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Created page with "Божественный дух, глашатай, предтеча; вестник Бога, несущий Слово Божие Его детям. Духи-служител..."
(Created page with "Ангел")
(Created page with "Божественный дух, глашатай, предтеча; вестник Бога, несущий Слово Божие Его детям. Духи-служител...")
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[[File:Francesco Botticini - I tre Arcangeli e Tobias.jpg|thumb|upright=1.4|''The Three Archangels and Tobias'', Francesco Botticini (1470)]]
[[File:Francesco Botticini - I tre Arcangeli e Tobias.jpg|thumb|upright=1.4|''The Three Archangels and Tobias'', Francesco Botticini (1470)]]

Divine spirit, herald, forerunner; messenger sent by God to deliver his [[Word]] to his children. Ministering spirits sent forth to tend the heirs of [[Christ]]—to comfort, protect, guide, strengthen, teach, counsel, and warn. Cohorts of Light in the service of the Christed ones, the sons and daughters of God, throughout [[cosmos]]. An ‘angle’ of God’s consciousness—an aspect of his Self-awareness; a being fashioned by God out of his own flaming Presence to minister unto his Life in form. “And of the angels he saith, ‘Who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire.’”<ref>Heb. 1:7.</ref>  
Божественный дух, глашатай, предтеча; вестник Бога, несущий Слово Божие Его детям. Духи-служители, посланные заботиться о наследниках [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ|Христа]] - утешать, укреплять, ограждать, вести, давать силу, обучать, советовать и предостерегать. Когорты Света, служащие Христосуществам, сынам и дочерям Бога, во всем [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmos|космосе]]. "Угол" (angle - англ.) Божьего сознания - некий аспект Его Самоведения; существо, сотворенное Богом из Собственного пламенного Присутствия для служения Своей Жизни в форме. Об ангелах сказано: "Ты творишь ангелами Твоими духов, служителями Твоими - огонь пылающий".<ref>Евр. 1:7.</ref>  

The angelic hosts comprise an evolution set apart from mankind by their flaming selfhood and their purity of devotion to the Godhead and to the [[Archangel]]s and hierarchs under whose command they serve. Their function is to concentrate, accelerate, and amplify the attributes of God on behalf of his creation. They minister to the needs of mankind by magnetizing Light to their auras, intensifying feelings of hope, faith, and charity, honor, integrity, courage, truth and freedom, mercy and justice, and every aspect of the crystal clarity of the mind of God.  
The angelic hosts comprise an evolution set apart from mankind by their flaming selfhood and their purity of devotion to the Godhead and to the [[Archangel]]s and hierarchs under whose command they serve. Their function is to concentrate, accelerate, and amplify the attributes of God on behalf of his creation. They minister to the needs of mankind by magnetizing Light to their auras, intensifying feelings of hope, faith, and charity, honor, integrity, courage, truth and freedom, mercy and justice, and every aspect of the crystal clarity of the mind of God.  
