Idioma inglés

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Other languages:
La primera página de la Epístola a los Hebreos, de la edición de 1611 de la Biblia King James. Esta Biblia y las obras de Shakespeare (ambas producidas por Saint Germain en su encarnación como Francis Bacon) fueron fundamentales en el desarrollo del inglés moderno.

El "'idioma inglés'" es descendiente de una lengua alta Atlante, que proviene de lenguas angelicales. Fue elegido por la Hermandad para ser el idioma en el que darían a conocer las enseñanzas del YO SOY al mundo.

Inglaterra es "Angleterre" en francés, "tierra de los ángeles", y las Islas Británicas son un antiguo foco de descendencia de ángeles de luz. El inglés es el idioma en la tierra más cercano a una lengua angélica pura, y es por eso que los maestros ascendidos pueden usar este idioma para transmitir sus enseñanzas: tiene el simbolismo más puro.

El inglés, el hebreo y el sánscrito son idiomas clave. El griego antiguo es clave porque el Nuevo Testamento fue escrito en griego. El Antiguo Testamento fue escrito en hebreo, y el hebreo original está muy cerca de una lengua angelical. El sánscrito también es una lengua angelical. Esos son los lenguajes en los que se esconden las más grandes verdades de los profetas: son una meditación sobre la Palabra. Comprender el sánscrito te da una mayor comprensión de Dios, y eso también es cierto para el idioma inglés.

The universal language

Gautama Buddha has explained that the masters would like to see people of all nations learn English:

Beloved hearts, the people of this nation have an endowment and a protection from the Master. Therefore, we make it known that for the integration of the Word and the entering into the universal age and an international unity of nations and peoples, it is truly a requirement that English be taught in the very lower schools to the littlest children of every nation upon earth. For this your must decree. For, beloved, how can they choose a path and a Master whose language and writings and entire dispensations and initiations are in a language that is foreign to them? Whether for commerce or education or the arts or brotherhood, there are manifold reasons why this, the language so rich in its incorporation of many other languages, should be the common knowledge of every schoolchild throughout the planet.[1]

Sanat Kumara has given further teaching on this subject:

Some of the languages spoken by the people on earth today are so far removed from the original Word of the angelic tongue as to be inadequate for the transmittal of light. For this reason, the Ascended Master Saint Germain chose the English language to deliver the teachings of the Word on the I AM Presence. For the same reason, the dictations of the ascended masters delivered through our messengers over the past fifty years have also been released in the English language.

Inasmuch as there are numerous laggard languages in use today as well as the tongues of fallen angels, whose languages quite understandably are also fallen languages, it is the desire of the Great White Brotherhood to see English become the second language in all nations. For the new tongue of the dynamic decree spoken in unison by hearts of light the world around will surely precipitate a rolling momentum, reversing the tide of darkness and bringing in the long-awaited golden age of peace, freedom, enlightenment, and universal love.[2]

Saint Germain specifically asked his students to learn the English language:

First the decision and the vow, the determination, the commitment. Then angels will take thee in their charge and protect thee. Then comes the definition of the Path and the period of study—study and chelaship—that you might become, therefore, knowledgeable in those Teachings so carefully given, so meticulously pronounced. So much there for you to find. It is inescapable and unquestionable that you must master the English language. I have chosen now a number of embodiments to use this language. It is fruitful and vast. Borrowing from all other languages, it does become an instrument of the universality of the Christ Mind.

Be it so, I, too, am subject to the Lords of Karma. And if they have decreed it, set aside your questioning and your resistance and get on with this mastery and take the Mother’s gracious offer—opportunity in the name of Portia to study and master the [English] language in such a very short time and therefore to be able to delve into the mysteries that are revealed in the Word. Our translations are for you the opening of the door. You must push it wide open and step through and get on then with perfecting yourself as examples of myself throughout Europe.

Blessed hearts, I speak out of profound love. And you must understand how Love does teach his children. Love, as the Mother flame within me, must come after you to let you know that in many areas of learning on this continent there have been highly disciplined ones who have become masters of science, of art, music, and every branch of human endeavor. They have stood out in the centuries. And always they are characterized as the ones who have been self-disciplined for a virtue, for a cause, for a talent, for a vision, for a goal.[3]

See also

Word meanings


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 3 de julio de 1972.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 17 de febrero de 1985.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 23 de enero de 1979.

  1. Gautama Buddha, “The Teaching Is for the Many,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 21, May 25, 1986.
  2. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chapter 30.
  3. Saint Germain, “The Handwriting on the Wall: Read It and Decide Your Destiny,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 4, January 26, 1986.