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Revision as of 11:55, 20 October 2023 by EijaPaatero (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Gautama saavutti Buddhan valaistumisen kaksikymmentäviisi vuosisataa sitten seurattuaan tuota polkua monien inkarnaatioiden aikana huipentuen hänen neljäkymmentäyhdeksän päivää kestäneeseen mietiskelyynsä bodhipuun alla. Siksi häntä kutsutaan Gautama Buddhaksi. Hän on Maailman Herran virassa pitäen kausaalikehonsa ja kolminaisliekkinsä kautta jumalallista kipinää ja tietoisuutta niissä maapallolla kehittyvissä, jotka ovat lähestymässä henkilökohtai...")
A Mahayana illustration of 35 Confession Buddhas known from the Sutra of the Three Heaps (Sanskrit: Triskandhadharmasutra), popular in Tibetan Buddhism

[Sanskritin budh "hereillä oleva", "tietää", "havaita"] Buddha tarkoittaa ”valaistunutta”. Buddha merkitsee henkisen hierarkian sisällä olevaa virkanimitystä, joka on saavutettu, kun määrätyt pyhän tulen vihkimykset on läpäisty. Näihin liittyvät mm. Pyhän Hengen seitsemän säteen ja viiden salaisen säteen vihkimykset, feminiinisen säteen nostattaminen (Kundalinin pyhä tuli) sekä ”seitsemän hallitseminen seitsemässä kerrottuna kymmenen voimalla”.[1]

Gautama Buddha

Main article: Gautama Buddha

Gautama saavutti Buddhan valaistumisen kaksikymmentäviisi vuosisataa sitten seurattuaan tuota polkua monien inkarnaatioiden aikana huipentuen hänen neljäkymmentäyhdeksän päivää kestäneeseen mietiskelyynsä bodhipuun alla. Siksi häntä kutsutaan Gautama Buddhaksi. Hän on Maailman Herran virassa pitäen kausaalikehonsa ja kolminaisliekkinsä kautta jumalallista kipinää ja tietoisuutta niissä maapallolla kehittyvissä, jotka ovat lähestymässä henkilökohtaisen Kristukseuden polkua. Hänen planeettaa ympäröivä rakkauden ja viisauden auransa kumpuaa hänen vertaansa vailla olevasta omistautumisestaan Jumalalliselle Äidille. Hän on Shamballan hierarkki, tuon Sanat Kumaran alkuperäisen retriitin, joka on nyt eetteritasolla Gobin autiomaan yllä. Gautama Buddha perusti

Lord Maitreya

Main article: Lord Maitreya

Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, has also passed the initiations of the Buddha. He is the long-awaited Coming Buddha who has come to the fore to teach all who have departed from the way of the Great Guru, Sanat Kumara, from whose lineage both he and Gautama descended.

Other Buddhas

In the history of the planet, there have been numerous Buddhas who have served the evolutions of mankind through the steps and stages of the path of the Bodhisattva. In the East Jesus is referred to as the Buddha Issa. He is the World Saviour by the Love/Wisdom of the Godhead.

Nine Buddhas born in 1964

In the 1960s, nine unascended lifestreams who had passed the initiations of the Buddha volunteered to embody to assist the evolutions of earth during their difficult and dangerous transition into the age of Aquarius. Their world service will be recognized when they have reached the age of the Christic and Buddhic example, age thirty-three to thirty-six.

In a dictation given November 4, 1966, in Los Angeles, California, the Goddess of Purity said:

Out of the great flame of cosmic purity just two years ago there were born upon earth nine children, Buddhas from the heart of the Father.... It was intended that by the power of the three-times-three these holy children should bring to mankind the great consciousness of God-purity held by your beloved Lord Gautama.

I come to you this day with a message that should make your hearts awaken to the need for more decrees. Since the birth of these holy children, one has passed from the screen of life, for the surroundings of that child were so impure and so lacking in the flame of purity, inconducive to bringing forth the light within that heart, that he died as a flower cut from the vine. And so eight of these holy innocents remain upon the planetary body....

Unless daily calls are given to the heart of God for the sons of God upon this planet and for these Buddhas, you will find that the planet earth will be bereft of those leaders who are required in government, in religion, in the arts and in the sciences who can and will bring this mankind into the golden age and into the millennium.

On July 4, 1969, Jesus spoke of the rebirth of the ninth of these Buddhas:

We shall restore the blessed Buddha child that did some time ago vanish from the land. He shall be born this year in the land of India, in Madras, and there he shall grow up protected by a blessed couple who have offered at inner levels to accept him.

Nine Buddhas from nirvana

On January 1, 1983, Gautama Buddha announced that nine Buddhas who had been in nirvana for nine hundred years were descending the shaft of light to enter the hearts of nine individuals upon this planet and, by their Electronic Presence, to enter the forcefield of thousands of dedicated hearts. Gautama also released the dispensation that every prayer, mantra, and chant of devotees of Christ and Buddha from that time on would be multiplied by the power of the heart of Gautama and the nine Buddhas.

See also

Lord of the World

Gautama Buddha

Lord Maitreya


For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Quietly Comes the Buddha: Awakening You Inner Buddha-Nature

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Maitreya on Initiation


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

  1. Katso “The Seven in the Seven and the Test of the Ten,” Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras, bk. 2, luku. 10.