Soul/fr: Difference between revisions

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Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre arbitre]] et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.  
Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le [[Special:MyLanguage/free will|libre arbitre]] et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.  

The soul remains a fallen potential that must be imbued with the reality of Spirit, purified through prayer and supplication, and returned to the glory from which it descended and to the unity of the Whole. This rejoining of soul to Spirit is the [[alchemical marriage]] that determines the destiny of the self and makes it one with immortal Truth. When this ritual is fulfilled, the highest Self is enthroned as the Lord of Life and the potential of God, realized in man, is found to be the All-in-all.  
L’âme demeure un potentiel déchu qui doit s’imprégner de la réalité de l’Esprit, purifier par la prière et la supplication et retourner à la gloire d’où elle est issue ainsi qu’à l’unité du Tout. Cette union retrouvée de l’âme et de l’Esprit est le [[Special:MyLanguage/alchemical marriage|mariage alchimique]] qui détermine la destinée du Moi et l’unit à la Vérité immortelle. Quand ce rituel est accompli, le Moi supérieur est sacré Seigneur de la Vie, et le potentiel de Dieu, réalisé en l’homme, devient le Tout-en-tous.  

The master [[Morya]] describes the origin of the soul:  
The master [[Morya]] describes the origin of the soul:  

Revision as of 00:12, 19 January 2022

Dieu est Esprit, et l’âme est le potentiel vivant de Dieu. Le fait que l’âme ait demandé le libre arbitre et qu’elle se soit séparée de Dieu entraîna sa descente dans l’humble condition de la chair. Engendrée dans le déshonneur, l’âme est destinée à s’élever dans l’honneur jusqu’à la plénitude de la condition divine qui est l’Esprit unique de toute Vie. L’âme peut être perdue; l’Esprit, lui, ne meurt jamais.

L’âme demeure un potentiel déchu qui doit s’imprégner de la réalité de l’Esprit, purifier par la prière et la supplication et retourner à la gloire d’où elle est issue ainsi qu’à l’unité du Tout. Cette union retrouvée de l’âme et de l’Esprit est le mariage alchimique qui détermine la destinée du Moi et l’unit à la Vérité immortelle. Quand ce rituel est accompli, le Moi supérieur est sacré Seigneur de la Vie, et le potentiel de Dieu, réalisé en l’homme, devient le Tout-en-tous.

The master Morya describes the origin of the soul:

Let us ... see what portion of the Infinite One has been realized in the immediate forcefield of that which you call your self. The seed of this self, of course, had to come forth from the Great God Self, for there is no other source from whence it could come. Cycling through the spheres of the great Monad of Life, the seed of self-awareness gathers skeins of light—thread by thread, wound and woven, woven and wound about the point of awareness, building an energy field. And the seed becomes a soul born out of Spirit’s own union with life. And the soul is a miniature sun revolving about the central sun of Universal Being....

The sphere of God-being is a whirling atom that is called the Alpha-to-Omega. Out of the whirling of the polarity of the I AM THAT I AM, the seed of the soul is born. And as it moves through the cycles of the Monad, it forms a new polarity with the center. And the electron of selfhood, a new selfhood, is born....

As God multiplied himself over and over again in the I AM Presence (the individualized spark of being), the seeds that became souls—the souls that were thrust from the planes of Spirit—became living souls in the planes of Matter ... the emergent souls gathered skeins of Matter to form the vehicles of selfhood in time and space—the mind, the memory, the emotions tethered to the physical form. Thus veiled in flesh and blood, the soul was equipped to navigate in time and space.[1]

The dwelling place of the soul is the seat-of-the-soul chakra. This chakra is located midpoint between the base-of-the-spine chakra and the solar-plexus chakra, which is located at the navel. The soul is called by God to mount the spiral staircase from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the secret chamber of the heart, where she meets her beloved Holy Christ Self.

The ascended masters have referred to the soul as the child who lives inside of us. Psychologists have dubbed the soul “the inner child.” The soul by any other name is still the soul. And we are her parents and teachers, even as we are her students.

See also

Inner child

Reincarnation in Buddhism

Soul Retrieval

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 7–11.

Elizabeth Clare prophet, The Story of Your Soul: Recovering the Pearl of Identity.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 7, 8.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 58, November 29, 1992.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 29, July 2, 1995.