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(Created page with "<blockquote>Hace mucho tiempo fui llamado a ser el jefe de la Orden del Buen Samaritano, y esto os lo he contado;<ref>Véase El Morya, Un Informe, {{POWref-es|5|43|, 26 de oct...")
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<blockquote>Hablo pues de la practicidad física de este siervo misionero de Dios. Si quiere caminar por el camino de la vida, su prioridad ha de ser la de emular las acciones del Buen Samaritano.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Hablo pues de la practicidad física de este siervo misionero de Dios. Si quiere caminar por el camino de la vida, su prioridad ha de ser la de emular las acciones del Buen Samaritano.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Long ago I was called to be head of the Order of the Good Samaritans, and this I have told you;<ref>See El Morya, ''A Report'', {{POWref|5|43|, October 26, 1962}}</ref> and it was a part of my service and initiation on the path of the will of God. For when one pursues the will of God, one must always discover that it is not His will that any of His little ones should be lost. Proceeding from this premise, we must conclude that it is the office of the [[Son of man]] to save that which is lost or to save that which is about to be lost but for the care that must be extended.<ref>Matt. 18:11, 14.</ref></blockquote>
<blockquote>Hace mucho tiempo fui llamado a ser el jefe de la Orden del Buen Samaritano, y esto os lo he contado;<ref>Véase El Morya, Un Informe, {{POWref-es|5|43|, 26 de octubre de 1962}}.</ref> y fue parte de mi servicio e iniciación en el sendero de la voluntad de Dios. Pues cuando uno pretende hacer la voluntad de Dios uno ha de descubrir siempre que no es Su voluntad que ninguno de Sus pequeños se pierda. Basándonos en esta premisa hemos de deducir que el papel del [[Special:MyLanguage/Son of man|Hijo del hombre]] es salvar lo que está perdido o salvar lo que está a punto de perderse si no fuera por el cuidado que ha de ser ofrecido.<ref>Mat. 18:11, 14.</ref></blockquote>

<blockquote>Inasmuch, then, as those who live in the physical octave cannot be found again from the state of being lost and pursue their salvation without their physical bodies, the first requirement of the Good Samaritan is to care for those in need—physical need, spiritual need, emotional need—to provide care and comfort and compassion, to go forth and to be able to intelligently help souls who are suffering from whatever dire accident or affliction has befallen them, and to be sensitive to the fact that many suffer extreme burdens of a psychological nature who also must be tended.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Inasmuch, then, as those who live in the physical octave cannot be found again from the state of being lost and pursue their salvation without their physical bodies, the first requirement of the Good Samaritan is to care for those in need—physical need, spiritual need, emotional need—to provide care and comfort and compassion, to go forth and to be able to intelligently help souls who are suffering from whatever dire accident or affliction has befallen them, and to be sensitive to the fact that many suffer extreme burdens of a psychological nature who also must be tended.</blockquote>

Revision as of 02:47, 4 February 2021

Other languages:
El buen samaritano, Pelegrí Clavé (1838)
Parte de una serie de artículos sobre la
Ordenes Sagradas

Orden del Buen Samaritano
Orden del Corazón Diamantino
Orden de la Cruz Esmeralda
Orden de Francisco y Clara
Orden del Lirio Dorado
Orden del Niño
Orden de la Túnica Dorada

Orden de Melquisedec

En 1984, El Morya habló sobre la Orden del Buen Samaritano:

Tomemos el ejemplo del Buen Samaritano. Daos cuenta de que aquí hay alguien conmocionado, herido, robado y dañado, y por tanto abandonado, medio muerto. Daos cuenta de que la humanidad en un sentido psicológico (y muchas veces en el sentido físico de la palabra) se encuentra en este estado. Ha sido robada por sus gobiernos, por toda clase de individuos que se han colocado en cargos de poder para despojarlos de su vida, de su sustento, del valor de su dinero, de sus estados, de sus hijos y así sucesivamente.

Por tanto a todos nos han robado, incluso a Dios le han robado. Y por tanto, como él proclamó: Traed todos los diezmos al alfolí... y probadme ahora en esto, si no os abriré las ventanas de los cielos, y derramaré sobre vosotros bendición hasta que sobreabunde.[1]

Como veis, amados corazones, el dar a Dios engendra la bendición plena. Pero ¿cómo alguien herido y medio consciente puede responder a un sermón o a una charla del tipo “deberías hacer esto, deberías hacer lo otro y te encuentras en esa situación debido a tu karma”?

