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The Nameless One from Out the Great Central Sun: Difference between revisions

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<blockquote>From out the [[Great Central Sun]] I, the Nameless One, do speak to my beloved. I have opened the channels of light. And I am the Nameless One, for to give you a name, beloved, would give you access to my [[causal body]]. People of earth are not yet ready to access that causal body. Therefore I speak out of profound love for your being that once was a God-free being, as I am, but now does perceive out of the windows of a limited self....</blockquote>
From out the [[Great Central Sun]] I, the Nameless One, do speak to my beloved. I have opened the channels of light. And I am the Nameless One, for to give you a name, beloved, would give you access to my [[causal body]]. People of earth are not yet ready to access that causal body. Therefore I speak out of profound love for your being that once was a God-free being, as I am, but now does perceive out of the windows of a limited self....

<blockquote>The greater weight of my being is always in the Central Sun, but the extension of myself to levels of contact with certain among humanity has been the grant that I have known for many, many grand ages....</blockquote>
The greater weight of my being is always in the Central Sun, but the extension of myself to levels of contact with certain among humanity has been the grant that I have known for many, many grand ages....

<blockquote>I have already been a part of you before you have known that I have existed, and I am aware of the dilemma of being, of knowing what is to be done and yet not having the strength to do it or the wholeness or the resources or the time or the space. Yes, there are many excuses, legitimate and otherwise, in this octave. But, beloved, that which is missing that should provide the answer to all of these lacks is the sacred fire pulsating.</blockquote>
I have already been a part of you before you have known that I have existed, and I am aware of the dilemma of being, of knowing what is to be done and yet not having the strength to do it or the wholeness or the resources or the time or the space. Yes, there are many excuses, legitimate and otherwise, in this octave. But, beloved, that which is missing that should provide the answer to all of these lacks is the sacred fire pulsating.
