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(Created page with "<blockquote>Ogniste salamandry skrywają sekrety żywiołu ognia odpowiadającego ciału eterycznemu. Dokładnie w którym momencie fizyczny ogień, nieuchwytny i najtrudniejs...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>W posłusznej i pełnej miłości służbie swoim hierarchom, Oromasisowi i Dianie, ich domena rozciąga się od jądra każdego atomu i komórki Życia do jądra...")
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<blockquote>Ogniste salamandry skrywają sekrety żywiołu ognia odpowiadającego ciału eterycznemu. Dokładnie w którym momencie fizyczny ogień, nieuchwytny i najtrudniejszy do kontrolowania, staje się świętym ogniem, jest tajemnicą nauczaną przez Ducha Świętego, obserwowaną w świętych sercach świętych, dotykaną lekko przez naukowców nuklearnych, ale mocno trzymaną w ręku przez żywiołaki ognia.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Ogniste salamandry skrywają sekrety żywiołu ognia odpowiadającego ciału eterycznemu. Dokładnie w którym momencie fizyczny ogień, nieuchwytny i najtrudniejszy do kontrolowania, staje się świętym ogniem, jest tajemnicą nauczaną przez Ducha Świętego, obserwowaną w świętych sercach świętych, dotykaną lekko przez naukowców nuklearnych, ale mocno trzymaną w ręku przez żywiołaki ognia.</blockquote>

<blockquote>In obedient and loving service to their hierarchs, Oromasis and Diana, their domain stretches from the nucleus of every atom and cell of Life to the core of the earth. They are compassionate and brilliant teachers ready to teach mankind practical ways of harnessing universal energy—from the heart of the electron to the heart of the sun.</blockquote>
<blockquote>W posłusznej i pełnej miłości służbie swoim hierarchom, Oromasisowi i Dianie, ich domena rozciąga się od jądra każdego atomu i komórki Życia do jądra ziemi. Są współczującymi i błyskotliwymi nauczycielami gotowymi nauczyć ludzkość praktycznych sposobów wykorzystania uniwersalnej energii — od serca elektronu do serca słońca.</blockquote>

=== Undines ===
=== Undines ===

Revision as of 00:28, 8 August 2023

Istoty ziemi, powietrza, ognia i wody; duchy natury, które są sługami Boga i człowieka na planach Materii w celu ustanowienia i utrzymania planu fizycznego jako platformy ewolucji duszy. Żywiołaki, które służą żywiołowi ognia, nazywane są „salamandrami”; ci, którzy służą żywiołowi powietrza, „sylphs”; ci, którzy służą żywiołowi wody, undines; ci, którzy służą żywiołowi ziemi, gnomy.

Oromasis i Diana są odpowiedzialni za element ognia i wszystkie salamandry; Neptun i Luara kierują rumowiskami i potężnymi wodami; Aries i Thor nadzorują wdzięczne sylfy i bezdrożne królestwa powietrza; i Virgo i Pelleur są matką i ojcem ziemi i gnomów.

Opisy żywiołaków

Salamandra to istota o wzroście co najmniej dziewięciu stóp, która pulsuje płomieniem, a płomień ciągle się zmienia — ogniste białe światło i kolory tęczy. To istota w kształcie człowieka, który jest cały w płomieniach, nieustannie się porusza, z dwojgiem jasno widzących, ognistych oczu.

Panna i Pelleur opisują gnomy:

Istoty, które nazywacie gnomami, których wizerunek został przyćmiony w opowieści „Królewna Śnieżka i siedmiu krasnoludków” i innych baśniach, w rzeczywistości mają rozmiary od trzy calowych elfów bawiących się w trawie do trzy-inch wysokich krasnoludków, aż do hierarchii gór, które uczęszczają w Wielkiej Sali Króla i Królowej Gór, dostrzeżonych przez Griega i przedstawionych w jego muzycznym hołdzie dla specjalnych gnomów Norwegii i Normanów.