Amados, este no es el sendero de la Palabra viva. Este no es el sendero del siervo ministrante. El no condenar, no despreciar a nadie como si su condición de indefensión fuese de alguna manera una revelación de la mancha de su alma, sino, por el contrario, ver a los que están afligidos y sufriendo como si estuvieran siguiendo los pasos del Cordero y llevando sus llagas y viviendo por el bien de la Luz.

No importa lo que hayan hecho antes. No nos paramos a examinar, pues consideramos a toda la vida como una y la vida misma digna de ser socorrida. Por tanto, uno no forma parte de un sacerdocio establecido o de la religión establecida del momento (que tiende a corromperse y calcinarse, [2] amados corazones, en una cierta tradición y doctrina y manera de funcionar), sino que uno es libre de ser el Yo universal, a éste es al que llamamos al sendero del siervo ministrante y misionero para la vida.

Me gusta el término misionero porque denota a alguien que considera su vida como una misión, cada vida como una misión, como se ha dicho.[3] Y por tanto definir esa misión y comprender que hay cosas esenciales, no importa cuál sea el área de concentración o competencia, es amar al SEÑOR vuestro Dios con toda vuestra alma y corazón y mente y a vuestro prójimo como a vosotros mismos.[4] Todos los demás llamados proceden de esto. No existe maestría en ninguno de los siete rayos a menos que Dios sea adorado y glorificado y se comprenda que debe ser manifestado en el servicio a los demás. Por tanto, como Arriba así abajo, el llamado al amor precede a todas las demás elecciones.

Hablo pues de la practicidad física de este siervo misionero de Dios. Si quiere caminar por el camino de la vida, su prioridad ha de ser la de emular las acciones del Buen Samaritano.

Hace mucho tiempo fui llamado a ser el jefe de la Orden del Buen Samaritano, y esto os lo he contado;[5] y fue parte de mi servicio e iniciación en el sendero de la voluntad de Dios. Pues cuando uno pretende hacer la voluntad de Dios uno ha de descubrir siempre que no es Su voluntad que ninguno de Sus pequeños se pierda. Basándonos en esta premisa hemos de deducir que el papel del Hijo del hombre es salvar lo que está perdido o salvar lo que está a punto de perderse si no fuera por el cuidado que ha de ser ofrecido.[6]

Inasmuch, then, as those who live in the physical octave cannot be found again from the state of being lost and pursue their salvation without their physical bodies, the first requirement of the Good Samaritan is to care for those in need—physical need, spiritual need, emotional need—to provide care and comfort and compassion, to go forth and to be able to intelligently help souls who are suffering from whatever dire accident or affliction has befallen them, and to be sensitive to the fact that many suffer extreme burdens of a psychological nature who also must be tended.

We begin at the beginning, then, and we desire to see the first step on the path of the ministering servant be that of one who has a new consciousness and awareness of the suffering of life and does not pass by as though it is the role of another to care, but does observe life in need and has within his heart and across his breast written the motto: I AM My Brother’s Keeper!

I AM my brother’s keeper in all ways.

In heaven and on earth, I live to serve

For the keeping of the Flame of Life in my brother!

Beloved hearts, in this walk of self-mastery, which is part of the discipleship of the Piscean avatar, we begin with the physical, with the outer, and move to the inner man. This is the path of the first-ray servants and those of the seventh ray. It is the power of the blue flame of the will of God and the power of freedom’s flame of transmutation that restores the physical universe to be the chalice for the pristine light of the etheric octave.

We have summoned you, then, to this seminar that you might learn the very first steps—such as first aid, such as training in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)—that you might understand that the way of the Good Samaritan is to be on hand in emergencies of life and death. We have seen that this course has enabled many to save life, to restore one who could live to think again about God, to become humbled for the miracle and opportunity extended, pulling that one back from the very grips of the toiler of death.

