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[[El Morya]] explica la motivación y las estrategias de la Hermandad Negra India:
[[El Morya]] explica la motivación y las estrategias de la Hermandad Negra India:

<blockquote>I perceive in this hour the great burdens upon India. And one of the greatest burdens of this nation in this hour is what we have called the Black Brotherhood of India. Not only are they the impostors of the true Gurus and Masters, but they are the impostors in government, in the economy, in the educational institutions—they are impostors in the sense that everything they do is to oppose the divine plan of twin flames from coming into manifestation.</blockquote>
<blockquote> Percibo en esta hora las grandes cargas sobre la India. Y una de las mayores cargas de esta nación en esta hora es lo que hemos llamado la Hermandad Negra de la India. No solo son los impostores de los verdaderos Gurús y Maestros, sino que son los impostores en el gobierno, en la economía, en las instituciones educativas; son impostores en el sentido de que todo lo que hacen es oponerse al plan divino de las llamas gemelas de entrando en manifestación. </blockquote>

<blockquote>Much of this comes from greed or the desire for power, even if that power is impure; the desire to control—the desire even to control individuals on the spiritual path by limiting their knowledge of the true science that comes from the God [[Himalaya]]. Thus they may entertain followers and disciples or chelas, but they may limit their knowledge of the Law and the use of the Light, telling them it is for their good, even as in the West in some circles Communion is served without the impartation of the wine of the Spirit; or the Teaching of Christ is incomplete because it stops before the Teaching of the internalization of the Word is given.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Much of this comes from greed or the desire for power, even if that power is impure; the desire to control—the desire even to control individuals on the spiritual path by limiting their knowledge of the true science that comes from the God [[Himalaya]]. Thus they may entertain followers and disciples or chelas, but they may limit their knowledge of the Law and the use of the Light, telling them it is for their good, even as in the West in some circles Communion is served without the impartation of the wine of the Spirit; or the Teaching of Christ is incomplete because it stops before the Teaching of the internalization of the Word is given.</blockquote>

Revision as of 01:09, 12 October 2021

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La Hermandad Negra de la India
La Hermandad del Cuervo Negro
Falsos gurús

La "'Hermandad Negra India'" es una hermandad negra muy antigua, con representantes en el plano físico y en el plano astral; la más sigilosa e inteligente de todas las falsas jerarquías del planeta.

Los miembros de esta hermandad han cubierto la India con sus tentáculos de falsas enseñanzas, y esos tentáculos se han extendido por todo el mundo a través de los falsos gurús que han enviado alrededor del mundo para que los hijos de la luz se capten en esas enseñanzas antes. alguna vez conocen a los verdaderos gurús. La Hermandad Negra de la India es una de las más virulentas del planeta. Mantiene a la gente de la India esclavizada por muchas formas pervertidas.


La Hermandad Negra de Lemuria, a través de la Hermandad Negra de la India, ha enseñado a sus devotos a manipular la vida elemental mediante el abuso del mantra y de las energías del caduceo. Los falsos profetas de la luz de los verdaderos hinduistas y budistas han pervertido la polaridad de las llamas gemelas, la cual se manifiesta en la completa unión del hombre y la mujer antes de la Caída.

El ritual sagrado del flujo de las energías entre los chakras de las llamas gemelas ha sido pervertido y se ha convertido en los abusos pertenecientes al yoga tántrico y a las prácticas de ciertos instructores que han enseñado a los crédulos a meditar sobre los centros sagrados para intensificar la gratificación sexual y sensual, y a dominar fuerzas materiales en el cuerpo con el fin de controlar fuerzas espirituales. Todo eso no se hace para gloria de Cristo, sino para gloria de la mente carnal. Todos esos instructores operan sin la autorización de los verdaderos Gurús de la Gran Hermandad Blanca, ascendidos y no ascendidos.

Esta actividad anti-Cristo y anti-Buda, altamente extendida en los Estados Unidos y la India, es un ejemplo de libertad material acompañada de la esclavitud espiritual. Ciertos instructores, pretendiendo representar a la Gran Hermandad Blanca (y otros que han negado públicamente su existencia), enseñan los ritos del yoga kundalini a personas cuyo logro no les concede ese derecho.

Otras formas avanzadas de yoga, que solo los verdaderos Gurús ascendidos y no ascendidos deberían enseñar, se transmiten libremente para la destrucción de unas almas que deberían someterse con toda humildad a los primeros pasos del verdadero sendero de la iniciación.


El Morya explica la motivación y las estrategias de la Hermandad Negra India:

Percibo en esta hora las grandes cargas sobre la India. Y una de las mayores cargas de esta nación en esta hora es lo que hemos llamado la Hermandad Negra de la India. No solo son los impostores de los verdaderos Gurús y Maestros, sino que son los impostores en el gobierno, en la economía, en las instituciones educativas; son impostores en el sentido de que todo lo que hacen es oponerse al plan divino de las llamas gemelas de entrando en manifestación.

Much of this comes from greed or the desire for power, even if that power is impure; the desire to control—the desire even to control individuals on the spiritual path by limiting their knowledge of the true science that comes from the God Himalaya. Thus they may entertain followers and disciples or chelas, but they may limit their knowledge of the Law and the use of the Light, telling them it is for their good, even as in the West in some circles Communion is served without the impartation of the wine of the Spirit; or the Teaching of Christ is incomplete because it stops before the Teaching of the internalization of the Word is given.

In this case, then, the false teacher brings but a little of the Path and withholds the rest, doling it out crumb by crumb merely to keep the followers tied to himself. He, having no Light [i.e., Christ] of his own, does live upon the Light [Christ] of others. And thus these mechanisms are highly refined—the enslavement of souls by the Black Brotherhood of India drawing a dark circle around them and seeing to it that they cannot press through to the Brotherhood of Light.

This false hierarchy, then, has come in the person of many false gurus to America, to the English-speaking nations—to Australia, the British Isles, Canada. Through the nations of the world they have come. They have taught siddhis to those who have not the Spirit incarnate of the Lord Krishna. They have given initiation of mantra to those who have not surrendered their souls and hearts to God, who have not paid the requirements of the Law. And yet these false gurus, beloved ones, they do not—they do not indeed actually transfer the highest light.

Thus a network of false hierarchs, false gurus, and false chelas is being built around the world, establishing the antithesis to the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood by promising immediate results—the results of energies in the spine or the chakras or certain powers or certain relief from suffering—all of this without the required balance of karma or the path of reunion. This, then, becomes a limitation to the divine government of India and of America, for it is the best servants and the lightbearers who, seeking the Light [the Cosmic Christ], become encumbered by and often even fascinated with the false gurus.

Beloved ones, I counsel you, then, to know that we have given to you in the path of our Teaching that which will secure you and protect you from any idolatrous cult or association which has as its foundation the avowed determination to keep you separated from your twin flame but tied to the false guru. Thus the allegiance is mandated by these false teachers to the person of the unascended guru instead of to the Person of the Godhead and the I AM Presence.

We warn because we have seen the going astray of lightbearers into these avenues. And it has cost them, sometimes for several embodiments, the scheduled union with the twin flame, the scheduled initiations with Maitreya. And the world itself has suffered; for these lightbearers have belonged at the very heart of their nation’s government, educational institutions, sponsorship of motherhood, and in the holding of the balance of the economies.[1]

Véase también

Falsos gurús

Hermandad del Cuervo Negro


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 19 de agosto de 1993.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 19 de febrero de 1976.

Mark L. Prophet y Elizabeth Clare Prophet, El sendero de la autotransformación.

  1. El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 33.