Senhor Maitreya

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Lord Maitreya
Senhor Maitreya

O Senhor Maitreya, ocupa o cargo de Cristo Cósmico e Buda Planetário. Seu nome significa “bondade amorosa”, e ele focaliza a radiação do Cristo Cósmico para as evoluções da Terra. Maitreya é originário de Vênus. Guardião do planeta Terra, ele sucedeu o Senhor Gautama no cargo de Cristo Cósmico, quando Gautama assumiu o cargo de Senhor do Mundo, em cerimônia realizada no Royal Teton, em 1º de janeiro de 1956. No cargo de Cristo Cósmico, o Senhor Maitreya monitora possíveis mudanças terrestres, assim como as idas e vindas dos anjos caídos e o progresso dos Cristos encarnados.

A história do planeta registra inúmeros Budas que serviram as evoluções humanas, por meio dos passos e estágios da senda de bodhisattva. O Senhor Maitreya, o Cristo Cósmico, passou pelas iniciações do Buda e, nesta era, assumiu uma posição de destaque para ensinar todos aqueles que abandonaram o caminho do Grande Guru Sanat Kumara, de cuja linhagem ambos, ele e Gautama, descendem.

O Maitreya histórico

Maitreya é venerado no Tibete, na Mongólia, na China, no Japão e em toda a Ásia, onde os budistas o reverenciam como o “Ser Compassivo” e o Buda vindouro. Além de ser aceito por todos os budistas, Maitreya assume uma variedade enorme de papéis, em diferentes culturas e grupos religiosos. Esses papéis incluem o de guardião e restaurador do dharma; intercessor e protetor; o guru que comunga, inicia e ensina pessoalmente os seus devotos; o messias que vem ao mundo quando este está em conflagração; o mensageiro enviado pela Mãe Divina para resgatar os seus filhos e o de Buda Risonho Zen.

O erudito budista, Evans-Wentz, descreve Maitreya como o “Messias Budista que regenerará o mundo com o poder do amor divino e inaugurará uma Nova Era de Paz Universal e de Fraternidade. Atualmente, ele está no Céu de Tushita, de onde descerá e nascerá entre os homens, para se tornar o Buda vindouro, e revelar, mais uma vez, a Senda que conduz à Grande Libertação, como fizeram Gautama e a longa dinastia dos Budas que o precederam,”.[1]

O “Bonzo do Saco de Cânhamo”

The Hemp-bag Bonze lying on a sheet being held up by four children
O “Bonzo do Saco de Cânhamo” Japão, século dezessete

No budismo chinês, o Senhor Maitreya é retratado, por vezes, como o “Bonzo do Saco de Cânhamo” (um “bonzo” é um monge budista). Nesse papel Maitreya aparece como um Buda Risonho, roliço, alegre e barrigudo. Geralmente ele está sentado, segurando um saco e rodeado de crianças alegres que se penduram nele. Para os chineses, o Buda Risonho representa a prosperidade, a riqueza material e o contentamento espiritual. As crianças simbolizam a bênção de uma família numerosa.

Sobre essa representação de Maitreya, o sábio budista, Kenneth Ch’em, escreve:

Um traço da sua aparência o destacava: ele carregava um saco de cânhamo, onde quer que fosse. Dentro do saco, guardava tudo o que recebia e, por essa razão, o saco tornou-se objeto de muita curiosidade, especialmente das crianças. Elas perseguiam-no, pulavam em cima dele e forçavam-no a abri-lo. Nessas ocasiões, ele colocava o saco no chão, tirava de dentro dele os objetos, um a um, de forma metódica, e de igual maneira colocava-os de volta. As expressões que lhe eram atribuídas eram todas enigmáticas e exprimiam características [zen]. Certa vez, um monge perguntou-lhe sobre o saco. Ele respondeu, colocando-no no chão. Quando indagado sobre o que aquele ato significava, ele ajeitou o saco nas costas e foi-se embora. Em outra ocasião,perguntaram-lhe quantos anos o saco tinha, ao que ele respondeu que era tão antigo quanto o espaço”.[2]

O saco ilustra o mistério e o milagre do espaço sob a tutela do Buda. Sua atemporalidade revela a mestria do Buda nos segmentos da eternidade, e da própria eternidade, por meio da chama da Mãe.

The lineage from Sanat Kumara

Lord Maitreya

Lord Maitreya and Lord Gautama were the first from among mankind to respond to Sanat Kumara’s magnetic pull to face God and to return to that divine estate in which man had first been created and which he was destined to outpicture in the world of form.

