Mary, the mother of Jesus/ru: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Храм Архангела Рафаила и Матери Марии расположен в эфирном царстве над Фатимой, Португалия. Мат...")
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{{main-ru|Resurrection Temple|Храм Воскресения}}
{{main-ru|Resurrection Temple|Храм Воскресения}}

The temple of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary is in the etheric realm over Fátima, Portugal. Mother Mary also serves with Jesus in the Resurrection Temple over the Holy Land.
Храм Архангела Рафаила и Матери Марии расположен в эфирном царстве над Фатимой, Португалия. Мать Мария также служит с Иисусом в Храме Воскресения над Святой Землей.

Mary blue, the color that we associate with Mother Mary’s love, is almost an aqua—blue tinged with a bit of green—and through it her devotion to healing radiates to all who call to her for assistance. Her fragrance and flame-flower is the lily of the valley, and her [[keynote]] is the “Ave Maria” by Schubert.
Mary blue, the color that we associate with Mother Mary’s love, is almost an aqua—blue tinged with a bit of green—and through it her devotion to healing radiates to all who call to her for assistance. Her fragrance and flame-flower is the lily of the valley, and her [[keynote]] is the “Ave Maria” by Schubert.