Hemos visto, por tanto, cuán buen karma han hecho hombres y mujeres ordinarias y extraordinarias ayudando a aquellos que se encuentran afligidos, indefensos y agonizantes. Hemos visto, amados corazones, en fases sucesivas, el alivio de la carga mediante otros medios de curación, los cuales también enumeramos como requisitos previos para ser miembros de la Orden del Buen Samaritano, la cual, por tanto, en este momento confiamos a esta organización, a este personal, como una orden religiosa de hermanos y hermanas laicos, que se considerarán a sí mismos no sólo como el guardián de su hermano, sino como el Buen Samaritano a todas horas, veinticuatro horas al día, respondiendo al llamado como los que están de guardia en la estación de bomberos, en la comisaría de policía, los paramédicos, aquellos que tratan emergencias en los hospitales, estando siempre de guardia:

“¡YO ESTOY de guardia porque YO SOY el Buen Samaritano!”

And have you ever called to El Morya and failed to receive an answer, beloved? I tell you, nay. Whether you heard or did not hear, I have heard, I have answered, and the molecules of the will of God have begun to turn and to change your life. And all this would become a physical fruit were it not for the fact that sometimes you abort the spiraling into form of the blessing we send in answer to the call, by your own anxiety or temperamental behavior or even an impatience or anger that the forces of Life are not serving your interests immediately as you think they ought.

Beloved ones, apropos this concept, let me say that according to the levels of density and karma, so is the definition of a descending cycle or spiral of opportunity that must pass through your four lower bodies to become physically manifest. Thus, you see, the burden of proof of the LORD’s answer must be upon you, and your faith that it will be forthcoming must sustain in you faithfulness and harmony and the will to be.

Now, beloved ones, the Order of the Good Samaritans in the physical octave, having the same sponsorship and endowment as the Church Universal and Triumphant, gives to many who are not yet prepared to be ministers in the full sense of the word the opportunity to demonstrate love and service and care and to learn more about themselves and others....

Amados, no es necesario por tanto, ser un médico avanzado en las ciencias físicas para ser considerado un hermano o hermana de la Orden del Buen Samaritano, pero es necesario poseer amor y tener un conocimiento de lo que uno puede administrar moral y legalmente a otros y dónde uno ha de abstenerse. Es la habilidad para comprender, de preparar individuos que han fallecido en la vida o víctimas de un accidente, para aquellos miembros del personal que seguramente vendrán a asistirles y que tienen las habilidades profesionales.

Amados, estamos decididos a que incrementéis vuestro conocimiento y a que añadáis a vuestro conocimiento cosas como curación con hierbas o nutrición adecuada o la sabiduría para discernir cuándo podéis utilizar ciertos líquidos o zumos o elixires derivados de hierbas para ciertas condiciones. Pero en todos los casos debéis consideraros un hermano laico, y laico en el sentido de ciencia médica, para que no usurpéis el papel y así no os involucréis en una circunstancia muy complicada intentando hacer aquello que no es lícito hacer y aquello que la Orden del Buen Samaritano no abarca.

El cuidado, el consuelo y la compasión, el dar el regalo del ser y el guardar la llama. Por encima de todo, tenéis la ciencia de la Palabra hablada y la habilidad de llamar a los maestros ascendidos y a los poderosos ángeles en nombre de la vida a la que queréis ayudar.

I would see to it, therefore, that you pursue these courses during this seminar and seek to fulfill the requirements to obtain a membership card in the Order of the Good Samaritan, that wherever you go you may recognize yourself in the service of the Lord Christ to his own—being that good neighbor that is required of thee for the balancing of thy karma, being one with my order of brothers and sisters who truly meet the needs of life in every occupation. As you know that it is the motto and the way of the Red Cross to treat all and to respect not their political affiliations or their walk in life, so the Good Samaritan always serves the life of God within the individual.

I commend you to a further understanding of this order as it shall be outlined to you....

It is not so much requirements such as these, but rather the spirit itself—the spirit that acknowledges that one must be the Helper, the spirit that acknowledges that the coming of the Comforter and the Holy Ghost must be through the embodied sons and daughters of God—that must prevail. The Holy Spirit may contact you directly (and has contacted many servants of God), but in order for much to be done for individuals in need, the Holy Spirit must have hands and feet and one who is not only kind but skilled to render aid.

Beloved ones, when you consider the founding of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, you will realize that our Order of the Good Samaritan is an order of service for adults and those younger ones who may qualify themselves. And in its goals it is much like that of the Boy and Girl Scouts. The order, therefore, takes Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts trained to “Be Prepared” to the full maturity of a continuing life of service as Eagle Scouts and beyond—truly as the perpetual Helper.

