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Vajrasattva (Dhyani Buddha)/ru: Difference between revisions

Created page with "Ваджрасаттва, представитель Пяти Дхиани Будд. Он олицетворяет синтез Пяти Дхиани..."
(Created page with "Тибетская статуя Ваджрасаттвы")
(Created page with "Ваджрасаттва, представитель Пяти Дхиани Будд. Он олицетворяет синтез Пяти Дхиани...")
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[[File:Vajrasattva Tibet.jpg|thumb|Тибетская статуя Ваджрасаттвы]]
[[File:Vajrasattva Tibet.jpg|thumb|Тибетская статуя Ваджрасаттвы]]

'''Vajrasattva''' represents the synthesis of the [[Five Dhyani Buddhas]], a group of five non-historical celestial Buddhas who are visualized during meditation. They are to be distinguished from historical Buddhas, such as [[Gautama Buddha]] or [[Padma Sambhava]].
Ваджрасаттва, представитель [[Five Dhyani Buddhas|Пяти Дхиани Будд]]. Он олицетворяет синтез Пяти Дхиани Будд – группы из пяти небесных Будд, которых визуализируют во время медитации. Они не являются историческими личностями, и поэтому их следует отличать от исторических Будд, таких как [[Gautama Buddha|Гаутама Будда]] или [[Padma Sambhava|Падма Самбхава]].

Together with Vajrasattva, the Five Dhyani Buddhas are the central deities of esoteric Buddhism. They represent five different aspects of enlightened consciousness and are guides to our spiritual transformation. In Tibetan Buddhism, student meditators are introduced to the experience of meditation on the Five Dhyani Buddhas through the “sixth Dhyani Buddha,” Vajrasattva.
Together with Vajrasattva, the Five Dhyani Buddhas are the central deities of esoteric Buddhism. They represent five different aspects of enlightened consciousness and are guides to our spiritual transformation. In Tibetan Buddhism, student meditators are introduced to the experience of meditation on the Five Dhyani Buddhas through the “sixth Dhyani Buddha,” Vajrasattva.