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Escultura em bronze de Brahma (Camboja, final do séc. 12 – início do séc 13)

A Trindade Hindu, da qual fazem parte Brahma, Vishnu e Shiva, corresponde ao conceito Ocidental de Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo – o Criador, o Preservador e o Destruidor eternos. Brahma encarna o desejo divino que inspirou a criação do mundo. Vishnu concede misericórdia e virtude para sustentar o mundo. Shiva representa o fogo sagrado que destrói o mal.

Brahma, como a figura do Pai e Primeira Pessoa da Trindade, é considerado o Ser Infinito – o Criador, Soberano Supremo, Legislador, Sustentador e Origem de Todo o Conhecimento. Brahma é a Onipotência Divina encarnada. O seu complemento divino, ou shakti, é Sarasvati, o princípio ativo de Brahma. Esses amantes divinos exemplificam a encarnação masculina e feminina da força cósmica.

O Maha Chohan fala sobre a presença universal de Brahma:

Amados, compreendei o mistério de Brahma no vosso coração, o grande Legislador, o princípio vivente do Pai, a pessoa na figura daquele que tem a grande mestria divina dos quatro quadrantes do ser. O Pai, a quem chamais Brahma é, verdadeiramente, a pluma azul do poder dentro do vosso coração, portanto, amados, quando dizeis: ‘Ó Senhor Brahma vinde’, o

Senhor Brahma do universo vem do vosso coração, do coração de Hélios

e Vesta, de Alfa e Ômega e de todos os filhos e filhas de Deus, ascensos e não ascensos. Compreendei o significado da própria Pessoa de Deus.

Understand, O blessed hearts, that that Brahma unto whom you give your call and your devotion is both an energy, a consciousness, a spirit and the living, dancing, moving image of the Hindu deity. So when you say “Brahma,” the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood will answer your call in the full power of cosmic omnipotence. Do not consider that the word I use, “cosmic omnipotence,” is merely a word that you cannot comprehend. But begin to extend your flame, the flame within your heart, out, out, out into dimensions of magnitude and begin to sense the great sphere of God’s being within you extending, contacting the earth, the air, scraping as it were the very sky or head and beyond and beyond.[1]

Beloved Brahma has spoken of his desire to be with us:

O beloved of the Creator, I AM come for one purpose this day. For I AM the lowering of myself, the Great God Self, into levels of being one by one, into the waiting chalices of millions who look to the dawn of their union with Brahma.

I come, then, to anchor by Word, by vibration of my spoken Word (resonating in this plane through the messenger) my heralding to many that I AM available unto you even as you have made yourselves available unto me.

I descend to the levels of purification to which you have attained, to the levels of love—profound and dignified love, love that is the immersing of being in the totality of God.

Thus, throughout the earth I AM everywhere, known in form yet formless. I descend, then, for I come for the harvest of souls of light and I may now occupy heart chalices upraised until the fullness of that light is manifest....

So, my little ones, so, my precious souls, so, my sons and daughters, come into the arms of Brahma and know me as the figure of one who creates and re-creates and re-creates so that the whole of creation is in that process of being born again and reborn and reborn until the fullness of being is discovered—and the fullness of purpose of a blade of grass, of the tiniest elemental, of an angel, of a star is made known.[2]

See also




Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Brahma.”

  1. The Maha Chohan, “I Will Be Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva Where I AM,” October 5, 1978.
  2. Lord Brahma, “Light Up the World!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 46, October 6, 1993.