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The ascended masters teach that the family is the basic unit of society, and the Aquarian age is the age of the divine family. The Atlantean origin of the word family is father-mother flames in loving union.

The foundation of civilization

The family is the basic unit of hierarchy; it is the basic mandala of karma. It is an institution ordained by God for the building of civilization. It is the basic unit of life in the Piscean age, in the Aquarian age, and in every age. The uniting of twin flames, soul mates or those of mutual karma and purpose for the sponsoring of life and the keeping of this unit of the Trinity is the way of life on earth, and in fact, in this system of worlds. Where it is destroyed, we have the destruction of the potential of the soul to realize the Christ.

The hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat, Lord Confucius, taught in China in 500 B.C., and he set forth the family as the foundation of society and education as the means of the enlightenment of the citizens. All who have been sons and daughters of East and West—and there is a long list—have always advocated the purity of the family, the basic loyalty of man and woman and the invoking of the love of God for the endowing of life within the child.

Freeing the potential of the child, first through the family and then through necessary and proper education is what Maria Montessori taught, and she evolved her system of education under the training of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

The family in the golden age

In the early golden ages the father held the focus of the Spirit of God, of his authority and Fatherhood over all. The mother as the homemaker held the focus of the Holy Spirit and its descent into Matter, kindling the heavenly energies of the AUM. Eve, the mother of all living, was designed to be the perfect expression of the Motherhood of God. Through the loving union of father-mother flames, the body temples of descending souls were formed, and the Christ flame was nourished in the sons and daughters of God. Marriage is the most sacred union upon earth. It commemorates, firstly, the union of the soul with the I AM Presence. Secondly, it commemorates the union of twin flames.


One of the great joys and purposes of marriage is to bring forth children who can carry on in their mission, even as through them we are allowed to fulfill our mission. It is wise to respect the opportunity God gives us to bear children and to rejoice in the opportunity of giving life to those from whom sometime, somewhere we may have taken life.

Children do not always represent karmic debts that we are paying off, but more often, children are specific souls with whom we have karma. Sometimes parents who have already had children and have balanced the karma they are intended to balance in this life through childbearing, may then be chosen by God to bring forth children with whom they have no negative karma. These may be highly gifted children who may make a great contribution to society by bringing back their past attainment with them.

Every child who is conceived has a divine plan and a divine design. When these children are denied opportunity to come into embodiment through abortion, the divine plan of the soul is aborted. And when, through doctrines of population control, through sterilization or through abortion, parents do not bring forth the children they are destined to in this life, not only is the opportunity to balance that karma denied, but even the spiritual ecology of the planet is affected.

When you are fully prepared to be a parent, the divine mate will be brought to you so that you can bring in the right souls. It is very important to prepare yourself for this high calling and to keep your light and your energy contained within you. It takes a certain forcefield of Christ consciousness within your aura to attract the Christ as a polarity. You cannot attract to yourself what you are not. All the wonderful things you want in a life’s partner, you must have within yourself as a polarity. You want all that is real about yourself to manifest in your life’s partner, and you must consciously invoke those qualities and hold them in your heart.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood, pp. 37–59.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 6, 1977.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 62–63.