The time came when the one who had served the earth as her Planetary Buddha chose to return to his own planetary chain, leaving a vacancy in this office for one from among earth’s guardians to fill. Lord Maitreya applied for the initiations necessary to qualify for this office. Centuries of self-discipline, of training, of devotion and of mastery were required in order for him to attain his present stature. His colleague through all of these classrooms of experience was Lord Gautama, who, by a margin won the buddhic degree first, while Lord Maitreya was accorded the office next in line—that of World Teacher.

As World Teacher, his mission was to design for each two-thousand-year cycle the specific type of spiritual instruction most required for the human race for that period. Whenever there was a readied and willing instrument, he was to act as mediator, polarizing the atoms of the four lower bodies of that lifestream, so that the divine plan of that one’s individualized I AM Source might flow through its instrument, outpicturing in the world of form the works of a Christ.

Lord Maitreya is the teacher of Jesus, who, with Kuthumi, now holds the office of World Teacher. Maitreya demonstrates on behalf of an evolving humanity the cosmic consciousness of the Christ in all areas of human endeavor and its universality throughout cosmos. He is known as the Great Initiator and was, in fact, the initiator of Jesus in his individualization of the Christ flame in his final embodiment as world saviour and exemplar of the way, the truth and the life to all aspirants on the path of personal Christhood.

Maitreya’s Mystery School

Maitreya was himself a chela of Lord Himalaya (manu of the fourth root race) and has his own Focus of Illumination in the Himalayan Mountains. He was the guru of twin flames in the Garden of Eden, which was a mystery school of the Brotherhood. The Mystery School of Eden, located on Lemuria near where San Diego is today, was the first mystery school on planet Earth. And Maitreya, referred to as the Lord God in Genesis, was its first hierarch.

Since the expulsion of man and woman from the Garden of Eden because of the misuse of the sacred fire in the incorrect application of free will, the Great White Brotherhood has maintained mystery schools and retreats that have served as repositories for the knowledge of the sacred fire that is vouchsafed to twin flames when they have demonstrated the discipline necessary to keep the way of the Tree of Life. The Essene Community was a repository for certain of the ancient mysteries as was the school at Crotona conducted by Pythagoras.

Following the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis, the mystery schools that had been established there were relocated in China, India and Tibet as well as in Europe, the Americas and the Pacific fire ring, where they were maintained for thousands of years until, one by one, they were overrun by the hordes of darkness.

Wherever these schools have been destroyed, the ascended masters who sponsored them withdrew their flames and sacred shrines to their retreats on the etheric plane. Here their disciples are trained between embodiments and in their finer bodies (during sleep or samadhi) in order that they might attain that divine Self-knowledge that, until Saint Germain once again advanced it in the twentieth century, had not been available to mankind en masse in the physical plane for centuries. Maitreya has explained that in this time the outer world itself has become the retreat in which each man will take his initiations and, passing these, will gain his eternal freedom, his ascension in the light.

The Mystery School come again

Main article: Maitreya’s Mystery School

The long-awaited “Coming Buddha,” Maitreya has indeed come to reopen his Mystery School to assist Saint Germain and Portia, twin flames of the seventh ray and hierarchs of Aquarius, to usher in the New Age. On May 31, 1984, he dedicated the Heart of the Inner Retreat and the entire Royal Teton Ranch to the path and teaching of the Cosmic Christ in order that those who departed from his tutelage, going the way of Serpents (the fallen angels who led Eve astray), might be restored and the children of the light follow the Son of God in the regeneration.

A clipper ship


Main article: The Focus of Illumination

Main article: Maitreya's retreat over Tientsin, China

As well as the Focus of Illumination, his retreat in the Himalayas, Maitreya maintains an etheric retreat over Tientsin, China, southeast of Peking (Beijing). With Lord Gautama he also teaches students seeking to graduate from earth’s schoolroom at the Eastern and Western Shamballa and at the Royal Teton Retreat.

As the sponsor of twin flames, he is the friend of all initiates of the sacred fire. When called upon, he will give the illumination of the Christ and the strength of the Word to pass the initiations that come under his sponsorship.

His banner is the thoughtform of a mighty clipper ship as it comes in with the tides at eventide to fetch souls of mankind to take them to another shore. His musical keynote is “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life.”

For more information

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Maitreya on Initiation


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Lord Maitreya.”

  1. Evantz-Wentz, W.Y, O Livro Tibetano da Grande Liberação, São Paulo: Editora Pensamento, 1995.
  2. Kenneth, K. S. Ch’en, Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey Princeton, Nova Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1964 p. 405-6.