Fé, Esperança e Caridade
Há três seres cósmicos que têm esses nomes, assim como as arqueias do primeiro, do terceiro e do quarto raios, que auxiliam os seres cósmicos a liberar para as evoluções da Terra as qualidades da fé, da esperança e do amor que a tudo perdoa.
Depois das três primeiras eras de ouro, quando a consciência da humanidade atingiu o estágio da dualidade, a chama trina dos homens foi reduzida por decreto cósmico, de forma a restringir o mau uso do potencial criativo. Por qualificar mal e desordenadamente a energia de Deus, o homem não estava apto a manter o equilíbrio das qualidades do poder, da sabedoria e do amor – fé, esperança e caridade – no interior da chama trina. Por isso, as plumas da chama Crística passaram a apresentar tamanho e intensidade diferentes: o homem perdera a consciência Crística.
Foi naquela época que os seres cósmicos Fé, Esperança e Caridade enviaram a ação tríplice da sua chama e ancoraram um raio do seu momentum em cada corrente de vida que evoluía no planeta, para renovar e sustentar a ação equilibrada da consciência Crística.
Hope has described their service in this manner:
Hope is a divine quality. It is a quality of God himself, and it springs forth eternally in the human heart from the fount of the Father of all lights and cosmic purpose.
He and he alone manifests the power, love and wisdom of the threefold flame. Faith, or the blue plume thereof, identifies with the vibration of power; for faith is “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.”[1] Hope identifies with the yellow plume, and it is to be found in the holy comfort of true illumination. It springs from the Christ mind, from the mind that hath wisdom; and as you shall see, charity is the boundlessness of divine love.[2]
Through their cosmic power of faith, hope and charity, these cosmic beings serve the individual until he expands the threefold flame, balances the plumes and attains his immortal freedom in the ascension. Without the assistance of these cosmic beings (together with the impetus rayed to each heart from Shamballa), mankind could not have made the advances in civilization, in the sciences and in the arts that they have. For the balance of the threefold flame is essential to living—indeed, it is the very balance of life itself.
As the disciples of Christ visualize the expanded threefold flame enfolding their four lower bodies in its balanced action, beloved Faith, Hope and Charity infuse that visualization with their momentum. Their service is the key to the attainment of the Christ consciousness, and their flames should be invoked daily by all who aspire to world service and to reunion with the God flame.
See also
For more about the cosmic being Charity, see Charity, the Cosmic Being.
For the archiea Faith, see Michael and Faith.
For the archeia Hope, see Gabriel and Hope.
For the archeia Charity, see Chamuel and Charity.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Faith, Hope and Charity.”