Violet-flame dispensations from Omri-Tas: Difference between revisions

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<blockquote>I deposit in the heart of the earth a dispensation immense of concentrated violet flame. It is an intercession of the quality of mercy. It is an intercession afforded to all those who serve the light. And through your Holy Christ Self, it shall be meted out as an unguent, as an elixir. May you drink of it in your hours of need and in your hours of strength and keep it replenished by new calls to the violet flame. It is a giant violet-flame reservoir, as a sea of light pulsating.</blockquote>
<blockquote>I deposit in the heart of the earth a dispensation immense of concentrated violet flame. It is an intercession of the quality of mercy. It is an intercession afforded to all those who serve the light. And through your [[Holy Christ Self]], it shall be meted out as an unguent, as an elixir. May you drink of it in your hours of need and in your hours of strength and keep it replenished by new calls to the violet flame. It is a giant violet-flame reservoir, as a sea of light pulsating.</blockquote>
Archangel [[Zadkiel]] has spoken about the action of the violet-flame sea:
<blockquote>The function of the violet-flame sea is to purify and transmute misqualified energies that have accumulated on the earth’s surface, within its crust and at the very center. There the violet-flame sea can take the form of a fiery violet-flame vortex, spinning at an unfathomable velocity and drawing unto itself vast accumulations of planetary effluvia and human karma that mankind and all sentient life have borne for thousands of years.</blockquote>
<blockquote>But as great a dispensation as the violet-flame sea is, it cannot work for you unless you give your violet-flame decrees daily for that sea and that vortex to consume the toxic materials that have been layered in the earth as civilization after civilization has compounded the burdens of planetary life.<ref>Archangel Zadkiel, “Zadkiel Appoints Six Violet-Flame Angels to Each One in Attendance,” {{POWref|39|10|, March 10, 1996}}</ref></blockquote>
[[Oromasis and Diana]] have also spoken about the violet-flame sea:
<blockquote>Visualize the tremendous area that the violet-flame sea in the center of the earth does take up. It is greater than any sea you have ever beheld. See this violet flame sea in action now. Imagine the violet-flame sea rising up as a tidal wave of violet flame by your invocations, inundating the earth, not with the power of destruction but with the power of transmutation, transmuting the cause and core of war, of Death and Hell itself, beloved. Consider, then, how you can roll these back as you reverse the tide of darkness [by the power of] the tide of the violet-flame sea.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Do not think that when you invoke the violet-flame sea you shall receive but a portion. By the worldwide momentum of this activity of [[Keepers of the Flame]] and those whom you draw into it, by the very power of your violet-flame auras, you can raise up mighty waves of light that wash through and wash away all that could beset this civilization in this decade.<ref>Oromasis and Diana, “A Mighty Plan for Transmutation,” {{POWref|34|44|, September 15, 1991}}</ref></blockquote>
Saint Germain spoke of the violet-flame sea in a dictation delivered in New York in 1993:
<blockquote>I would like to tell you an anecdote about the messenger. This anecdote she does not expect me to tell you, beloved ones, but ... So she was meditating and lying down with face down and deciding that in this brief meditation she would relax all parts of her body and put herself into the meditation of a free fall, falling, then, into the arms of God and feeling the letting go of all tensions of the day.</blockquote>
<blockquote>After a time the messenger realized that in this free fall she had come to the center of the earth and was swimming in the violet-flame sea. This gift I gave to her because she does so love the sea. And therefore she swam in the violet-flame sea and, with the aqua waters mingling, knew the warmth and the beauty and the exhilaration to the body, the soul and the mind of the violet-flame sea.</blockquote>
<blockquote>So, thus you may try this meditation. It requires that you disengage the mind from the tensions of the body and have such trust in God that you visualize yourself descending, falling into the arms of divine love, content that divine love will receive you and take you where it desires. Know, then, beloved, that you have not even tapped the unlimited healing resources of that violet-flame sea.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Why, beloved, you may call to the archangels, for that is their witness and their duty, to take you to the heart of the earth. Why, they take you to the retreats in the etheric octave, beloved. Is it not a small matter for them to take you to the heart of the earth so that you, too, can splash in the waters of the violet-flame sea and know a regeneration and a rejuvenation that you may come back to New York filled with the fires of the violet flame and contribute to the stream of light being released through the angels of [[Uriel]], through the angels of Zadkiel, through the angels of [[Gabriel]] for the resurgence of the original flame of New York, the flame of the [[Temple of the Sun]]?<ref>Saint Germain, “I Release the Flame of Freedom for the Resurgence of New York,” {{POWref|47|27|, July 4, 2004}}</ref></blockquote>

== Omri-Tas to be present on earth on the third of each month == <!--T:24-->
== Omri-Tas to be present on earth on the third of each month == <!--T:24-->
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{{MTR}}, s.v. “Omri-Tas.”
{{MTR}}, s.v. “Omri-Tas.”
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