Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus/ru: Difference between revisions

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=== Дипанкара ===
=== Дипанкара ===

After the withdrawal of Shamballa to the etheric octave, Sanat Kumara embodied as Dipamkara, the Lamp-Lighting Buddha. (The Sanskrit word ''Dipamkara'' means “kindler of lights” or “the luminous.) In Buddhist tradition, Dipamkara is a legendary Buddha who lived long, long ago, the first of twenty-four Buddhas who preceded Gautama Buddha. Dipamkara prophesied that the ascetic Sumedha would become the future Buddha Gautama.
После того как Шамбала была перенесена в эфирную октаву, Санат Кумара воплотился Дипанкарой — Буддой, зажигающим светильники. (На санскрите слово «Дипанкара» означает «тот, кто зажигает светильники» или «светящий».) В буддистской традиции Дипанкара является легендарным Буддой, жившим в глубокой древности, первым из двадцати четырех Будд, предшествовавших Гаутаме Будде. Дипанкара предсказал, что аскетичный Сумедха станет Буддой Гаутамой.

Buddhists consider Dipamkara, Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya to be the “Buddhas of the three times”—past, present and future. We can understand this to mean that Dipamkara is the past Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha is the present Lord of the World and Maitreya will be the future Lord of the World.
Buddhists consider Dipamkara, Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya to be the “Buddhas of the three times”—past, present and future. We can understand this to mean that Dipamkara is the past Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha is the present Lord of the World and Maitreya will be the future Lord of the World.