Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame/ru: Difference between revisions
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Avepaulina (talk | contribs) (Created page with "23 декабря 1973 г. Куско дал некоторое пояснение о работе своей обители:") |
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[[File:Fiji-islands-1370935.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Остров Фиджи]] | [[File:Fiji-islands-1370935.jpg|thumb|upright=1.2|Остров Фиджи]] | ||
23 декабря 1973 г. Куско дал некоторое пояснение о работе своей обители: | |||
<blockquote>My retreat, then, is concerned with such matters as planetary cataclysm, its possibility, its prevention, with the straightening of the axis of the earth, with climatic conditions and with the evolutions of souls migrating from one continent to another in order to gain awareness of all of the facets of the Christ consciousness in preparation for mastery.</blockquote> | <blockquote>My retreat, then, is concerned with such matters as planetary cataclysm, its possibility, its prevention, with the straightening of the axis of the earth, with climatic conditions and with the evolutions of souls migrating from one continent to another in order to gain awareness of all of the facets of the Christ consciousness in preparation for mastery.</blockquote> |
Revision as of 16:20, 14 August 2022

Святая обитель Голубого Пламени расположена около города Сува — столицы островов Фиджи в Тихом океане. Она находится к северо-востоку от города Вити-Леву (крупнейшего на островах Фиджи), как в горах, так и в части, покрытой морем. Этот фокус Бого-звезды Сириус на Земле был основан Космическим Существом Сурией, управлявшим этой обителью в то время, когда третья и четвертая коренные расы воплотились на континенте Му — в месте нынешнего расположения островов Фиджи. Тогда там были одни из высочайших гор на всей Лемурии.
Пламя интенсивного голубого цвета с розовой «подкладкой» фокусирует силу любви. Действие именно этого пламени позволяет Вознесенному Владыке Куско – иерарху этой обители поддерживать баланс магнитного поля полюсов Земли. Фокус этого пламени с Сириуса, содержащий магнитное поле Бого-Звезды, дает возможность иерарху при помощи научных инструментов и компьютеров удерживать планету Земля на своей орбите вокруг Солнца. Эти точные приборы улавливают самые незначительные увеличения или уменьшения световых матриц Земли и делают необходимые поправки на ядерные взрывы, увеличивающееся или снижающееся бремя человеческих миазмов, ведь любой из этих причин достаточно, чтобы изменить орбиту Земли.
У возлюбленного Куско служат в подчинении легионы ангелов белого пламени, розового пламени и голубой молнии. Они поддерживают целый город внутри острова, под водами океана. Вход в подземный комплекс расположен в строении на поверхности острова, а в соседних островах есть отделения обители.
Работа Братства Сувы настолько специфична, что к ней допускаются только Владыки и некоторые из их чела, специализирующиеся в области магнетизма и физики. Потоки [энергии] с Сириуса и служение, оказываемое Братством в этой обители, абсолютно необходимы для существования Земли. Работа этих космических ученых призвана уравновешивать атмосферные условия и сдерживать осквернение четырех стихий, дабы тяжесть человеческой кармы не помешала природе исполнять свои функции, а человечеству населять эту планету.

23 декабря 1973 г. Куско дал некоторое пояснение о работе своей обители:
My retreat, then, is concerned with such matters as planetary cataclysm, its possibility, its prevention, with the straightening of the axis of the earth, with climatic conditions and with the evolutions of souls migrating from one continent to another in order to gain awareness of all of the facets of the Christ consciousness in preparation for mastery.
As I stand in my retreat, cosmic instruments available to me enable me to perceive the aura of any individual lifestream walking the earth at any place, at any hour of the day or night. For it is my responsibility to determine whether the energy, the weight of darkness, released through the aura of the individual increases the total karmic weight of a planet, and thereby increases the possibility of cataclysm....
I come to show you that the preservation of a planet, a people, of lifewaves and root races is most scientific and is carried on by the ascended masters for this one purpose—to preserve the opportunity for evolution. For you see, if the planet Earth were destroyed, it would take thousands, tens of thousands of years for your souls to complete their evolution on other planetary homes amongst other lifewaves at different levels of evolution. Therefore, hierarchy is concerned with the preservation of the platform of planet Earth.
On another occasion, Cuzco spoke of the work of the department of earth sciences at his retreat:
I concern myself with every aspect of the earth body—the planes of the earth, the seas and the depths of the deep.... I have many, many scientists working with me on various planes. And I am overshadowing physical scientists in the earth who are attempting to determine what are the next burdens that shall come upon this planet in the form of earth changes.
I have brought with me today twenty-four ascended masters who are masters of the earth sciences. They know everything there is to know regarding earth changes—whether it be of pole shifts, volcanoes, floods, or the rising and sinking of land masses or islands. All of this is under their control. At my retreat at Viti Levu, these masters head the department of the earth sciences. The members of this department keep watch over the slightest changes in the energies of the earth.
You may call to these twenty-four scientists who oversee this work at my retreat, and they may directly transfer to your hearts and minds information that you might not otherwise have had. I have not previously made these scientists accessible to the members of this organization, though they have overshadowed the greatest scientists on earth who are aware of earth changes and measure them.
Now you, the devotees of Saint Germain, are given the opportunity to call to them in your decrees, giving them your energy and your cooperation to assist them as they attempt to hold the balance for earth changes.
This, then, is my message to you this day, beloved: You have made a great difference. Continue to make that difference! One day you may find that because you held the fort, a golden age was born. This is the matrix that I hold and the vision that I cherish. All is in flux. Therefore, everything is possible! To the realm of the possible I commend you![1]
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Sacred Retreat of the Blue Flame.”
- ↑ Cuzco, “Make the Difference!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 27, June 25, 1995.