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<blockquote>And at that time shall [[Archangel Michael|Michael]] stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And at that time shall [[Archangel Michael|Michael]] stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.</blockquote>

This is the seed of [[Sanat Kumara]], the descendants of the seed of Christ.
This is the seed of [[Sanat Kumara]], the descendants of the seed of Christ. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life are those who have descended from the [[Great Central Sun]] trailing clouds of glory, who know the [[I AM Presence]] and their God with them, who easily bend the knee before the Universal Light and recognize that Christ—not only in Jesus but in themselves and in one another.
Each one’s true name is also written in the Book of Life. Beloved Jesus has said:
<blockquote>I have pronounced the new name which no man knoweth save the Father. For the true name of each man, each woman, and each child is written in the Book of Life and inscribed within the fiery core of Being. And therefore I baptize you, one and all, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; and I baptize you after the name written in the Book of Life. And you shall receive that name at the hour of your own resurrection.<ref>Jesus, “The New Name and the Baptism by Fire,” {{POWref|16|36|, September 9, 1973}}</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>How much proof the Law does require of you ere the I AM THAT I AM shall descend into your temple bodily is according to your record found in the Book of Life. Be grateful that your name is written therein. Be grateful that one angel of Light may come to tell you what is written there, what is required of thee, deed upon deed upon deed, to cancel out the force of the anti-deed of Antichrist performed in your unenlightened state of the ignoring of the Law.<ref>Jesus Christ, “Comfort Ye My People!” {{POWref|30|79|, December 18, 1987}}</ref></blockquote>

2. '''The individual book of life.'''
2. '''The individual book of life.'''
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<blockquote>The Keeper of the Scrolls ... will draw forth from the Book of Life in your behalf, if you will call to him and to the Lords of Karma, those pages that require seeing and examination if you are to make the proper calls.</blockquote>
<blockquote>The Keeper of the Scrolls ... will draw forth from the Book of Life in your behalf, if you will call to him and to the Lords of Karma, those pages that require seeing and examination if you are to make the proper calls.</blockquote>
The book of life is a record of the soul’s history and a ledger of her karmic accounts. We are accountable for our thoughts and feelings, our motives and our acts in every lifetime we have spent on earth since we left the ancient [[Garden of Eden|Mystery School called Eden]]. Either we meet and overtake that karma with the all-consuming sacred fire of God or it will overtake us as calamity and cataclysm, as economic collapse and nuclear war, as disease and death.
[[Saint Germain]] has said that we can change history. We do not have to leave the record of history as it is, either in our personal lives or on a planetary scale. We can use the [[violet flame]] to go back and transmute what has transpired that is not of the light. And when it’s transmuted and we invoke the divine pattern, we have actually changed our history. We have transmuted it. As far as God is concerned, if we do not do that mistake again, it is permanently erased. It is erased from the book of life, and the true divine plan is written in its place.

Sanat Kumara also speaks of this individual book of life:
Sanat Kumara also speaks of this individual book of life:
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3. '''The individual [[causal body]].'''
3. '''The individual [[causal body]].'''

<blockquote>Thus, as the causal body is each man's book of life, revealing unmistakably the use he has made of his sovereign free will in qualifying the energies of God with positive Good, so the electronic belt is the tome that reveals his misuse of free will in qualifying God's light with an energy veil.<ref>{{CHM}}, chapter 6.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Thus, as the causal body is each man’s book of life, revealing unmistakably the use he has made of his sovereign free will in qualifying the energies of God with positive Good, so the [[electronic belt]] is the tome that reveals his misuse of free will in qualifying God’s light with an energy veil.<ref>{{CHM}}, chapter 6.</ref></blockquote>

4. '''The [[Everlasting Gospel]].'''
4. '''The [[Everlasting Gospel]].'''
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{{SGA}}, Glossary.
{{SGA}}, Glossary.
''Pearls of Wisdom,'' 1988, book 1, “Prophecy for the 1990s.”
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 21, 1973.

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