I convey to you, then, the very spirit of the will of God. I convey to you, then, the necessity for establishing holy orders as has been throughout all ages in the churches of East and West. Realize, beloved ones, that orders are established because certain devotees desire to concentrate on a particular service, and all together learn and master that service and identify themselves as ministering ones.

This does not mean that you cannot be a member of another of our orders, such as beloved Kuthumi’s Order of the Golden Robe. It does not mean, beloved hearts, that you cannot enter into the orders of the seven rays; but it does mean that through discipleship unto the ordination of the ministering servant, you must acquire the ability to render minimal lifesaving physical aid always.

I commend you, then, to the teachings of various practitioners and learned ones in the art and science of health, diet, and fasting. I commend you to study all of these rays that lead back to the one Source and to not be beset by a certain fanaticism to espouse one or the other, but to realize that all paths are given that there might be alternatives selected and the best choice made for the need at hand.

I have asked the staff of the Center for the Disciplines of Wholeness to prepare for you a sample of an ideal kit containing those preparations and bandages and ointments necessary in an hour of need when you stand alone with one injured. This will be useful to you when you have passed through the necessary courses given. Thus, beloved ones, never without your kit but always practical, you will find yourselves in a very appropriate manner to be available.

And when you are available, somehow the angels bring to you those who have needs that you can meet. Have you ever noticed this, beloved ones? When you increase in awareness or have a certain accomplishment in a path of education, you draw unto yourself those whom you may teach and those of like mind.

Thus, suddenly you will come into a new awareness of those who are already Good Samaritans though not by name but by their very lifestyle and commitment to helping others. And I can assure you that there are many on earth and many in this country, and I, El Morya, sponsor them. And these souls of light who have prepared themselves may teach you many things and give you much understanding. And to their own devotion and attainment, you may add that which is your specialty—the whetting of the sword, the two-edged sword of the science of the spoken Word, and the drawing down of the sacred fire for healing.

Thus, when you have a flame and a bowl prepared, you are complete. Some have a bowl and a flame of devotion which must be added unto by the skill of the dynamic decree. And you yourselves who have the decree and convey such sacred fire must also have the skills, that the body and the body elemental might be given timely assistance to engage in the healing process in answer to your call.

Many have called to me for an outline of service in the ministering servant program. I have made this, therefore, the very first requirement, for I cannot see in any way how the Lord Christ or the Darjeeling Council could sponsor anyone who neglects the physical needs of his brothers and sisters.

Beloved ones, when you meet on the path of life and when you are approved as a member of this order, you may elect to call yourself “Brother John,” “Brother Paul,” or “Brother James”—or “Sister Mary” or “Sister Joyce.” Or you may elect to simply be called as you are. It is important that you come to understand that one who is a member of a lay religious order must act the part, must put on the mantle, must recognize that with the mantle are responsibilities not to go off again in riotous living or indulgences, not to say, “Well, I may do this or that today, for I am no longer being seen as a member of this religious group.”

Beloved ones, you are a profile of the ascended masters wherever you are, and your sense of self-awareness as a member of the Order of the Good Samaritan must give to you at all times the sense of deference to those in need. No longer can you say, “I do not have time,” or “This is my day off,” or “I am too tired,” or “Get help from another.” When called upon, you answer. And thus, you now enter into the role of the angelic hosts.

Thus, beloved, come to understand the great needs of humanity through the role of the compassionate servant. Under the ray of God’s holy will may you balance your threefold flame, for this service is not alone for the one in need but for thyself. It is for the development of the third ray of God’s love, in all due practicality of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, when love abounds you will find how easily wisdom does increase and how great is the power for action. We desire to see you become Christed ones and to fulfill this requirement of the threefold flame. Thus, in the power of the fifth ray of the law of Moses, you will come to know the grace of the living Christ balanced by the Trinity and the Presence of the Mother.

I have come to you that you might know and realize what is that true and acceptable and holy calling of your lifestream and that in the process of loving God and loving thy neighbor it is meet for thee to enter into this service, this love, this community.

I trust that there shall return to the lightbearers of earth a new sense of brotherhood, a new sense of being a part of the Great White Brotherhood, a new sense of camaraderie and love, brotherly love—all a member of one great heart, the heart of Christ, all in the way of being his hands and feet.

Thus, I commend you in this vow of consecration to the path of the other seventy, to the path of the disciples, knowing that in caring for the sick or the dying that you also are casting out devils, pursuing the ritual of exorcism, and doing those things which more skilled practitioners either do not have the time to do in an emergency or may not have the knowledge or awareness of.

