Бог Природы

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Работая с представителями Святого Духа, иерархами четырех стихий, Вознесенным Владыкой Куско и Могущественным Космосом, Бог Природы притягивает магнитные потоки Земли и направляет их в уравновешивающем действии всей природе и элементальной жизни.

Вот описание этого Владыки: он шести футов росту [примерно 1, 83 метра. Прим. пер.] и высвобождает свое излучение через одеяния розового, золотого и зеленого цветов. Аура, эманирующая из его головы, окрашена интенсивным голубым светом, а лучи света, изливающиеся из всей его формы, напоминают северное сияние.

The God of Nature moves with the magnetic currents of the earth, draws them and releases them at will, amplifies and balances their action as they pass through his body, and his consciousness absorbs them and is absorbed by them.

Prior to his attainment in this field, he was embodied as an alchemist of the sacred fire. At inner levels, he learned how to manipulate cosmic forces, and by the time he ascended, he had such a great momentum in working with nature that he was given this position in hierarchy in order that the cosmic beings who previously occupied it might go on to cosmic service.

The God of Nature works with the God of Gold to precipitate gold from the electronic currents of the sun. The presence of this metal in the earth is essential to the balance of the forces of nature and the physical body of man.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Nature, God of.”