Rex and Nada, Bob and Pearl/ru: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Рэкс, Нада, Боб и Перл воплощались все вместе во времена Еноха. Рэкс говорит:")
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Рэкс, Нада, Боб и Перл воплощались все вместе во времена [[Special:MyLanguage/Enoch|Еноха]]. Рэкс говорит:  
Рэкс, Нада, Боб и Перл воплощались все вместе во времена [[Special:MyLanguage/Enoch|Еноха]]. Рэкс говорит:  

<blockquote>You have heard the word of the ascended master Enoch, our great father, who did explain in his dictation that in the profound hour of the light’s increase within him, as he did kneel before an holy angel, was stoned by us, not I alone, beloved, but by all of us who were in embodiment at that time.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Вы слышали слово Вознесенного Владыки Еноха, нашего великого праотца, который рассказал в своей диктовке, как в знаменательный час усиления в нем света, когда он стоял, коленопреклоненный, перед святым ангелом, мы бросали в него камнями — не один я, возлюбленные, но все мы, находившиеся в воплощении в то время.</blockquote>

<blockquote>And our father Enoch did pray profoundly for us that we could come to the understanding of this “old man” and that we could feel the light and see his Path. And therefore he did become our sponsor, and this beloved hierarch did not leave us alone but did pursue us lifetime after lifetime. And thus we did receive many initiations under his sponsorship until the time came when we must undergo the fiery trial, the [[trial by fire]], beloved, in the physical octave.</blockquote>
<blockquote>And our father Enoch did pray profoundly for us that we could come to the understanding of this “old man” and that we could feel the light and see his Path. And therefore he did become our sponsor, and this beloved hierarch did not leave us alone but did pursue us lifetime after lifetime. And thus we did receive many initiations under his sponsorship until the time came when we must undergo the fiery trial, the [[trial by fire]], beloved, in the physical octave.</blockquote>

Revision as of 07:25, 29 May 2022

Other languages:
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace

Рэкс и Нада, Боб и Перл являются частью мандалы Вознесенного Владыки «Молодежь». Они жили в Соединенных Штатах в двадцатом столетии, а в тридцатые годы того же века проходили ведущие к вознесению посвящения под покровительством Великого Божественного Направителя, Сен-Жермена, Владычицы Лето и Посланников Годфри и Лотос.

Они служат молодежи мира, активизируя трехлепестковое пламя из бело-огненной сердцевины каждого атома и клетки человеческого существа: Перл фокусирует чистоту Четвертого луча (белого); Боб — Первого луча (голубого); Нада — Третьего луча (розового); и Рэкс — Второго луча (золотого).


В последнем воплощении Рэкс и Нада были сыном и дочерью Дэниела и Нады Рэйборн, также являвшихся посвященными Братства, чье вознесение предшествовало вознесению их детей. Боб и Перл Синглтон были братом и сестрой и тоже являлись учениками Сен-Жермена. Владыка открыл им, что Рэкс и Перл, так же как Боб и Нада, были близнецовыми пламенами.

В прошлых воплощениях Рэкс был учителем истины и лидером людей в армиях великих стран мира, включая Грецию, Францию, Англию и Америку. Он служил на Пятом луче и будучи в нескольких жизнях известным ученым.

На Атлантиде Перл служила весталкой в Храме Света. Она была самой благородной из всех сестер храма. Она погибла, когда атланты-мятежники разрушили храм, однако ее моментум служения свету сохранился и передавался снова и снова в последующих воплощениях. В течение многих жизней она была учителем истины.

Нада воплощалась могольским императором в Индии. За время его царствования под влиянием великой любви, которую он распространял через свое сердечное пламя на благо своего народа, сформировалась великая культура и произошло объединение людей. В других воплощениях Нада была верховной жрицей в египетском храме, дочерью арабского шейха, а также служила вместе со своим близнецовым пламенем на Атлантиде в то время, когда ее дядя был одним из великих владык-правителей. Ее тяга к свету была доминирующим фактором на протяжении сотен воплощений на этой планете. Боб достойно и благородно служил под началом Джорджа Вашингтона во время Американской Революции.

Рэкс, Нада, Боб и Перл воплощались все вместе во времена Еноха. Рэкс говорит:

Вы слышали слово Вознесенного Владыки Еноха, нашего великого праотца, который рассказал в своей диктовке, как в знаменательный час усиления в нем света, когда он стоял, коленопреклоненный, перед святым ангелом, мы бросали в него камнями — не один я, возлюбленные, но все мы, находившиеся в воплощении в то время.

