Order of the Diamond Heart/pt: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<blockquote>Seres abençoados, ao longo dos tempos os santos foram chamados a ofertar suas vidas para a salvação da Igreja, da nação, da comunidade ou do planeta. Meu Filh...")
(Created page with "<blockquote>Compreendei este princípio, amados, de que nesta hora, dois mil anos depois, todos os discípulos de Jesus Cristo na Terra são chamados a fazer parte desse Cora...")
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<blockquote>Seres abençoados, ao longo dos tempos os santos foram chamados a ofertar suas vidas para a salvação da Igreja, da nação, da comunidade ou do planeta. Meu Filho também o fez, mas a oferta de sua vida foi ao viver e não ao morrer, e o derramamento de seu Sangue não foi ao morrer, mas ao viver. Pois a Luz imortal que flui de seu coração é uma torrente que nunca termina e que enche todas as taças de comunhão na Terra.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Seres abençoados, ao longo dos tempos os santos foram chamados a ofertar suas vidas para a salvação da Igreja, da nação, da comunidade ou do planeta. Meu Filho também o fez, mas a oferta de sua vida foi ao viver e não ao morrer, e o derramamento de seu Sangue não foi ao morrer, mas ao viver. Pois a Luz imortal que flui de seu coração é uma torrente que nunca termina e que enche todas as taças de comunhão na Terra.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Understand this principle, beloved, that in this hour two thousand years hence all disciples of Jesus Christ upon earth are called to be a portion of that Diamond Heart....</blockquote>
<blockquote>Compreendei este princípio, amados, de que nesta hora, dois mil anos depois, todos os discípulos de Jesus Cristo na Terra são chamados a fazer parte desse Coração de Diamante.</blockquote>

<blockquote>And therefore, Jesus with myself and El Morya at the Darjeeling Council communing have said, Let us reactivate on earth the Order of the Diamond Heart. Let us call many disciples of Jesus Christ, many who have studied this path and teaching, many who know the hearts of the messengers.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And therefore, Jesus with myself and El Morya at the Darjeeling Council communing have said, Let us reactivate on earth the Order of the Diamond Heart. Let us call many disciples of Jesus Christ, many who have studied this path and teaching, many who know the hearts of the messengers.</blockquote>

Revision as of 02:26, 23 October 2020

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{{Ordens Sagradas}}

Mãe Maria, Jesus, e El Morya nos chamaram para fazer parte da Ordem do Coração de Diamante.

O chamado de Morya, Maria e Jesus

Mãe Maria disse:

Sou para vós uma representante da Mãe Divina e da senda do Coração de Diamante. Esta senda da Mãe Divina como a senda do Coração de Diamante foi adotada pelo amado El Morya. El Morya ensina esta senda de devoção à vontade de Deus por aquele Coração de Diamante a cada um de seus chelas. Portanto, vós que estivestes em seu retiro na oitava etérica em Darjeeling ouviram muito sobre ela.

Venho dizer-vos nesta hora do Natal deste ano e da celebração do nascimento do meu Filho que El Morya vos chama e vos chama novamente para fazerdes parte de sua ordem, na qual uno-me a ele, a Ordem do Coração de Diamante. Esta ordem, amados, é dedicada à oferta do vosso coração para formar o Sagrado Coração de Jesus. Enquanto um indivíduo pode não ser capaz de levar esse Sagrado Coração sozinho, muitos que se comprometem a mantê-lo podem se tornar parte do grande coração do nosso Senhor. Este é o mesmo princípio do Corpo de Deus na Terra, com muitos membros, mas um só Corpo. [1] Assim, muitos corações também formam um Coração de Diamante.

Este Coração de Diamante é o próprio coração do Cristo da vontade de Deus. Nada pode resistir a ele, pois sua intensidade de Luz é maior do que todas as Trevas dos seres das trevas da Terra

Seres abençoados, ao longo dos tempos os santos foram chamados a ofertar suas vidas para a salvação da Igreja, da nação, da comunidade ou do planeta. Meu Filho também o fez, mas a oferta de sua vida foi ao viver e não ao morrer, e o derramamento de seu Sangue não foi ao morrer, mas ao viver. Pois a Luz imortal que flui de seu coração é uma torrente que nunca termina e que enche todas as taças de comunhão na Terra.

Compreendei este princípio, amados, de que nesta hora, dois mil anos depois, todos os discípulos de Jesus Cristo na Terra são chamados a fazer parte desse Coração de Diamante.

And therefore, Jesus with myself and El Morya at the Darjeeling Council communing have said, Let us reactivate on earth the Order of the Diamond Heart. Let us call many disciples of Jesus Christ, many who have studied this path and teaching, many who know the hearts of the messengers.

Let them understand this calling. Let them understand that throughout all history the saints have given their lives that the teaching and the Word of God might live forever as opportunity. Let them understand that by the light of the dictations and the Holy Spirit and the Great White Brotherhood, there has come such an afflatus, such a descent of the Holy Ghost that truly numberless numbers of those whose auras are as the saints robed in white (these having internalized a just portion of Christ’s own Sacred Heart) may now become a part of that great Diamond Heart and serve to give a portion of their life that all might live and all might continue to be a vessel and a chalice as one great heart for the saving of America as a Christed nation and the path of the Master/Disciple relationship under Jesus Christ and the Servant-Sons of God in heaven.

