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{{CHM}}, pp. ६०–७१
{{CHM}}, pp. ६०–७१

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis,” April 28, 1991 (audio recording)
एलिजाबेथ क्लेयर प्रोफेट, "द गोल्डन एज ऑफ़ जीसस क्राइस्ट ऑन अटलांटिस," २८ अप्रैल, १९९१ (ऑडियो रिकॉर्डिंग)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Golden Age: Is It a Reality?” October 10, 1975 (audio recording)  
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Golden Age: Is It a Reality?” October 10, 1975 (audio recording)  

Revision as of 09:41, 15 March 2024

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आत्मज्ञान, शांति और सद्भाव का एक ऐसा चक्र जिसमें मानव जाति की जीवात्माएं ईश्वर की दिव्य योजना की पूर्ति करने के लिए दिव्य लौ में विलीन हो जाती हैं। मानव के आकाशीय शरीर का अन्य तीन शरीरों के साथ मिलना, जब ऐसा होगा तो स्वर्गीय राज्य, जो फिलहाल आकाशीय स्तर पर है, धरती पर उतर आएगा।

पूर्व में हुए स्वर्ण युग

पूर्व समय में हुए स्वर्ण युगों की स्मृति मानवजाति के चेतना से धूमिल हो गई है, परन्तु सामाजिक प्रगति और अच्छी सरकार के लिए लोगों की तीव्र इच्छा उनकी जीवात्माओं की आंतरिक स्मृति की ओर इशारा करती है जो यह जानती है कि जीने का एक बेहतर तरीका ज़रूर है। प्रत्यक्ष रूप से वे यह सब भूल गए हैं परन्तु क्योंकि वे यह अनुभव कर चुके हैं इस बात की याद उनके अणुओं में है। स्वर्ण-युग की सभ्यताओं के अभिलेख न केवल अटलांटिक और प्रशांत महासागरों के नीचे डूबे महाद्वीपों और प्रलय के कारण नष्ट हुई अन्य सभ्यताओं के अवशेषों के साथ दबे हुए हैं, वरन इस ग्रह पर विकसित हो रहे सभी लोगों के अवचेतन मन में भी हैं। इसके अलावा, यह अभिलेख आकाश के स्तर पर भी मौजूद हैं - दिव्यदर्शी लोग इनका अध्ययन कर सकते हैं।

भविष्य के स्वर्ण युगों का स्वप्न

It was the dream of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to create the golden-age society which Plato had dreamed of, Francis Bacon later wrote about and also Thomas More and his Utopia. And we in our childhood dreams have also longed for this ideal society—we speak of the idealism of youth, the reaching out for that which is perhaps unrealistic, impractical, but it is that surge of creative energy that is not yet stagnated, that flow of life—as Above so below. The dream is also recorded in the prophecy of John in the Book of Revelation. “And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof.”[1]

Characteristics of the golden ages

The leaders of the ideal society are priest-king-scientists; for there is no separation between government, science and religion, which are seen as a manifestation of the tripartite flame of power, wisdom and love. Positions of authority in the temples and in governmental, educational and scientific institutions are awarded to those initiates who have passed certain degrees of self-mastery and who are thereby qualified to rule and make decisions on behalf of those still going through the tests and initiations that all must eventually pass in order to win their immortality.

The laws of the ideal society are based on that cosmic law that the Creator put in the “inward parts” of man, carefully wrote in his heart, and then sent his angels to record in the archives of universal Truth. These have been guarded to the present hour in the retreats of the brotherhood of ascended masters who have already passed through this or other planetary schoolrooms.

Those who acknowledge the authority of God over man thus have the right to rule as God’s overmen in the ideal society; and this is the twofold meaning of the word government. Thus, as the Christ is the head of every man and the chief cornerstone in the temple of Being, so is he the head of the ideal society. And whoso embodies the greatest measure of the Christ consciousness is most qualified to rule. Therefore, the manifestation of the Universal Christ is recognized as the highest goal of all members of the society. Without common adherence to that goal, a golden-age civilization cannot endure. Because the people of earth do not presently share this goal, the ideal society does not exist upon the earth today.

The golden age on the etheric plane

If we look up in the sense of looking into the etheric plane, we will find that the golden age as a mandala and as a blueprint for our planet is a reality now. There is a blueprint for a golden age waiting to be fulfilled. We are at that point now where we have a choice as to whether we will we go into a golden age society or will we accelerate the spirals of disintegration, decay, schism that have begun in America and in the world. The teachings of the ascended masters are step-by-step outlining of how we can realize this golden-age consciousness.

Individual golden ages

Golden age of the first three root races



Golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis

स्नो किंग और स्नो क्वीन का स्वर्ण युग, जहां अब ग्रीनलैंड है

सहारा मरुस्थल में स्वर्ण युग

इंका का स्वर्ण युग

कासिमिर पोसीडॉन का स्वर्ण युग, जहां अमेज़ॅन अब है

ग्रीस का स्वर्ण युग

आकाशीय शहर


वायलेट ग्रह

अधिक जानकारी के लिए

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. ६०–७१

एलिजाबेथ क्लेयर प्रोफेट, "द गोल्डन एज ऑफ़ जीसस क्राइस्ट ऑन अटलांटिस," २८ अप्रैल, १९९१ (ऑडियो रिकॉर्डिंग)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Golden Age: Is It a Reality?” October 10, 1975 (audio recording)


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, chapter 3.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 10, 1975.

  1. Rev. 21:23.