W królestwie żywiołów ziemi są olbrzymy. Są to potężne istoty, które władają ogniem atomów i cząsteczek i utrzymują równowagę na kontynentach poprzez kataklizm, powódź i ogień. Ta ewolucja została stworzona przez Elohim, aby podtrzymać platformę dla wielkiego eksperymentu wolnej woli, zarządzonego przez Boga dla jego dzieci, które posłał na systemy planetarne, aby były owocne w świadomości Chrystusowej i pomnożyły manifestację Boga w ich potomstwie i w dzieła ich rąk.[1]

Praca żywiołaków

Kuthumiktóry miał wielką komunię z życiem żywiołów w swoim wcieleniu jako św. Franciszek, mówi w „Lekcjach klasowych Corona” o pracy żywiołaków:

Życie Boga jest obecne w królestwach minerałów, roślin i zwierząt oraz w całym niewidzialnym świecie duchów Natury – królestwie tętniącym życiem „elementów”, radosną paplaniną elfów i wróżek, gnomami przy pracy (choć nie zawsze gwiżdżą!), sylfy układające chmury i kołyszące się na wietrze, undine pluskające w falach i salamandry tańczące w ognistych pierścieniach tęczowych promieni.


Dźwigają tak wielki ciężar ludzkiej karmy, że same gnomy przyjmują ludzkie drogi, stając się zrzędliwymi i w złych humorach, aż pojawia się słodka nauczycielka (jak błogosławiona Matka w przebraniu Królewny Śnieżki), która delikatnie poprowadzi ich w górę skali ich ziemskiej ewolucji pod rządami ich hierarchów, Panny i Pelleura, mistrzowskich istot, które utrzymują równowagę sił na ziemi. Gnomy służą na planie fizycznym tuż za zasłoną (widmem) zwykłego wzroku. Tutaj nazywane są żywiołami ziemi. Czasami dostrzegasz je kątem oka — a potem myślisz, że musiałeś to sobie wyobrazić!


Sylfy obsługują domenę nieba oraz systemy oczyszczania powietrza i ciśnienia. Wszystko to obserwuje się w alchemicznych zmianach pogody oraz cyklach fotosyntezy i opadów. Te żywiołaki są mistrzowskimi stworzeniami, które rozszerzają i kurczą swoje powietrzne „ciała” z poziomu mikrokosmosu do makrokosmosu, zawsze utrzymując płomień dla królestwa umysłu, płaszczyzny mentalnej odpowiadającej elementowi powietrza – jednemu z czterech elementów wyznaczonych przez starożytnych alchemicy. Dlatego sylfy są znane jako żywiołaki powietrza. Reagują na rozkazy swoich hierarchów, Barana i Thora.

Konfiguracja ciała ziemskiego i chemii ziemi, zredukowana do czterech odrębnych etapów lub jakości substancji — ognia, powietrza, wody i ziemi — przez mistyczne bractwo wczesnych naukowców, których dążenie do kontrolowania sił natury obejmowało nieuchwytny cel: przekształcanie metali nieszlachetnych w złoto przez transmutację – w rzeczywistości nie było dalekie od wyższej prawdy.

Cztery niższe ciała człowieka odnoszą się do tak zwanych czterech płaszczyzn Materii obsługiwanych przez siły kosmiczne skupiające się poprzez mniej rozwinięte istoty Natury. W rzeczywistości możesz być zainteresowany wiedzą, że elementale zostały również stworzone przez Elohim, aby służyły synom i córkom Boga, gdy oni również opanowują nauki o ziemi i przejmą władzę w przestrzeni (zarówno wewnętrznej, jak i zewnętrznej) i w samą porę. Gdy człowiek stara się podbić swój świat w morzu wód i morzu światła, w wibracjach królestw subatomowych i naddźwiękowych, aby krok po kroku udowodnić swoją boską kontrolę nad wszechświatem we wszystkich aspektach czterech królestw, bez wiedzy swojej zewnętrznej świadomości współpracuje z żywiołakami, którzy przez miliony lat trzymali wszystko pod kontrolą.