When you stop at the scene of an accident and you find many who are dead and dying because of drunkenness or because of drugs or because of rock and all the deadly intents of darkness, you realize how much work there is to do at inner levels for the binding and the judgment of that cause and core on the astral plane of that negative force which has devoured these youths or these children of Light before they could fill their divine mission.

Thus, when there are those who have passed from the screen of life or are about to pass, being beyond help, you must escort, by prayer and invocation, their souls to the inner octaves and call with great intensity for the sword of the Divine Mother, for the power of Astrea to cut them free from the astral hordes that entrapped them and did cause some terrifying accident such as happen daily on the highways of life.

Realize, then, that the Good Samaritan does enter into the purposes of the Order of the Golden Lily (which was founded by the Goddess of Liberty), assisting the angels and calling them forth to escort these souls to a higher domain where they might learn of their mistakes. When these things are not tended to, the astral shells, ghostlike, of the departed—and many times their souls—hover earthbound at the scene of the accident for weeks and months and sometimes even years. And thus, certain areas become areas of repeated accidents and fatalities, as increasing numbers of discarnates, together with the demons that cause the accidents, form a vortex there. And therefore, there are danger areas known.

Beloved hearts, you can go forth as a Good Samaritan to clear these. For the Good Samaritan, though he tends the physical, is ever alert to the spiritual equation and the spiritual dimension in life and understands the law of cause and effect and does not leave anyone prey to the astral denizens that desire to have them and to sift them as wheat.[7]

Thus, the Order of the Good Samaritan and your office in it as a brother or sister will be as much as you make of it. There is room for great creativity and an acceleration of skills. I merely give the basic requirements and draw with broad brushstrokes an outline of this endeavor. As every office that comes forth from God is expanded and individualized by the individual, so you must realize that within the parameters of helpfulness there is much that can be given. So do thou this, and let this order become known worldwide as an association of individuals who truly care and put that care into effective action.

I deliver you now into the heart of the living Christ Jesus who himself gave this parable because he himself descended to earth in the very role and guise of the Good Samaritan. For this is the reason for the coming of the Son of God: to save that which was lost, to go after souls maimed, marred by the fallen angels, by the sinister force. So he has come, not to leave you by the highway alone to suffer and die, but to be with you in the walk of life.

Therefore, in fact, the great archetype and the true and living Presence of our order is the Lord Jesus Christ, who himself includes in this service his brother Saint Francis and many of you who have served with them through the ages. It is a mighty order at inner levels. I come forth as the head of that order because I am the one who trains the troops. Once you have mastered what I have to give you and to teach you, beloved hearts, you will also walk as the brother and sister of Christ, needing me no longer, for you shall have become truly the heart and essence of the will of God.

Thus, I look forward to the day when brothers and sisters of the Order of the Good Samaritan may be crowned with the mantle and title “Good Shepherd”—shepherd of the sheep. Thus, the goal “feed my sheep” must well be accomplished by every member of this order, and thus you open successively the doors to Paradise and the doors of the City Foursquare.

I AM El Morya. I have opened the door of opportunity, called by Jesus so to do. May it be for you the fullness of the satisfaction of the divine within your soul that you feel ultimately and supremely useful and needed hour by hour.

Beloved hearts, can any of us endure the trials of life or its burdens except by the knowledge of that great love given to us and that which we give?...

Because these little ones and those great and small need me, I live.

Thus, the order becomes one’s reason for being. With a reason for being, you can fly, you can run—and you can ascend to God.[8]


  1. Mal. 3:10.
  2. "calcinado": término utilizado por químicos para describir una sustancia que ha sido reducida, mediante un proceso de calentamiento o tostado, a una sustancia dura o a polvo parecido a la tiza.
  3. “La vida es una misión....Cada existencia es un propósito.” Giuseppe Mazzini (Patriota italiano, 1805-1872), Vida y Escritos.
  4. Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18; Mat. 22:36-40; Marcos 12:30, 31; Lucas 10:25-28.
  5. Véase El Morya, Un Informe, Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 5, núm. 43, 26 de octubre de 1962..
  6. Mat. 18:11, 14.
  7. Luke 22:31.
  8. El Morya, “The Order of the Good Samaritan,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 52, October 28, 1984.