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==Tipos de Palabra hablada== | ==Tipos de Palabra hablada== | ||
===Afirmación=== | ===Afirmación=== | ||
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la Palabra hablada
Palabra del SEÑOR Dios que fue pronunciada en los fíats originales de la creación. Liberación de las energías de la Palabra, o Logos, a través del chakra de la garganta por los Hijos de Dios como confirmación de la palabra perdida. Está escrito: "Por tus palabras serás justificado y por tus palabras serás condenado".[1] Cuando el hombre y la mujer reconsagran el chakra de la garganta afirmando la Palabra de Dios, se convierten en instrumentos de los mandamientos de Dios que cumplen la ley de su recreación a imagen del Hijo.
Orígenes y uso
Las invocaciones que ofrecían los sacerdotes y sacerdotisas del fuego sagrado en Lemuria con el poder de la Palabra hablada fueron dadas originalmente siguiendo la ciencia del Logos. La perversión de esa ciencia en la práctica de la magia negra ocurrió después, en los últimos días de Lemuria, lo cual provocó la destrucción de los templos de la Virgen Cósmica y el cataclismo por el que se hundió el continente. Las imágenes de la isla de Pascua son los vestigios, que señalan el lugar donde las guerras de los dioses hicieron estremecer la Tierra en aquellos días terribles. Por el contrario, esta ciencia de la Palabra hablada fue utilizada en su forma pura por los israelitas para derribar las murallas de Jericó. Hoy día los discípulos utilizan el poder de la Palabra en decretos, afirmaciones, plegarias y mantras para atraer la esencia del fuego sagrado desde la Presencia YO SOY, del Yo Crístico y de los seres cósmicos que encauzan la luz de Dios hacia matrices transmutadoras y transformadoras para obrar cambios constructivos en los planos de la Materia.
La ciencia de la Palabra hablada (junto con la ciencia del concepto inmaculado) es el ingrediente clave y esencial en toda alquimia. Sin la Palabra hablada no hay alquimia, no hay creación, no hay cambio ni intercambio en ninguna parte de la Vida. Es la piedra blanca del alquimista, que cuando se aplica con éxito con los secretos de la llama del corazón revela el "nuevo nombre escrito, el cual ninguno conoce sino aquel que lo recibe". Bienaventurado el que triunfa sobre la oposición que la mente carnal interpone al ejercicio —la práctica que hace al maestro— de la ciencia de la Palabra hablada con el ofrecimiento de decretos dinámicos diarios al Señor, pues a él dará el Espíritu Santo "a comer del maná escondido". [2]
El Maestro de la era de Acuario, Saint Germain, enseña a sus discípulos a invocar, por el poder de la Palabra hablada, la llama violeta para el perdón de los pecados y para el bautismo del fuego sagrado en preparación Palabra hablada para la transición hacia una Conciencia Superior de Dios.
Tipos de Palabra hablada
Assertion that something exists or is true; confirmation or ratification of the truth; solemn declaration. A positive statement, usually beginning with the name of God, “I AM,” that affirms and strengthens the qualities of God within oneself, helping to bring those qualities into physical manifestation. Affirmations are fiats which may be of greater length and more specific detail. They affirm the action of Truth in man—in his being, consciousness, and world. They are used alternately with denials of the reality of evil in all of its forms. Likewise, they affirm the power of Truth that challenges the activities of the fallen ones.
n. a demand, a claim, a request or command to come or be present; an instance of asking for something; the act of summoning the Lord, or the Lord’s summoning of his offspring. “And the LORD God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9) “Out of Egypt have I called my son!” (Matt. 2:15)
To call: vb. to speak in a loud or distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance; to recall from death or the astral plane, e.g., “Lazarus, come forth!”; to utter in a loud or distinct voice; to announce or read loudly or authoritatively.
The call is the most direct means of communication between man and God, and God and man, frequently used in an emergency; e.g., O God, help me! Archangel Michael, take command!
The byword of the initiate is “The call compels the answer.” “He shall call upon me and I will answer him.” (Ps. 91:15) “They called upon the Lord, and he answered them.” (Ps. 99:6)
A short, simple melody, especially one characterized by single notes to which an indefinite number of syllables are intoned, used in singing the psalms, canticles, etc., in the church service. In both East and West, the name of God is chanted over and over again in the ritual of atonement whereby the soul of man becomes one with the Spirit of God by intonation of the sound of His name. This is given in Sanskrit as AUM or AUM TAT SAT AUM and in English as I AM THAT I AM.
By sounding the name of God or that of a member of the heavenly hosts, the vibration of the being is simulated and thereby Being itself is drawn to the one chanting. Therefore chants, when properly used, magnetize the Presence, whether universal or individualized, of the Divine Consciousness.
► Main article: Decree
n. a foreordaining will, an edict or fiat, an authoritative decision, declaration, a law, ordinance or religious rule; a command or commandment.
v. to decide, to declare, to determine or order; to ordain, to command or enjoin; to invoke the presence of God, his light/energy/consciousness, his power and protection, purity and perfection.
The decree is the most powerful of all applications to the Godhead. It is the command of the son or daughter of God made in the name of the I AM Presence and the Christ for the will of the Almighty to come into manifestation as Above, so below. It is the means whereby the kingdom of God becomes a reality here and now through the power of the spoken Word. It may be short or long and usually is marked by a formal preamble and a closing, or acceptance.
An authoritative decree, sanction, order; a pronouncement; a short dynamic invocation or decree usually using the name of God, I AM, as the first word of the fiat, e.g., I AM the Way! I AM the Truth! I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Fiats are always exclamations of Christ-power, Christ-wisdom, and Christ-love consciously affirmed and accepted in the here and now.
The act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication; any petitioning or supplication for help or aid; a form of prayer invoking God's presence, said especially at the beginning of a public ceremony; a call to God or to beings who have become one with God to release power, wisdom, and love to mankind or to intercede in their behalf; supplication for the flow of light, energy, peace, and harmony to come into manifestation on earth as it is in heaven.
A mystical formula or invocation; a word or formula, often in Sanskrit, to be recited or sung for the purpose of intensifying the action of the Spirit of God in man. A form of prayer consisting of a word or a group of words that is chanted over and over again to magnetize a particular aspect of the Deity or of a being who has actualized that aspect of the Deity.
A devout petition to, or any form of spiritual communion with, God or an object of worship; a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession; a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying: the Lord’s Prayer; a petition, entreaty.
For more information
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word
Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation
Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word: Why and How to Decree Effectively (audio recording)
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.