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Surya es representado tradicionalmente sentado en un loto sobre un carro de oro tirado por siete caballos, o por uno solo con siete cabezas. Cruza el cielo observando los buenos y los malos actos tanto de mortales como de inmortales. El carro de Surya se representa habitualmente con tan solo una rueda. Esta única rueda se considera símbolo del recto sendero de la justicia que él mantiene. El auriga es la deidad del alba, que monta delante de Surya, utilizando su cuerpo para proteger al mundo de los rayos brillantes de Surya.
Surya es representado tradicionalmente sentado en un loto sobre un carro de oro tirado por siete caballos, o por uno solo con siete cabezas. Cruza el cielo observando los buenos y los malos actos tanto de mortales como de inmortales. El carro de Surya se representa habitualmente con tan solo una rueda. Esta única rueda se considera símbolo del recto sendero de la justicia que él mantiene. El auriga es la deidad del alba, que monta delante de Surya, utilizando su cuerpo para proteger al mundo de los rayos brillantes de Surya.

[[File:Konark ei2-18.jpg|thumb|upright=1.3|The temple to Surya at Konark, India]]
[[File:Konark ei2-18.jpg|thumb|upright=1.3|Templo a Surya, en Konark (India)]]

Un mito hindú cuenta que el dios sol Surya se casó con la hija del arquitecto celestial de los dioses. Encontró la radiación de Surya insoportablemente fuerte y huyó. Surya persiguió a su esposa y tras una larga búsqueda, la encontró. Una vez reunidos, el arquitecto de los dioses volvió a formar a Surya con el fin de que su esposa fuera capaz de seguir con él. Cantando alabanzas al dios sol, el arquitecto cortó su excesiva radiación, manteniendo intacta una parte de su gloria original en forma esférica. Del exceso de radiación creó armas para varios dioses, como el tridente de Shiva. Surya siguió siendo resplandeciente a pesar de su cambio. Él y su esposa tuvieron muchos hijos. El mayor, Manú Vaivasvata, es en la tradición hindú el progenitor de la raza humana. Nosotros conocemos a Manú Vaivasvata como el Manú de la quinta raza raíz.
Un mito hindú cuenta que el dios sol Surya se casó con la hija del arquitecto celestial de los dioses. Encontró la radiación de Surya insoportablemente fuerte y huyó. Surya persiguió a su esposa y tras una larga búsqueda, la encontró. Una vez reunidos, el arquitecto de los dioses volvió a formar a Surya con el fin de que su esposa fuera capaz de seguir con él. Cantando alabanzas al dios sol, el arquitecto cortó su excesiva radiación, manteniendo intacta una parte de su gloria original en forma esférica. Del exceso de radiación creó armas para varios dioses, como el tridente de Shiva. Surya siguió siendo resplandeciente a pesar de su cambio. Él y su esposa tuvieron muchos hijos. El mayor, Manú Vaivasvata, es en la tradición hindú el progenitor de la raza humana. Nosotros conocemos a Manú Vaivasvata como el Manú de la quinta raza raíz.

Revision as of 16:19, 30 April 2020

Other languages:

Surya es un ser cósmico de Sirio. Él blande el enorme poder de la Estrella Divina para las evoluciones de la Tierra. Su llama es de un intenso azul teñido de blanco.

Surya aparece en la mitología y la religión de la India como el Sol así como el Dios Sol. La palabra sánscrita surya proviene de la raíz sur o svar, que significa «brillar».

Traditional Indian beliefs

Durante el período medieval de la India, los devotos de Surya formaban una de las cinco sectas principales. La veneración a Surya estaba a la par de la veneración a Shiva, Shakti, Vishnú y Ganesha. La importancia del Dios Sol Surya es evidente en los himnos védicos y la mitología hindú. El canto Gayatri del Rig-Veda identifica a Surya con la Trinidad hindú. El himno está dirigido al sol y asocia a Brahma con el sol de la mañana, a Shiva con el sol del mediodía y a Vishnú con el sol de la tarde. La veneración a Surya se menciona repetidamente en el Ramayana, la épica más antigua de la literatura sánscrita. Tras ofrecer una oración a Surya, Rama vence a su enemigo con facilidad.

Surya es representado tradicionalmente sentado en un loto sobre un carro de oro tirado por siete caballos, o por uno solo con siete cabezas. Cruza el cielo observando los buenos y los malos actos tanto de mortales como de inmortales. El carro de Surya se representa habitualmente con tan solo una rueda. Esta única rueda se considera símbolo del recto sendero de la justicia que él mantiene. El auriga es la deidad del alba, que monta delante de Surya, utilizando su cuerpo para proteger al mundo de los rayos brillantes de Surya.

Templo a Surya, en Konark (India)

Un mito hindú cuenta que el dios sol Surya se casó con la hija del arquitecto celestial de los dioses. Encontró la radiación de Surya insoportablemente fuerte y huyó. Surya persiguió a su esposa y tras una larga búsqueda, la encontró. Una vez reunidos, el arquitecto de los dioses volvió a formar a Surya con el fin de que su esposa fuera capaz de seguir con él. Cantando alabanzas al dios sol, el arquitecto cortó su excesiva radiación, manteniendo intacta una parte de su gloria original en forma esférica. Del exceso de radiación creó armas para varios dioses, como el tridente de Shiva. Surya siguió siendo resplandeciente a pesar de su cambio. Él y su esposa tuvieron muchos hijos. El mayor, Manú Vaivasvata, es en la tradición hindú el progenitor de la raza humana. Nosotros conocemos a Manú Vaivasvata como el Manú de la quinta raza raíz.

