Jofiel e Cristina

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Jofiel e Cristina são o arcanjo e a arqueia do segundo raio da sabedoria e da iluminação. Essas chamas gêmeas amplificam a consciência Crística dos anjoss, dos elementais e dos homens. Jofiel e Cristina trabalham com os Instrutores Mundiais, Jesus e Kuthumi, para iluminar a compreensão que a humanidade tem da lei cósmica. O nome Jofiel significa “a beleza de Deus”.


Artígo principal: Retiro de Jofiel e Cristina

O retiro de Jofiel e Christina está no reino etérico, sobre as planícies da China Central, ao sul da Grande Muralha, próximo a Lanchow. Foi a partir da chama amarela da iluminação ali focalizada desde as primeiras eras de ouro, que procederam não apenas a “raça amarela” e o rio Amarelo, como também a sabedoria de Confúcio, de Lao-tse e as civilizações da antiga China.

Muito antes de haver qualquer princípio de cultura no Ocidente, a sabedoria da antiga China já era extremamente elevada. Naquela época, os governantes da China mantinham um contato místico com os hierarcas do retiro de Jofiel. Enquanto os iniciados apoiaram o mandato celeste – o direito divino de governar – e governaram o “reino do meio”, as civilizações da China cresceram e prosperaram sob a radiação do sol dourado da sabedoria cósmica.

Their service

Jofiel, Cristina e os anjos da sabedoria ensinam como contatar o Eu Superior. Jofiel diz que é preciso educar o coração, depois a mente e, então, a alma. Ele diz:

Pensai nos antigos que caminharam na Terra e conheciam os pensamentos de Deus quando Deus os pensava.[1]

Os anjos de Jofiel e Cristina revelam os mistérios de Deus e expõem as infâmias dos homens e dos anjos caídos. Estão aqui para desmascarar o que está escondido no governo, na ciência, na educação, medicina, alimentos, saúde, Aids e outras doenças terminais, na guerra contra as drogas, na poluição e no meio ambiente, nos efeitos da música na evolução e em quase tudo que diz respeito à vida quotidiana.

A missão dos arcanjos do segundo raio é libertar os indivíduos dos níveis profundos de ignorância que estão se estabelecendo nas nações, a começar pelas escolas infantis. Nestes tempos, a meta da educação na Terra é acelerar o computador do corpo mental. A comunicação direta com Deus, por meio da chama trina e do chakra do coração, é precária.

Os anjos desempenham as suas tarefas com muita alegria e são muito fiéis a Deus, o que os impede de se desviarem da senda da luz. Ancorado nos seus corações – mesmo sendo anjos da iluminação – há um amor profundo pela humanidade, que os mantém trabalhando constantemente em uma atmosfera bastante desconfortável para as vibrações puras que emanam. No entanto, o único propósito que têm é glorificar o Pai e levar os Seus filhos de volta ao estado que já conheceram e desfrutaram. Jofiel disse:

I would like to point out to you, then, that there is a method whereby you can keep your own consciousness high, and that method is to feel God’s love anchored in your heart simultaneously while you feel God’s love and wisdom anchored within your mind. It is possible, then, for you to utilize the center of your heart as a sun of divine love and to use your brain as a radiant focus of the power of illumination’s flame so that all density is indeed removed from your consciousness.

The cerebrum and the cerebellum are as the great Milky Way is in the vast starry universe. These are intended to be mighty continents of power anchored within the head area of every man [and woman] whereby great currents of illumination may flow through those wondrous folds of your precious brains, creating therein a golden flame of illumination and removing the so-called gray matter from human consciousness, which is but the distortion of the pure white light into the qualities of gray by reason of the addition of flecks of shadow created by human ideas of great density and opacity.[2]

If you call to the angels of illumination, they can release to you mighty currents of light that are the mercury diamond-shining mind of God. These light rays can flow across your brain, scintillating as the sunlight upon the water and remove from you the density that has been created by reason of human thought and feeling that has become the vibration of jealousy, doubt, fear, dishonor and a lack of integrity.

On September 9, 1963, Archangel Jophiel released the fiat that resulted in the exposure of the hazards of tobacco and the report of the Surgeon General of the United States concerning the harmful effects of smoking. Jophiel explains to those who are addicted to smoking that the use of nicotine creates a density in the brain preventing the divine intelligence from flashing forth through the receptacles of the brain. When people set aside the smoking habit, they will find that this will increase the flow of spiritual illumination to them through the brain and central nervous system.

Smog and atmospheric pollution also act to render the golden flame of illumination inefficient in our brain consciousness. Jophiel tells us that when men understand the proper use of atomic energy and when they apply themselves to the heart of God with a greater diligence, they will be able to terminate the release of smoke and the burdens on the environment that cause so much misery to millions.

Archangel Jophiel is specifically concerned about the deplorable state of education. His angels are relentless in their warfare against ignorance, mental density and mediocrity as these affect the minds of educators and students and lower the standards of institutions of learning. He says that these negative attitudes “detract from the crispness of the Christ-qualities that belong to and are the inheritance of the children of the Sun.”[3]

The archeia Christine says:

Call to me to intercede before the Cosmic Christ in your behalf to release advanced teaching methods to the parents, teachers and sponsors of youth. Will you not pray that the World Teachers and the hierarchies of illumination might release to instructors in every field, as well as to yourselves, new and advanced methods of teaching all subjects. We have released methods through Maria Montessori and many other educators. There is so much more we can deliver to those who will listen.[4]

Jophiel will teach you how you can commune with the mind of God and experience self-knowledge. The angels of wisdom are ready and waiting to help you, at your signal, to absorb the elements of the mind of God. Archangel Jophiel once remarked, “Do you know that a single mind, transformed by the mind of Christ, is a catalyst for quickening the minds of the population of an entire planet? That is what the Christ incarnate, the Buddha incarnate, can do.”[5]


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Jophiel and Christine.”

  1. Arcanjo Jofiel. “An Era of Unprecedented Enlightenment,” Pérolas de Sabedoria, vol. 32, n° 5, 29 de janeiro de 1989.
  2. Archangel Jophiel, “The Power of the Angels of Illumination,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 46, November 14, 1982.
  3. Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 22, May 28, 1989.
  4. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Contact Your Higher Self,” February 20, 1993.
  5. Ibid.