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=== High priest in the Ascension Temple ===
=== High priest in the Ascension Temple ===

He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on Atlantis. As guardian of the ascension flame, he carried the flame safely up the Nile River to Luxor just before Atlantis sank. Serapis gives us a glimpse of this experience in his own words:
He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on [[Atlantis]]. As guardian of the ascension flame, he carried the flame safely up the Nile River to Luxor just before Atlantis sank. Serapis gives us a glimpse of this experience in his own words:

: I remember well when the first rumblings of the sinking of Atlantis were present. For, as you know, the sinking of that continent came in stages. By the grace of God, the warning given allowed many to escape. And we made our way to Luxor....
<blockquote>I remember well when the first rumblings of the sinking of Atlantis were present. For, as you know, the sinking of that continent came in stages. By the grace of God, the warning given allowed many to escape. And we made our way to Luxor....</blockquote>

: You may wonder why a spiritual flame requires transporting by mere mortals. It is always so that children of the light tend to think that such things ought to happen magically and miraculously. Perhaps a touch of the fairy tale has spilled over into religion, and people have forgot that all that has been wrought by God and man has been the joint work and effort, above and below.
<blockquote>You may wonder why a spiritual flame requires transporting by mere mortals. It is always so that children of the light tend to think that such things ought to happen magically and miraculously. Perhaps a touch of the fairy tale has spilled over into religion, and people have forgot that all that has been wrought by God and man has been the joint work and effort, above and below.</blockquote>

: I will tell you, then, why it is so—because the only place that the flame can truly abide, apart from the altar so dedicated, is the living heart of the living adept.<ref>Serapis Bey, “The Mobilization of Spiritual Forces,” {{POWref|25|60}}</ref>  
<blockquote>I will tell you, then, why it is so—because the only place that the flame can truly abide, apart from the altar so dedicated, is the living heart of the living adept.<ref>Serapis Bey, “The Mobilization of Spiritual Forces,” {{POWref|25|60}}</ref></blockquote>  

There in Egypt, Serapis and the brothers who accompanied him built the Ascension Temple, and there they have guarded the flame ever since, alternating duties as they continued to reembody specifically for that purpose.  
There in Egypt, Serapis and the brothers who accompanied him built the Ascension Temple, and there they have guarded the flame ever since, alternating duties as they continued to reembody specifically for that purpose.  
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Historians cite this battle as a prime example of courage and fearlessness in fighting for a cause against massive odds. The [[akashic record]] reveals that the three hundred Spartans were the assembling again of three hundred chelas of Luxor who were in embodiment with Serapis. They were an extraordinary type of manhood. Some are today ascended masters; some remain in embodiment.  
Historians cite this battle as a prime example of courage and fearlessness in fighting for a cause against massive odds. The [[akashic record]] reveals that the three hundred Spartans were the assembling again of three hundred chelas of Luxor who were in embodiment with Serapis. They were an extraordinary type of manhood. Some are today ascended masters; some remain in embodiment.  

At that time, it was a physical war against physical odds. Today, it is a battle of Armageddon against spiritual wickedness in high places of Church and State—the mind of God consuming the anti-mind, the greater Self consuming the not-self.
At that time, it was a physical war against physical odds. Today, it is a battle of Armageddon against spiritual wickedness in high places of Church and State—the mind of God consuming the anti-mind, the greater Self consuming the [[not-self]].

=== Phidias ===
=== Phidias ===
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[[File:1200px-1868 Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|''Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends'', Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1868)]]
[[File:1200px-1868 Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends.jpg|thumb|alt=caption|''Phidias Showing the Frieze of the Parthenon to his Friends'', Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1868)]]

Serapis Bey was embodied as the sculptor Phidias during the fifth century <small>B.C</small>. in Athens. He was regarded as the greatest of all the Greek sculptors. He was the architect of the Parthenon, supervising its exquisitely masterful construction. Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth.  
Serapis Bey was embodied as the sculptor Phidias during the fifth century <small>B</small>.<small>C</small>. in Athens. He was regarded as the greatest of all the Greek sculptors. He was the architect of the Parthenon, supervising its exquisitely masterful construction. Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth.  

Standing in the Parthenon, one stands in the presence of a piece of architecture that is designed by an individual who knows how to use form, symmetry, geometry, angles for the housing of a flame. The forcefield of the Parthenon does contain an essential flame, as do the Temple of Luxor and the Great Pyramid.
Standing in the Parthenon, one stands in the presence of a piece of architecture that is designed by an individual who knows how to use form, symmetry, geometry, angles for the housing of a flame. The forcefield of the Parthenon does contain an essential flame, as do the Temple of Luxor and the Great Pyramid.
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Serapis describes what happens during the ritual of the ascension:  
Serapis describes what happens during the ritual of the ascension:  