Ogniste salamandry skrywają sekrety żywiołu ognia odpowiadającego ciału eterycznemu. Dokładnie w którym momencie fizyczny ogień, nieuchwytny i najtrudniejszy do kontrolowania, staje się świętym ogniem, jest tajemnicą nauczaną przez Ducha Świętego, obserwowaną w świętych sercach świętych, dotykaną lekko przez naukowców nuklearnych, ale mocno trzymaną w ręku przez żywiołaki ognia.

W posłusznej i pełnej miłości służbie swoim hierarchom, Oromasisowi i Dianie, ich domena rozciąga się od jądra każdego atomu i komórki Życia do jądra ziemi. Są współczującymi i błyskotliwymi nauczycielami gotowymi nauczyć ludzkość praktycznych sposobów wykorzystania uniwersalnej energii — od serca elektronu do serca słońca.


The water elementals, portrayed in the elusive but enchanting mermaids, have inspired many a tale of romance between the human and elemental evolutions. ‘Crossing over’ from the elemental to the human kingdom is a known phenomenon. It is a door that has opened and been shut again to allow, in certain isolated cases, a particularly precious elemental of virtue and attainment to move on in the scale of evolution through the family of humanity, ultimately to acquire the divine spark.

More frequently, elementals cross over to the animal kingdom, accelerating evolution by serving man through the highly intelligent species, such as elephants, whales, porpoises, and even particularly loving and responsive dogs or horses.

The race memory of such occurrences goes back to the mists of Lemuria and Atlantis and is held today as legend or fairy tale, myth or make-believe by those whose lives would be too turned around to suit their pace or personal self-esteem, were they to take seriously this ‘sub-level’ of a lifewave, perceived at subconscious levels but denied everywhere except in the play of a midsummer night’s dream.

Nevertheless, the serious work of the undines moves on as the oceans and the rivers and the lakes, streams and rivulets and raindrops all play a part in the formation and re-formation of the body of our planet and of man, utterly dependent upon the elementals.

The undines, who also laugh and play in the waves and waterfalls, lovingly follow the example of their hierarchs. Neptune is the king of the deep and his consort, Luara, is mother of tides, governing cycles of fertility and the water element as it affects the emotional body (known as the water, feeling, or desire body) and the communications of mankind’s joy, grief, guilt, anger, and love through the astral plane, strongly influencing the collective unconscious of the race.

The consciousness of the elementals

There is a great difference in the consciousness of the mineral, vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms serviced by the four types of elementals. Just as the body of man is not aware of itself in sleep, so the mineral kingdom does not possess self-awareness but manifests a specific quality of ‘mineral density’ which elemental life has charged into the substance of matter.

For example, the gnomes, although scarce recognized by the average Westerner—yet made known to the Irish as the “little people,” or as mischievous fairies called leprechauns—do exist and impart to the mineral kingdom a wonderful quality of spiritual radiance which passes through the consciousness of the elemental’s own being directly from the sun parents of this system—Helios and Vesta. The gnomes are charged with the responsibility of administering the divine pattern for each rock, precious stone, and element of mineral life. By a like token, there are also many ethereal angelic beings (of the devic evolution) responsible for ensouling the God-design in the natural order.

Trees and plants, of course, do not possess the awareness of either the human or the elemental consciousness but have imparted to them, by the advanced Devas who watch over them, a greater degree of Life awareness than that retained by the mineral kingdom.

The ensoulment of trees and plants by the devas who direct the specific plant elementals assigned to categories of flora—and exist in such numberless numbers as to tend, literally, everything that grows—accounts for the undeniable fact that people who attune their spiritual centers to the Nature kingdom are able to speak to trees and plants and receive a physically perceptible response to the spark of consciousness communicated to the plant through its “nerve system.” The life-force in plants and animals has been isolated in Kirlian photography, revealing an aura of universal energy, an electromagnetic field, also common to man.

