7, 9.</ref>

Some have an idea that the little child in arms cannot be baptized because he cannot give full acknowledgment to that mantra; but it is a mantra of the soul. It is the mantra that is spoken. It is the commitment of will upon incarnation, as the soul is sent forth from God to earth. And when it has arrived, that presentation in the temple, that coming forth for the baptism, is sponsored by the parents who stand with the soul at inner levels in the commitment to “do thy will, O God.
Algunos tienen la idea de que un bebé pequeño no puede ser bautizado porque no es capaz de reconocer plenamente ese mantra, pero es un mantra del alma, es el mantra que resuena. Ese mantra es el compromiso que tenemos al encarnar, pues el alma es enviada por Dios a la Tierra. Cuando el alma ha descendido, el bautismo, que es la presentación en el templo, es patrocinada por los padres; ellos están con esa alma en los niveles internos compartiendo el compromiso de hacer la voluntad de Dios.

As Jesus publicly submitted to his baptism, so we should also submit to a public baptism through an ordained minister of the Church:  
As Jesus publicly submitted to his baptism, so we should also submit to a public baptism through an ordained minister of the Church:  

Revision as of 19:05, 8 June 2021

Other languages:
"El bautismo de Cristo", Paolo Veronese (1561 aprox.)

El bautismo es el primer sacramento que nos llega por la acción del primer rayo. El bautismo es el origen de la misión sagrada, es la consagración del alma a la voluntad de Dios. Es el momento cuando el alma está infundida con el mantra que fue dicho por Jesús, cuando descendió a su forma en Belén: “He aquí que vengo a hacer tu voluntad, oh Dios”. [1]

Algunos tienen la idea de que un bebé pequeño no puede ser bautizado porque no es capaz de reconocer plenamente ese mantra, pero es un mantra del alma, es el mantra que resuena. Ese mantra es el compromiso que tenemos al encarnar, pues el alma es enviada por Dios a la Tierra. Cuando el alma ha descendido, el bautismo, que es la presentación en el templo, es patrocinada por los padres; ellos están con esa alma en los niveles internos compartiendo el compromiso de hacer la voluntad de Dios.

As Jesus publicly submitted to his baptism, so we should also submit to a public baptism through an ordained minister of the Church:

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, “I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?”

And Jesus answering said unto him, “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he suffered him.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water. And, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him: and, lo, a voice from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”[2]

An initiation unto Christhood

In The Opening of the Seventh Seal, Sanat Kumara explains that the water baptism corresponds to one the stages of initiation of Christhood. There are (1) birth, (2) water baptism, (3) fire baptism (transfiguration), and (4) crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.

The initiation of the second stage of Christhood is the Water (Matter) Baptism through the Christ of Maitreya under the office of the Lion on the north gate. This stage was reenacted by the Lord Jesus Christ in his baptism by John in the river Jordan. Its purpose was to illustrate the ritual for you, my beloved; for the living Gurus (God-men) John and Jesus had no need to publicly reenact the ritual except to fulfill the law as an example of its righteous use to their chelas—an example which they should follow both in the spirit and the letter in the hour of their initiation into the second gospel of the four that form the square.

Therefore the Master said, “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.” This is the moment of the initiation by Maitreya when the Person of the Father enters the temple—magnified by the already balanced and expanded Threefold Flame. The Light of the I AM Presence, as the Light of Alpha and Omega, pours directly through his heart chakra as he is dedicated to his earthly mission by the dove of the Holy Ghost. This is the moment of my approbation, “This is my Son, my beloved, in whom I AM well pleased.”

The meaning of these words is revealed to the initiated: “This is my Son [the Light manifestation of my Presence, i.e., the incarnation of my Word--the extension of my Self through the lineal descent of the Ruby Ray]—this is my beloved soul Jesus [my beloved Self in Matter—in Mother] in whom I AM THAT I AM—[in whom I dwell, for “I and my Son (Light) are one”] well pleased [exceedingly One]”.

The pleasure of the Father in the Son is always by the law of congruency. When the Son is the perfect chalice for the Father, then is the Father joyous, comfortable, and comforting all life through the transparent Presence of the Son. Thus when the Son fulfills his purpose of being the chalice worthy, the chalice is sealed in the Water Baptism and the divine approbation is pronounced before the councils of the hosts of heaven and before all upon earth who have ears to hear.

This baptism is the sign that the Guru is in the chela—bodily. The equilateral triangles of their identity are congruent. This is part one of the threefold empowerment conferred in stages two, three, and four.

All that transpires between the Water (Matter) Baptism and the Transfiguration in the high mountain of the Christ consciousness on the west gate fulfills the second archetype of personal Christhood on the Path of the Ruby Ray. Many of these initiations are illustrated in the public ministry of the Saviour—but not all. Other initiations are borne solely within the retreats of the Brotherhood. His public ministry is evidence to all adepts that he has undergone said initiations according to the preordained path.[3]


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 5, 1976.

Tenets of Church Universal and Triumphant.

  1. Heb. 10:7, 9.
  2. Matt. 3:13–17.
  3. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chapter 21.