And our father Enoch did pray profoundly for us that we could come to the understanding of this “old man” and that we could feel the light and see his Path. And therefore he did become our sponsor, and this beloved hierarch did not leave us alone but did pursue us lifetime after lifetime. And thus we did receive many initiations under his sponsorship until the time came when we must undergo the fiery trial, the trial by fire, beloved, in the physical octave.

For we were called as sons and daughters of Venus. We were called to demonstrate upon earth that initiation of the sacred fire and the physical fire that there might be a record on this earth and in the holy books of what truly can be the physical trial by fire. And you will note that it was not one of the Hebrews but a pagan king who did take note of the three cast into the furnace and another, a fourth, like unto the Son of God. Blessed ones, our bodies were prepared for many centuries for that initiation both at inner levels and in embodiment. And therefore when placed in that furnace our physical bodies remained untouched by the fire nor was the smell of smoke found upon our garments.

In that hour, beloved, I was therefore overshadowed by the Son of God, the integrating Christ Presence of Jesus, our Lord. And the other three were the beloved Pearl and Bob and Nada. Thus, they were the three in physical form and I, the fourth, the abiding Presence.[1] And through that initiation and our successful passage through it, from that moment we did receive the acceleration of our physical bodies. And that acceleration did remain with us in succeeding embodiments all the way to this century....

Because we did pass through that fiery trial and did continue to embody lifetime after lifetime as initiates of the Great White Brotherhood, we did come to the hour in this century when we received the call of Saint Germain. And he made known to us that because we had sustained the light of our prior initiations in these bodies and because we had increased the light in them continuously since the hour of the trial by fire, our bodies and therefore we ourselves were prepared, and we could be received as candidates for the physical ascension. Thus, in answer to your question and your wonderment, beloved, it is an absolute truth written in the records of akasha and it is scientific fact that we four did indeed make the physical ascension!

Saint Germain desired profoundly that this example and record should be recorded in akasha so that when the golden age would come forth according to his dreams because of the expected fulfillment of his purposes in the founding of the I AM Activity, those evolutions who should embody, who should have increasing attainment and who should have passed through initiations parallel to our own might also experience the physical ascension. Saint Germain desired to seal in akasha the record of the possibility of the physical ascension, which to this day remains an exception to the rule.[2]

Their service today

In their joint service to mankind, Rex, Pearl, Bob and Nada focus the flame of eternal youth for people of all ages. They have a tremendous momentum of devotion and service to children and youth that may be invoked for the implementation of the Brotherhood’s plan for the youth of the world and for education.

The ascended master Rex speaks of the importance of bringing ascended master concepts to our children and youth:

O America, land of my youth and land of my victory! How I remember thee as I walked through thy hills, as I meditated upon God in thy forests, in thy mountains, O America, in the mists of the morning as I dwelt neath the trees and ordered my thoughts and feelings within the heart flame of my own God Presence.

I remember well that day, the day when there appeared to me that holy presence of life in the ascended master Saint Germain with his great promise of victory of the ascension, not only for my lifestream but for all the youth of America—his great promise of freedom that would be won in this nation, this great nation under God. He spoke to me of the ascended master youth of America, and he spoke to me of youth as a concept within his heart for all men whatever the age of the forms they might be wearing.

But he stressed to me upon that day, that early morn when the sun was streaming through the trees glistening in the dew drops, on that holy dawn he explained to me that when the concepts of the ascended masters are embodied early in the years, they are anchored there within the matrix, within the mind and feeling world of the people, of the children. And so when they attain maturity and adulthood the ritual of those concepts is established within their four lower bodies; and so the great victory of light can shine forth from their faces and their hearts even as the sun was shining forth upon that morning.

And so he told me of the great need for the establishment of focuses of light that would appeal to the youth of America, which would draw them unto their own God Presence, which would enable them to realize so clearly the contrast between the light of God and the simulated light of the outer world with its sordid activities that depreciate the Christ in the youth. And he said that these must be established, these focuses of light, and he looked to this century, to this age, for those workers who would come together and pledge themselves to the youth of the world.[3]

In 1989 Rex announced that he had come from the planet Venus with Nada, Bob and Pearl and a mandala of twenty-five thousand ascended master youth in order to sponsor the youth of the world. They have taken up their abode in the Retreat of the Divine Mother over the Royal Teton Ranch.

See also

Ascended master youth

Trial by fire


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Rex and Nada, Bob and Pearl.”

  1. See the Book of Daniel, chapter 3, for the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and their trial by fire under king Nebuchadnezzar.
  2. Rex with Pearl, Bob and Nada, “The Physical Ascension,” Keepers of the Flame Lesson 31, pp. 70, 72.
  3. Keepers of the Flame Lesson 31, p. 56.