Stepping up in the scale of Life-expressions from flora to fauna, we discover by like attunement the group-soul of animal species manifesting qualities of higher intelligence. Many animals possess almost human characteristics and an uncanny sense, almost psychic in its display. This is especially true of certain breeds of dogs and horses, and is marked in the elephant and the lower primates.

Mammals of the sea, fish, seals, and penguins are not excluded from a very wonderful intelligence, and further study by sensitive scientists will reveal a marvelous attunement, through the heart of all Life, everywhere in the Nature kingdom. Entomologists never cease to be amazed at the wonders of the ant; and the goad of the wise man “Go to the ant, thou sluggard...”[2] indicates that man has a great deal to learn from the veritable mysteries of Nature.[3]

Man’s influence on the elementals

Mankind has a tremendous influence on elemental life—for good or for ill. The elementals are very easily influenced; they are more easily influenced than a child. For example: wrong thought and feeling poured out in a small town day after day by husbands and wives fighting could result in a tornado hitting that town. That’s right! A tornado can be generated by the thoughts and feelings of the people in that town if the elementals pick it up. But the sylphs can be controlled, and they will work for God’s children.

Mark Prophet recounts one of his experiences in working with the elementals:

I remember driving an automobile near the city of Chicago, Illinois. And as we arrived in the vicinity of Chicago, the entire area was black with storm clouds. It was an absolute scene of terror, because in these storm clouds were cyclones and tornadoes. So when we perceived the ominous and threatening danger to the city, our entire group in the car immediately went into action contacting the sylphs of the air.

Prior to our beginning, the storms and the winds began to howl. They howled something terrible, and they sobbed as a child would sob—you could hear it in the wind. We gave our decrees and we sang to the elementals and we called for the dissolving of the storm, and it was all done exactly as we called it forth. The storm clouds disappeared, and the city was saved from terrible destruction by calls to the elementals.[4]

When our hearts are engrafted to God’s heart, nothing is impossible.

Kuthumi speaks of the influence of man on the elementals:

All this lovely creation imbued with a portion of the Divine Intelligence is deemed the “footstool kingdom” of God and was originally placed under the dominion of man as the manifestation of God. Through contaminating vibrations of cruelty, Nature has absorbed human imperfection. The savage qualities of jungle beasts are considered animalistic, whereas in reality, when the truth of life is known and the record of akasha and the planetary aura is accurately read, it will be learned that animal as well as elemental life originally absorbed their gross and sometimes grotesque outpicturings from mankind.

Savagery, cannibalism, violence, revenge, and killing originated in mankind’s lowest evolutionary descent and were transmitted directly by vibration (here proving that the power of example can also be the worst teacher) to the subspecies. Therefore, the animal magnetism in humans—often sub-animal, wreaking a devilish wrath—must be redeemed (i.e., transmuted by the violet flame) in the process of freeing the planet.

This you can begin to effect right now by fervent calls for the action of the circle and sword of blue flame of Astrea, the universal Mother figure functioning at the level of Elohim (personified in the East as Kali) who cuts free her children evolving in every kingdom from the imposed evil matrix of the vengeful fallen angels. The violet fire that flows from your determined, heartfelt decrees literally lifts the pall of human consciousness from all elemental life. It is integral to the reclamation of Nature’s beauty.

Beloved Saint Germain and other ascended masters have in various associations of their embodiments had contact with elemental life evolving through the animal kingdom. In some cases, this necessitated their later intercession on behalf of certain elementals embodied in animal form. The freeing of these blessed elementals “imprisoned” in dense bodies has on more than one occasion been the gift of love and violet fire from the ascended one to that elemental part of Life with whom they had prior contact.

