Royal Teton Retreat/es: Difference between revisions

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== Attending the retreat ==
== Attending the retreat ==

Conclaves are held at the Royal Teton Retreat attended by thousands of lifestreams from every continent who journey here in their finer bodies through [[soul travel]] while they sleep. There are also smaller classes and tutorials. Saint Germain and Lord Lanto with the ascended master Confucius conduct their [[Universities of the Spirit]] here—courses of instruction being given by the lords of the seven rays and the [[Maha Chohan]] at their respective retreats for tens of thousands of students who are pursuing the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. In the etheric realm over this retreat, a large amphitheatre has been built to accommodate those lifestreams who, by recent dispensation, have been permitted to come to the retreat in their finer bodies for instruction.  
En el Retiro Royal Teton se celebran cónclaves a los que asisten miles de corrientes de vida de todos los continentes, que viajan allí en sus cuerpos sutiles mediante el viaje del alma mientras duermen. También hay clases y seminarios más pequeños. Saint Germain y el Señor Lanto, con el maestro ascendido Confucio, dirigen sus Universidades del Espíritu allí (cursos de instrucción que dan los señores de los siete rayos y el Maha Chohán en sus respectivos retiros para decenas de miles de estudiantes que siguen el sendero de la maestría propia en los siete rayos). En el reino etérico que hay sobre este retiro se ha construido un anfiteatro para acoger a aquellas corrientes de vida que, por dispensación reciente, han recibido permiso para ir al retiro en sus cuerpos sutiles para ser instruidas.  

Confucius has expanded on some of the purposes of attending the retreat:
Confucius has expanded on some of the purposes of attending the retreat: