Justina é a chama gêmea do Poderoso Vitória. Em 1° de janeiro de 1978, em Pasadena, Califórnia (EUA ), a amada Justina ditou pela primeira vez. Nesse discurso considerado um marco, intitulado “O Perdão de Eva”, ela disse:
Venho agora, porque Deus Todo-Poderoso examinou os vários sistemasde mundos e as evoluções que ali vivem, e declarou que certas evoluções de portadores de luz têm agora uma considerável consciência
de vitória do raio feminino, o que me permite apresentar-me e, com o meu Amado, ser o ponto focal para o Deus Pai-Mãe, na total percepção
da vitória das evoluções nestes sistemas. Seres amados, aquele a quem chamais Poderoso Vitória é, de fato, um ser andrógino, assim como eu, como Alfa e Ômega. Mas, quando estamos juntos, descendo cada vez mais profundamente em dimensões inferiores da consciência, trazemos um poderoso complemento do espectro dessa polaridade cósmica, como uma polaridade de manifestaçãopara as evoluções inferiores. Assim, embora um só seja suficiente, a transmutação de um cosmo sempre requer chamas gêmeas”.
Podemos reivindicar o senso de vitória de Justina, e Saint Germain explica como:
Blessed hearts, the only reason to get out of bed in the morning is for the victory! There is no other reason to get out of bed! Hear me. You must have the victorious spirit. You must claim it from Mighty Victory. You must claim it from Justina and all of the hosts of heaven!
We are sick and tired of the nonvictory consciousness! There is a victory available to you and you and you and every one of you. And you must have it! You must will to have it! You must desire to have it! You must shout your fiat and determine: “I will be God’s will of victory in manifestation today, this hour and every day!”
Get up for the victory! Go to bed for the victory! Work for the victory! Eat for the victory! Be joyous and happy for the victory. But always and always and always give the earth, give yourself, give all whom you meet that victory spin! I say, do it and be glorious about it, be triumphant about it, be magnanimous about it, but be it!
So! So now you know why I have come in the hour of victory. [It is] because I desire the full momentum of Lord Maitreya to be in this Inner Retreat that he might have his day and have his say. And I tell you, there is more fire and determination in the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, in this messenger and in you than there is the spirit of defeat in the fallen ones.
Do you understand? He who has the greater sense of victory will win! And we are going to win![1]
See also
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Justina.”
- ↑ Saint Germain, “For the Victory!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 44, October 18, 1992.