Through the radiation of kindness, joy, and gratitude, all Nature will ultimately attain a pristine state of Edenic perfection where “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard with the kid, the calf and the young lion together...”[5] The law of the savage jungle will be abrogated by Christ-power, and those men so fortunate as to remain upon this planet will be living Christs. Through their intercession, all elementals will be set free from confinement to the temporary animal forms. The radiation of divine Love rising to a pulsation of great power will instantaneously sever and dissolve the connection of the evolved elementals with the self-limiting animal matrix and consciousness.

Some of you will recall reading of my love for the birds and creatures and that they came to me without fear. Beloved hearts, in most animals fear is the result of mankind’s own feelings which are, or have been, projected to the animals through the mass mind. Man’s survival instincts retained from prehistoric times sustain a fierce desire to self-protect. Race memories of past encounters with savage beasts keep alive a record and an automatic reflex whereby man reverts to a defensive posture when sensing the presence of certain wild animals.

Through Christ-power, men can make an appeal to the great Law of Life to free them from this latent fear that engenders alienation from all elemental life. We do not advocate recklessness in approaching wild animals, for until the inner action of transmuting all fear and doubt into love is complete, people would do well not to expose themselves unduly to dangers from animal life which yet responds to man from the lowest levels of world consciousness—for the flame of resurrection is yet to be transferred to them by sons and daughters of a God-mastery regained.

Remember, dear hearts, only when all fear is removed from within yourself, especially the subconscious, by the Great God Presence of Life will the lower-vibrating energy of the cobra, the lion, and all destructive beasts yield to the mighty power of your real attainment in Christ. Thus, we remind those who are beginning to realize that their own self-mastery is the key to the victory of all earth’s evolutions: “He who keepeth himself (his four lower bodies) and the gateway to his own house (his consciousness, body temple, and chakras) is greater than the ruler of a city.”[6]

The karmic burden on the elementals

Earth could be very different if the elementals were not bowed down with pollution and the weight of mankind’s karma. In Genesis, God tells Adam, “Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.”[7] “The ground” is symbolic of elemental life. In other words, because of mankind’s fall from grace (represented in the figures of Adam and Eve) the elementals were “cursed”—that is, mankind’s negative karma was introduced into their world—and the elementals were assigned the task of maintaining balance where karmic imbalance now appeared.

The weight of karma has been building up over centuries and millennia. Yet the elementals keep on working heroically to clean up the earth, the air and the water of our planet. Day after day, they work to keep the earth on an even keel. Without the unflagging work of the elementals, we would not have a physical platform on which to live. We would not have a place to work out our karma or to grow spiritually.

In 1990, beloved Oromasis said that the elementals carry a great weight of oppression and depression, despair and discouragement. Like mankind, the elementals “become listless. They become tired. They become burdened. They become overworked.... But, beloved ones,” he said, “you can clear them of it.”

The elementals do not have a threefold flame, and Oromasis said that until they earn that threefold flame “they must rely on your heart flame. Yes, they decree with you, but they must have you to decree with. For they depend upon the altar of your heart as you depend on the altar of God’s heart and upon the unfed flame.... It is not just your family and your children who depend upon you, but each and every one of you has potentially millions of elementals who depend upon your heart flame.”[8]

In 1996, Lanello told us that the elementals were still laboring under a very heavy burden.

The elementals and their hierarchs have reached their limit. They cannot and will not bear the sins of the world any longer. We call upon you to pray for them, for when they can no longer do their jobs, you can anticipate planetary cataclysm. It is in your best interest, then, to remember the elementals, to walk and talk with them, to call to their four hierarchs and to encourage them, to give them hope and stand by them. Otherwise you will see them giving up one by one....

What would happen if all the earth should become a place where the beings of the elements have gone on strike, saying: “We can no longer deal with the mountains of karma and polluted substance that mankind is dumping in the waters, in the earth, in the air!”[9]

The elementals have helped us for so very long. Now it is our turn to help them. We have the spiritual tools of the violet flame and the power of the Holy Spirit to do it.

