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137 bytes removed ,  4 years ago
Created page with "<blockquote>Por isso, direi repetidamente: Como é maravilhoso invocar a chama violeta enquanto estais na Terra! Como é maravilhoso projetar a chama violeta no passado distan..."
(Created page with "<blockquote>Sabeis que eu servia no Templo Angelus, em Los Angeles (EUA ), na mesma época que Guy e Mama Ballard pregavam e divulgavam os ensinamentos sobre a chama violeta?<...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Por isso, direi repetidamente: Como é maravilhoso invocar a chama violeta enquanto estais na Terra! Como é maravilhoso projetar a chama violeta no passado distan...")
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<blockquote>How tragic it is that so many have become locked into orthodoxy so that they cannot open their minds and see the shafts of violet flame that permeated the auras of the saints who came out of the I AM movement and made their ascensions precisely because they accepted Saint Germain’s violet flame.</blockquote>
<blockquote>How tragic it is that so many have become locked into orthodoxy so that they cannot open their minds and see the shafts of violet flame that permeated the auras of the saints who came out of the I AM movement and made their ascensions precisely because they accepted Saint Germain’s violet flame.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Thus, I will say it again and again: How wondrous it is to invoke the violet flame while you are here on earth! How wondrous it is that you can project the violet flame into the distant past and the distant future! How wondrous it is that the violet flame has saved so many souls, that it has lightened their load and brought them to that place where they could make their ascensions!<ref>Magda, “Transmute the Past and the Future,” {{POWref|40|36|, September 7, 1997}}</ref></blockquote>  
<blockquote>Por isso, direi repetidamente: Como é maravilhoso invocar a chama
violeta enquanto estais na Terra! Como é maravilhoso projetar a chama
violeta no passado distante e no futuro longínquo! Como é maravilhoso a chama violeta poder salvar tantas almas, aliviar-lhes o fardo e levá-las
ao ponto em que puderam fazer a ascensão!<ref></ref></blockquote>  

== The mission of Jesus and Magda ==
== The mission of Jesus and Magda ==