: It is true, although the form of an individual may show signs of age prior to his ascension, that all of this will change and the physical appearance of the individual will be transformed into the glorified body. The individual ascends, then, not in an earthly body but in a glorified spiritual body into which the physical form is changed on the instant by total immersion in the great God flame.
<blockquote>It is true, although the form of an individual may show signs of age prior to his ascension, that all of this will change and the physical appearance of the individual will be transformed into the glorified body. The individual ascends, then, not in an earthly body but in a glorified spiritual body into which the physical form is changed on the instant by total immersion in the great God flame.</blockquote>

: Thus, man’s consciousness of the physical body ceases and he achieves a state of weightlessness. This resurrection takes place as the great God flame envelops the shell of human creation that remains and transmutes, in a pattern of cosmic grids, all of the cell patterns of the individual—the bony structure, the blood vessels and all bodily processes, which go through a great metamorphosis.
<blockquote>Thus, man’s consciousness of the physical body ceases and he achieves a state of weightlessness. This resurrection takes place as the great God flame envelops the shell of human creation that remains and transmutes, in a pattern of cosmic grids, all of the cell patterns of the individual—the bony structure, the blood vessels and all bodily processes, which go through a great metamorphosis.</blockquote>

: The blood in the veins changes to liquid golden light; the throat chakra glows with an intense blue-white light; the spiritual eye in the center of the forehead becomes an elongated God flame rising upward; the garments of the individual are completely consumed, and he takes on the appearance of being clothed in a white robe—the seamless garment of the Christ. Sometimes the long hair of the Higher Mental Body [the [[Holy Christ Self]]] appears as pure gold on the ascending one; then again, eyes of any color may become a beautiful electric blue or a pale violet....
<blockquote>The blood in the veins changes to liquid golden light; the throat chakra glows with an intense blue-white light; the spiritual eye in the center of the forehead becomes an elongated God flame rising upward; the garments of the individual are completely consumed, and he takes on the appearance of being clothed in a white robe—the seamless garment of the Christ. Sometimes the long hair of the Higher Mental Body [the [[Holy Christ Self]]] appears as pure gold on the ascending one; then again, eyes of any color may become a beautiful electric blue or a pale violet....</blockquote>

: Lighter and lighter grows the physical form, and with the weightlessness of helium the body begins to rise into the atmosphere, the gravitational pull being loosened and the form enveloped by the light of the externalized glory which man knew with the Father “in the beginning” before the world was....
<blockquote>Lighter and lighter grows the physical form, and with the weightlessness of helium the body begins to rise into the atmosphere, the gravitational pull being loosened and the form enveloped by the light of the externalized glory which man knew with the Father “in the beginning” before the world was....</blockquote>

: These changes are permanent, and the ascended one is able to take his light body with him wherever he wishes, or he may travel without the glorified spiritual body. Ascended beings can and occasionally do appear upon earth as ordinary mortals, putting on physical garments resembling the people of earth and moving among them for cosmic purposes. This Saint Germain did after his ascension when he was known as the Wonderman of Europe. Such an activity is a matter of dispensation received from the Karmic Board.<ref>{{DOA}}, pp. 158, 176–77.</ref>  
<blockquote>These changes are permanent, and the ascended one is able to take his light body with him wherever he wishes, or he may travel without the glorified spiritual body. Ascended beings can and occasionally do appear upon earth as ordinary mortals, putting on physical garments resembling the people of earth and moving among them for cosmic purposes. This Saint Germain did after his ascension when he was known as the Wonderman of Europe. Such an activity is a matter of dispensation received from the Karmic Board.<ref>{{DOA}}, pp. 158, 176–77.</ref></blockquote>

(Generally, however, ascended beings do not return to the physical plane unless there is some specific service requiring this change in vibratory rate.)
(Generally, however, ascended beings do not return to the physical plane unless there is some specific service requiring this change in vibratory rate.)
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Serapis Bey, the chohan of the ascension flame and hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, speaks to each one of us:  
Serapis Bey, the chohan of the ascension flame and hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, speaks to each one of us:  

: The future is what you make it, even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it, and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of the ascension flame.<ref>Ibid., p. 89.</ref>
<blockquote>The future is what you make it, even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it, and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of the ascension flame.<ref>Ibid., p. 89.</ref></blockquote>

Guiseppe Verdi captured the music of the ascension flame in the “Triumphal March” from ''Aïda''. The keynote of the Ascension Temple is “Liebestraum,” by Franz Liszt, and the radiance of the Electronic Presence of Serapis Bey and his twin flame pour through the aria “Celeste Aïda.”
Guiseppe Verdi captured the music of the ascension flame in the “Triumphal March” from ''Aïda''. The keynote of the Ascension Temple is “Liebestraum,” by Franz Liszt, and the radiance of the Electronic Presence of Serapis Bey and his twin flame pour through the aria “Celeste Aïda.”
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{{MTR}}, s.v. “Serapis Bey.”
{{MTR}}, s.v. “Serapis Bey.”


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[[Category:Heavenly beings]]
[[Category:Heavenly beings]]