Working with the elementals

On July 8, 1990, Oromasis’ twin flame, Diana, announced a dispensation initiating a new wave of cooperation between sons and daughters of God and elemental life. Diana said:

I have brought with me today representatives of the four kingdoms. To each of you are given a troop of elementals, some from each of the kingdoms. You may consider that you have adopted a little tribe today numbering twelve. They will stay with you and obey your command if it is heart-centered in the diamond heart of Mary and Morya. And they will remain as long as you tend and nurture them.

Include them in your calls and give them assignments, but only in keeping with the will of God. Invoke them for many, many purposes in your life, not excluding the healing of your four lower bodies or the tending to practical matters. And as you see the results of your interactions with them and take them with you on your hikes, so you may come to realize what is this segment of the army of the Lord.

Thus, when those who are higher up on the scale of hierarchy perceive your gentleness as well as your firmness and your ability to marshal the forces of the elemental kingdom for good works, they will begin to consider also becoming your obedient servants.... Keepers of the Flame, walk with God—and as you do, know that God in elemental life walks with you.[10]

Give your troop of twelve elementals assignments daily. These can be any constructive endeavor that will help, not just one or two or ten people, but tens of thousands and millions of people. Ask them to take care of practical matters, including the healing of yourself and others. All elemental life knows how to heal. Be sure your requests are in keeping with the will of God. As you are diligent in marshaling the forces of the elementals for good, other beings who are more powerful than the elementals will become your servants as well. Just think what you can accomplish with more and more helpers at your disposal!

In 1993, Oromasis and Diana came again with a plea and a prayer for the elementals. They described other planets that are barren today because the elementals on those planets had no sponsorship—no sons and daughters of God who would keep the flame for them.

Elementals in a golden age

Mark Prophet once painted that scene for us of what would earth be like if the elementals were not bowed down with pollution and the weight of mankind’s karma:

If we had followed the divine plan, we would be able to see and be friends with the nature spirits. We would not have to deal with lesser or greater storms. The ground would shed forth dew to water our crops. No rain would fall, but a dew would appear from the air. The air would be saturated with moisture, in just the right amounts everywhere on earth, and the deserts would bloom as the rose, and there would be no excess moisture, and no lack of it. It would be just right for every climate.

You would have the most beautiful weather and you would have the most beautiful flowers all over the world. You would have plenty of food and you would find that people would not be killing animals to live. There would be abundant fruit. Many of the fruits that would manifest are not even on the planet now.... We would have communion with the elementals, showing them how to step up into a higher manifestation. And we would be receiving our instructions from angels.[11]

See also

Aries and Thor

Neptune and Luara

Virgo and Pelleur

Oromasis and Diana

Body elemental

For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, How to Work with Nature Spirits.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 444–70, 548–55.

Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way, pp. 371–76.

“Cosmic Cooperation between the Children of the Sun and Elemental Life,” a four-part series dictated by the Hierarchs of the Elements, 1980 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, nos. 14–17.

Violet Flame for Elemental Life—Fire, Air, Water and Earth 1 and 2, audio recordings of violet flame decrees and songs to help lift the burden from elemental life.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 30, 1973 (description of a salamander).


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats.

  1. Panna i Pelleur, „The Servants of God and Man in the Earth Element”, {{POW-pl,ref|23|14|, 6 kwietnia 1980 r.
  2. Prov. 6:6.
  3. Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way, chapter 44.
  4. Mark Prophet, “The Kingdom of the Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth,” July 2, 1972.
  5. Isa. 11:6.
  6. Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons: For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way, chapter 44.
  7. Gen. 3:17.
  8. Oromasis and Diana, “Call for the Rainbow Fire!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 33, no. 32.
  9. Lanello, “In the Sanctuary of the Soul,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 40, no. 52, December 28, 1997.
  10. Oromasis and Diana, “Call for the Rainbow Fire!” July 8, 1990, quoted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 9, 1998.
  11. Mark L. Prophet, quoted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 9, 1998.