Do you understand, beloved, that the hour of the Second Coming of Christ signaled by Jesus descending in clouds of glory is fulfilled only when his own upon earth choose to be the vessels of that universal Light?

Thus, beloved, that hour is come and ye are able. Therefore, on this Christmas night 1987, you are given the opportunity to give a portion of the light of Christ that you have realized to compose a Diamond Heart that is sufficient not only for the saving of America but to forestall that any saint or one of these little ones or the Messenger should have the necessity to lay down his life that others might live.[2]

The saving of America

On Christmas Day, Jesus spoke of the giving of one’s Christhood for the saving of America:

What is the calling, then, of those such as Saint Thérèse who enter the Order of the Diamond Heart? Truly it is to espouse the will of God and to set aside those goals which come after that central purpose of life.

Let us understand that the most direct calling of God in this hour is to save America. Why America? Why the United States? Some vehemently object to this seeming preference. Beloved, it is because this nation has the great endowment and sponsorship of Saint Germain, the greatest investment of Light of the Great White Brotherhood in the experiment of freedom on earth.

Therefore, to save America is to save a dispensation that has not been given to any other nation. To save America is to save the lost sheep of the twelve tribes, of the legions of Sanat Kumara, and to raise up such a Christ consciousness as will draw all Lightbearers of the earth. To seal and save this nation under God is to preserve opportunity for the victory in every other nation upon this planet....

Your Messenger, then, has no requirement by cosmic law to lose her life save in giving it utterly in service if, beloved, as my Mother has told you, there are many who come forth to up the level of their sacrifice, to actually be and know that they are twenty-four hours a day a portion of that Diamond Heart. Thus, beloved, to be a part of that order one must know and give one’s self in the mystery of surrender to the will of God.

Many times preconceived notions of personal destiny do not allow one to see what is that holy and perfect will of God for one’s life. Therefore, I commend you to the giving of the Surrender Rosary and the calls to the will of God. And I tell you to understand that no denial of that which is the fullness of thy life [on earth] is required, but only a heightened vision as to exactly what is the fullness of that life plan—that divine plan of you and your beloved twin flame[—in order that you might fulfill it with all due diligence]....

Therefore, I speak of the Christ in you, of each and every one and of each babe who does sleep while at inner levels he does mightily strive in the spirit for the victory of nations. It is so of your Christ, beloved, as I said, For judgment I AM come into this world![3] This is your fiat of the hour, beloved, and that judgment of the world [and the world’s condemnation of the Christ in you and in these little ones] through and by your Christ Self is indeed the primary affirmation of the will of God for your life and purpose and daily service [in the Order of the Diamond Heart] in this hour....

Therefore, beloved, to espouse the will of God is the path of sainthood and, as Morya has said, it is the sacred adventure. When you see this you will know, all things coming under the grand design, that you are surely locked in to the Diamond Heart of my Mother Mary, that heart being the Immaculate Heart, that heart being the pulsation of a cosmos.

Thus, beloved, all things follow when you vow to do the will of God. And when you truly demand and cry out to the Father, “Show me what is that will!” and you are able to let go of pet plans and projects, you will be found called and sealed in the Order of the Diamond Heart.[4]

Holding the balance of karma

On New Year’s Eve following these dictations, El Morya said:

Many Keepers of the Flame bearing a portion and becoming a greater portion daily of that Diamond Heart can secure the spiritual grants and dispensations that flow through the office of the Messenger for the saving of the Lightbearers of the world and, if not for the saving of a nation, then for the saving of the opportunity of a nation to rise again.

Consider this which I have said, beloved. Some nations have been lost on earth and their dispensations are not retrievable. They will not rise again, not in this particular thousand years of cycles. In the case of America, as Saint Germain’s dispensation has been given, a portion of it has already been lost with his exit from the nation’s capital.[5]

Understand, then, beloved, that all those who raise up the Diamond Heart in the spiritual path for the maintenance and the holding of the balance of karma in the earth may also hold a portion of the mantle of the office of the president and in so doing, beloved, being a part of my heart, you are not only running for office but “occupying”[6] until a people may bridge the gap of their neglect and ignorance and once again by the momentum of your heart, by the magnet of the Central Sun and that diamond, come to a realization of who and what they want to be in that office.

And when they again come of age, to the age of courage,[7] beloved, then it is your magnet, your profile, your presence, your right action that will be the nucleus whereby a people once again deserve a Son of God in office.[8]

See also

Diamond Heart


Compiled by the editors.

  1. Rm 12:4-8; 1Co 10:16, 17; 12.
  2. Mother Mary, “The Order of the Diamond Heart,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 83, December 25, 1987.
  3. “And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.” John 9:39.
  4. Jesus Christ, “The Hour of Thy Victory Draweth Nigh,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 84, December 31, 1987.
  5. See 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, pp. 611–12, 615, 617.
  6. Luke 19:13.
  7. courage: coeur-âge, the age of the heart’s emboldening by the full flowering of the threefold flame.
  8. El Morya, “My Candidacy for President of the United States of America,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 1, January 3, 1988.