One of the most famous temples dedicated to Surya is the colossal thirteenth-century Surya Deula (Sun Temple) at Konark in the state of Orissa, India. This one-hundred-foot-high temple and its hall are designed in the shape of a giant chariot borne on twelve carved stone wheels and drawn by seven stone horses. Today the worship of Surya as the supreme deity is limited to one small sect, but an image of Surya is in every Hindu temple.

Sirius (lower center of the image) with the constellation Orion (on the right)
Image by the Hubble Telescope

The cosmic being

The ascended masters teach that God Surya is the hierarch of the God Star, Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the heavens and is the seat of God-government for this sector of the galaxy. Sirius (known to the outer world as the “Dog Star”) is known by astronomers to be a binary star of the constellation Canis Major. Sirius A, the brighter of the two stars, is a blue-white star that is twenty-three times as bright as our sun. Sirius B is a white dwarf star that is not visible to the naked eye. In the revolving of the lesser sun around the greater, we see the devotion of chela Cuzco to the guru Surya.

In a spiritual sense, all have come from Sirius. It is our point of origin and our home at the deepest level of our being. As Jesus said “In my Father’s house are many mansions.... I go to prepare a place for you,”[1] so we understand that there is indeed a mansion, a castle of light on Sirius, our original home that we left so long ago. Surya says: “Any number of you hail from the God Star and count it as your home base, as you have volunteered to serve with angels from Sirius and to enter these octaves of maya.”[2]

Sanat Kumara spoke of the God Star in 1979:

When we speak of the God Star, we speak of a plane of consciousness where life has accelerated to etheric perfection and to the octaves of light beyond the highest frequencies yet within the range of what is called Matter. The planes of heaven beyond the planes of time and space are exalted in the God Star through the God consciousness of the vast being known as Surya. Surya, the Great Guru, and his chela, the ascended master Cuzco, are the ensouling divinities of these two points of light that move as one—as Alpha and Omega in a positive/negative polarity.[3]

Surya’s service

From the God Star, Surya holds the balance for natural forces in the earth. He is assisted by the ascended master Cuzco, whose etheric retreat is at Viti Levu in the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific. This retreat comes under the hierarchy of Sirius. Cuzco journeys back and forth between the earth and Sirius to make his report before the twenty-four elders and the Sun God and Goddess of the God Star.

Surya is very much involved with the Lord Jesus Christ in the judgment of the fallen angels. He has promised to place his Electronic Presence wherever you are and wherever the fallen angels are on the entire face of the earth. You can visualize this mighty being Surya anywhere and everywhere on the face of the earth, seated in the lotus posture as a mighty Buddha of light.

For problems that seem impossible to solve, give a novena to Surya using his decree.[4] The response will be a very deep penetration of your being and world. Although the results may take time to manifest, the liberation is powerful and yet sometimes almost imperceptible, because it occurs at such deep levels of being.

In 1989, Surya spoke of our home on the God Star:

I affirm the origin of the sons and daughters of God at the point of the God Star, Sirius. I affirm this focus of the Great Central Sun as a point of origin for many who pass through earth’s schoolroom at this hour. Thus I come to reinforce the Order of the Blue Rose of Sirius, and I come to remind all of your fealty to the Order of the First Ray.

And thus, I desire to enable you to understand how the beloved El Morya, Son of Sirius, devotee of the will of God, is the lord of the first ray for a reason—that reason being, beloved, that he does tarry in the earth for the training in the path of chelaship of those who are descended from that God Star and need the sharpening of the mind, the soul, the heart and the desire body according to a path of devotion and service, according to a true activity of the Gemini mind of God that is truly founded in that will, that holy will, which is the grid of light of the divine plan.

If you can visualize the complex geometric form of earth itself, of a sphere, then understand that it is your congruency with that spherical pattern that does raise you to the vibration of Sirius, that does become the open door to the purity of Sirius and the open door to the return to that home of light.

This is our call to you, then, who are beginning to remember that you are pilgrims passing through earth’s schoolroom and that you have upon our star of light homes of truly great magnificence. You have left there and you have left great palaces and the golden age that is perpetual and the evolution with lifewaves who are in constant contact with their teachers....

Come ye, then, into alignment with the God Star. For this reason beloved Astrea and Purity have established this arc between the God Star and the earth.[5] I suggest that you take a moment when our star is visible to you to face that Central Sun and to give the mantra “I AM Alpha and Omega ... I AM Alpha and Omega in the white-fire core of Being.”

Blessed ones, the mantra of the affirmation of ourselves where you are as “I AM THAT I AM God Surya and Cuzco in my heart and soul and mind!” will enable us to anchor within you these currents. And believe me, beloved ones, there are currents from the stars! There are rays that do descend, and those rays are vital in the development of the spirituality of souls and of their chakras.”[6]

The mighty Blue Eagle from Sirius

Main article: Mighty Blue Eagle

The mighty Blue Eagle is a formation of blue-lightning angels who come from Sirius to assist Archangel Michael in his work on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system. When you study the components of the mighty Blue Eagle, you will see that every feather and part is a blue-flame angel. It is a vast formation that fills the starry heavens.

See also


Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame

Mighty Blue Eagle


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Surya.”

  1. John 14:2–3.
  2. Surya, “Turning Points in the Earth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 36, September 4, 1994.
  3. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, p. 232.
  4. 10.13 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation.
  5. Astrea and Purity, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 18, April 30, 1989.
  6. Surya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 19, May 7, 1989.